Impressions of the Cohen Testimony of February 27, 2019

Impressions of the Cohen Testimony of February 27, 2019


Following are impressions of the Cohen hearing, listed not in order of importance:

Impression 1: My overall impression was why were the February Tuesday and Thursday hearings secret? What does congress want to hide from the people?

Impression 2: With some minor exceptions, I felt that Cohen was sincerely telling the truth.

Impression 3: The 5 minute rule for the interrogators was way too short. It seemed that the Q and A seemed to improve toward the end of the 5 minutes and were rushed and cut short resulting in incomplete answers. It seemed that an unrealistic inquiry approach was more important than grilling for the truth which further painted the hearings as a show piece to pacify the public.

Impression 4: The Republican hearing members attacked Cohen and utterly failed to defend Trump which came across as the most pathetic effort to support the Republican Party. The Republican hearing members came across way less capable to work toward serving and saving our Democracy. All the Republican hearing members appeared to be political party boot licking; party first, not the people.

Impression 5: Some Republican Party members in the hearing room and out seem to sincerely support President Trump which puts into question their education, reasoning ability, and intelligence level.

Impression 6: I found the next day newspaper reports shockingly deficient in their analysis. No paper that I examined, on line, raised the Cohen hearing story as being highly important. The Washington Post even took the approach to list all of Cohen’s ambiguities and sounding like they were taking the Republican view of attacking Cohen. It seemed that every paper, that I viewed, utterly failed to see and report the impression that I came away with. You would think that the long building list of negative factors being revealed about Trump, that our county is being led by an alleged self serving crime boss, might be a bit more important than Trump’s unsuccessful meeting with the North Korea leader. The newspaper reporting, today February 28, is not fake news but a bit incompetent.


Posted February 28, 2019
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