Windshield Wipers For Hook Arm Type Of Attachment For Automobiles

Windshield Wipers For Hook Arm Type Of Attachment For Automobiles

This review is going to be very short.

Goodyear wipers are simply awful to install.  I had to view a YouTube video to get half the job done which required using a screw driver to force two parts to separate.  I then had a near impossible time sliding on the small plastic part that fits into the hook.  The design of this product is simply awful.  Not Recommended. 

If you are stuck with these Goodyear retarded blades, I recommend you view this YouTube video.  Problem for me is this video is incomplete and only showed half the process.

Michelin wipers are very simple to install.  Strongly Recommended.

There are other wiper blades available.  A review of the best can be found at Best Windshield Blades.

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