USA, 3.5 Trillion Budget Proposal (2021)

USA, 3.5 Trillion Budget Proposal (2021)

UPDATE:  August 24, 2021, House approves the $3.5 billion proposal!  Note that this is only a proposal and not yet a law.  The budget resolution sets a target date of September 15 for committees to submit their reconciliation legislation.


The Democratic Party is in the process of vastly improving the operation, the function, of the United States of America with the 3.5 trillion budget proposal.  The Republican Party fails to support this bill probably because they favor and support the plutocracy class which is fearful that their taxes will rise. 

Following is a proposed list of improvements to the USA operation:

  • Agriculture conservation, drought, and forestry programs to help reduce carbon emissions and prevent wildfires.
  • Rural development and rural co-op clean energy investments.
  • Agricultural climate research and research infrastructure. 
  • Civilian Climate Corps funding.
  • Child nutrition.
  • Debt relief August 9, 2021 2 Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs The Banking Committee receives an instruction of $332 billion. 
  • Creation and preservation of affordable housing by making historic investments in programs like the Housing Trust Fund, HOME, the Capital Magnet Fund, and rural housing.
  • Improve housing affordability and equity by providing down payment assistance, rental assistance, and other homeownership initiatives.
  • Community investment, development and revitalization through initiatives like Community Land Trusts, investments in CDBG, zoning, land use, and transit improvements and creating healthy and sustainable housing.
  • Public Housing Capital Investments and Sustainability Committee on Commerce, Science, and Technology The Commerce Committee receives an instruction of $83 billion. 
  • Investments in technology, transportation, and more.
  • Research, manufacturing, and economic development.
  • Coastal resiliency, healthy oceans investments, including the National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund.
  • National Science Foundation research and technology directorate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources The Energy Committee receives an instruction of $198 billion. 
  • Clean Electricity Payment Program.
  • Consumer rebates to weatherize and electrify homes.
  • Financing for domestic manufacturing of clean energy and auto supply chain technologies.
  • Federal procurement of energy efficient materials. 
  • Climate research.
  • Research infrastructure for DOE National Labs. 
  • Hard Rock mining ? 
  • Department of Interior programs Committee on Environment and Public Works The Environment and Public Works Committee receives an instruction of $67 billion.  
  • Clean Energy Technology Accelerator that would fund low-income solar and other climate-friendly technologies.
  • Environmental justice investments in clean water affordability and access, healthy ports and climate equity.
  • EPA climate and research programs.
  • Federal investments in energy efficient buildings and green materials. 
  • Appalachian Regional Commission and Economic Development Administration economic development and transition programs.
  • Investments in clean vehicles August 9, 2021.
  • Methane polluter fee to reduce carbon emissions Committee on Finance The Finance Committee will receive an instruction that requires at least $1 billion in deficit reduction. This will provide the Committee with flexibility to make investment, revenue and offset decisions consistent with the policy recommendations. Please see Section II of this memo for more information about this instruction. Investments. 
  • Paid Family and Medical Leave.
  • ACA expansion extension and filling the Medicaid Coverage Gap. 
  • Expanding Medicare to include dental, vision, hearing benefits and lowering the eligibility age.
  • Addressing health care provider shortages (Graduate Medical Education).
  • Child Tax Credit/EITC/CDCTC extension.
  • Long-term care for seniors and persons with disabilities (HCBS). 
  • Clean energy, manufacturing, and transportation tax incentives.
  • Pro-worker incentives and worker support.
  • Health equity (maternal, behavioral, and racial justice health investments). 
  • Housing incentives.
  • SALT cap relief.
  • Other investments within the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee Offsets. 
  • Corporate and international tax reform.
  • Tax fairness for high-income individuals. 
  • IRS tax enforcement.
  • Health care savings.
  • Carbon Polluter Import Fee Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions The HELP Committee receives an instruction of $726 billion. 
  • Universal Pre-K for 3 and 4-year olds. 
  • Child care for working families. 
  • Tuition-free community college.
  • Investments in HBCUs, MSIs, HSIs, TCUs, and ANNHIs.
  • Increase the maximum Pell grant award.
  • School infrastructure, student success grants, and educator investments.
  • Investments in primary care, including Community Health Centers, the National Health Service Corps, the Nurse Corps, and Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education.
  • Health equity (maternal, behavioral, and racial equity health investments).
  • Pandemic preparedness.
  • Workforce development and job training August 9, 2021. 
  • Labor enforcement and penalties.
  • Civilian Climate Corps funding.
  • Research infrastructure, including for HBCUs, MSIs, HSIs, TCUs, and ANNHIs Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs The HSGAC Committee receives an instruction of $37 billion.
  • Electrifying the federal vehicle fleet (USPS and Non-USPS).
  • Electrifying and rehabilitating federal buildings.
  • Improving our cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Border management investments. 
  • Federal investments in green materials procurement.
  • Resilience Committee on the Judiciary The Judiciary Committee receives an instruction of $107 billion. 
  • Lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants.
  • Investments in smart and effective border security measures.
  • Community Violence Intervention Initiative Committee on Indian Affairs The Indian Affairs Committee receives an instruction of $20.5 billion. 
  • Native health programs and facilities.
  • Native education programs and facilities. 
  • Native American housing programs.
  • Native energy programs.
  • Native resilience and climate programs. 
  • BIA programs and facilities.
  • Native language programs.
  • Native Civilian Climate Corps Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship The Small Business Committee receives an instruction of $25 billion. 
  • Small business access to credit, investment, and markets Committee on Veterans Affairs The Veterans Affairs Committee receives an instruction of $18 billion.
  • Upgrades to VA facilities August 9, 2021 5 II. BACKGROUND – FINANCE COMMITTEE INSTRUCTION The FY 2022 budget resolution will provide the Finance Committee with an instruction that allows for $1.8 trillion in investments for working families, the elderly and the environment.
  • A historic tax cut for Americans making less than $400,000 a year.
  • Ensuring that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes. 
  • Hundreds of billions in additional savings by lowering the price of prescription drugs. 


NOTE:  In addition, the agreement would prohibit new taxes on families making less than $400,000 per year, and on small businesses and family farms.


In order to give the Senate Finance Committee the flexibility it needs to accomplish these goals, the text of the Budget Resolution will provide the Finance Committee with an instruction to reduce the deficit by a nominal amount of $1 billion over ten years. There is ample precedent over the past fifteen years for using a nominal reconciliation instruction as a mechanism to allow a committee to bring forth legislation with larger budgetary implications than such an instruction suggests. Republicans used a nominal instruction amount to both the Finance and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensi





Posted August 24, 2021
Updated August 24, 2021

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