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Arab Spring – Opinion

Arab Spring – Opinion

So let me get this right, the whole Arab problem started when a young Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire after he was banned from selling fruit to earn a living (1).   It would seem that in various parts of the Arab world a small but growing segment of the people in each country wish to attain meaningful employment and to achieve a subsistence standard of life.  It stands to reason that many more wish for a better life.  To me that they no longer wish to be slaves to dictators because dictators seek their own self interests.  It has taken a long while for a bottom up revolution and its about time that the Middle East populations overthrow their oppressors.  The scum bag dictators in each Middle East country will do everything in their power to suppress the Arab Spring revolution.

The western nations seemingly tried to help this overthrow in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan only to discover that another set of scum bags were waiting in the wings to take control.  The little guys, like Mohamed Bouaziz’s of the Middle East, had no chance to make any political gains when fecal minded tribal leaders, self serving Islam clerics, medieval minded “royalty” and selfish military entrepreneurs use their innate power position advantages to retain power from the people who ideally and actually own the country.

The former national dictators of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria actually seemed quite capable of keeping the lid on any wild political aspirations.  They seemed adept at controlling tribal, sectarian and military interests in their country.  When the United States unscrewed that lid with the bombing in Libya (2), the invasion of Iraq (3) and Afghanistan (4), new groups of individuals with way less intellect, compassion and legitimacy moved into the vacuum.  A new set of self serving scum sucking dogs took over.  The little guy in each country was a pawn once again but now with the same or more oppression.  In each country, many people died from the lid being opened.  Each individual who was killed was nothing more than a blade of grass for the scum dogs to trample upon.

The Arab Spring at first seemed to be a new bright beginning for the Middle East but one must understand that the humane being is innately less compassionate if they are in power but self serving and out of that selfish to the point of denying anyone else from attaining any gain (5).   It takes intellect, a good education and a philosophy (not religion) that wishes everyone to attain a better life. Lifting the whole boat is a proven economic solution.  Such compassionate individuals that have a three digit IQ are rare.

In some measure, the Middle East ongoing failure, is due to the education system of the Middle East being retarded (6), deficient in that it utterly fails to teach students how to measure  and analyze problems by detecting the separate components and properties of any problem and giving each component an importance values so a better understanding of solutions arising out of realizing which are the more important components first and less important components later can be thought out and proposed (7).  Right now such intellectual explorations are not taking place but instead, factors that may seem to work to keep the ruling class in power and making the elite vast amounts of money takes precedence.





(7) First item





Going To War In Syria – I Detect The US Is Being Played.

Going To War In Syria – I Detect The US Is Being Played.

Hearing that the Syrian leadership has allegedly used chemical weapons to kill parts of its own population seems to be the most stupid development by Syria’s government.   Knowing that this should draw the United States and other countries into the conflict is either a colossal misstep or a calculation that might gain the Assad regime some advantage.  Lets look at the countries that support Syria and see their motivations.

If it is the wishes of Russia, China or Iran to draw the western powers into this conflict makes one think where is the benefit to the countries pulling the strings and how does Assad gain anything.

China wants to expand its role in Asia.  The United States is the principal opponent to those plans.  Pushing the United States into another war would further tax the US military and may so diminish the US power that China might feel embolden to pursue more aggressive expansion.

Russia oligarchy allegedly wants to continue to strip wealth out of their country and would love to have a free hand in doing so with less attention.  With the whole world focused on Syria, the Russian problem will be barely noticed.

Iran’s principal opponent is Israel and the United States is solidly behind that country.  Israel is probably planning to bomb Iran’s nuclear facility some time in the near future but may pull back from those plans if their principal ally is embroiled in another war.

As for Assad, he could easily have made a financial deal to gain wealth from this agreement and political asylum if the outcome turns against him.

Syrian Step Solution For The West To Consider To Help The Syrian People

Syrian Step Solution For The West To Consider To Help The Syrian People

Proposal:  NATO or United Nations should perform an invasion of Port of Latakia in Syria  for the following purposes:

The current Syrian administration has tried hard to keep this part of their country secure.  Many of the current political and military administration have homes in this city.  This city has taken over a significant portion of the economy and thus functions to support this.

  • Send a powerful message that the western world is in this conflict, wants the current administration to change.
  • Shuts down a powerful wide open door in an out of Syria that can handle a lot of logistics support for the Syrian administration.
  • Gives the spy agencies another door for their operation.
  • Gives the rebels a terrific logistical support portal.
  • Offers a forward logistical base for any future spy, military and humanitarian action.

I foresee a real problem with the rebels trying to exert their control over this territory after this occupation and could come into conflict with the forces that occupy.  The way this would work is if the rebel forces sanction this action, work with the occupying force  and can expedite a good workable interface