Syrian Step Solution For The West To Consider To Help The Syrian People

Syrian Step Solution For The West To Consider To Help The Syrian People

Proposal:  NATO or United Nations should perform an invasion of Port of Latakia in Syria  for the following purposes:

The current Syrian administration has tried hard to keep this part of their country secure.  Many of the current political and military administration have homes in this city.  This city has taken over a significant portion of the economy and thus functions to support this.

  • Send a powerful message that the western world is in this conflict, wants the current administration to change.
  • Shuts down a powerful wide open door in an out of Syria that can handle a lot of logistics support for the Syrian administration.
  • Gives the spy agencies another door for their operation.
  • Gives the rebels a terrific logistical support portal.
  • Offers a forward logistical base for any future spy, military and humanitarian action.

I foresee a real problem with the rebels trying to exert their control over this territory after this occupation and could come into conflict with the forces that occupy.  The way this would work is if the rebel forces sanction this action, work with the occupying force  and can expedite a good workable interface

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