Lack of focus at koi and roses university.

Lack of focus at koi and roses university.

Reported to us is this situation at one state university campus known for its koi and roses. The president of the university has a vision, which appears well thought out and probably does properly serve the customer. Part of the problem is this; the focus is lost. Allegedly there is a large turn over of managers at various levels for a variety of reasons. One reason is the hiring practices are manual meaning that no Internet or e-mail processing is part of the hiring process. Even when Internet and e-mail communications is used in other campuses, the time it takes to hire a person can take months. Truly qualified individuals often times do not wait for the campus process to play out. Another reason is the university allegidly, for whatever reason, does not have a good track record of performing good hires. According to one staff member, allegedly, the management team from VP level on down is sometimes lacking. This allegedly results in the campus not gaining focus and maintaining the direction outlined by the university president. On average, managers last about two years.

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