Alleged Softening of Negative Reporting by the Wall Street Journal of the Trump Administration.

Alleged Softening of Negative Reporting by the Wall Street Journal of the Trump Administration.

The Los Angeles Times ran a story on their front page Wednesday August 19, 2000 titled “GOP-LED PANEL DETAILS RUSSIA’S 2016 ROLE”  and leads off their story with this first paragraph:

“WASHINGTON – President Trump’s 20016 campaign eagerly capitalized on Russia’s efforts to meddle in the U.S. election four years ago, according to a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee that raises new concerns about connections between his top aids and Moscow.”

The Wall Street Journal put this story in their paper the same day as the LA Times.   They put it back three pages and allegedly wrote the story in such a way that really softened the negative impact toward the Trump administration by somewhat obfuscating the facts to soften the message against Trump.

“Washington – Members of the 2016 Trump campaign represented a major counterintelligence risk to the U.S. due to their frequent contacts with individuals with close ties to the Russian government.”

A new book is coming out Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth  By Brian Stelter.

Enablers are a big problem.


Posted August 23 2020

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