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Shocking E-Mail

Shocking E-Mail

Today I received a really shocking e-mail.


America’s Worst Right-Wingers: A TNR Readers’ Poll

From the Senate to Fox News to the Trump family, who represents the worst of the worst?

This poll I received in the mail, dramatically reveals to all of us how corrupt, low IQ, selfish, conniving, the worst of the Republican Party can be.  I also see a similarity between this group of GOP individuals that I had an opportunity to vote for in this pole and Afghanistan taliban members.  Both groups have in common the inability to understand reality, work intelligently toward nation building and better serving the people.

I commend The New Republic for putting this poll out for all of us to vote!  I am still shocked at receiving this!

If you look up The New Republic in a Google search you should find this:  “The New Republic is a media organization dedicated to addressing today’s most critical issues.”  They sure have my vote for doing just that.



Posted:  August 26, 2021

Expected Slide For The USA Into An Authoritarian Form Of Government

Expected Slide For The USA Into An Authoritarian Form Of Government

What are the United States of America corruption scores?  We first go to Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption, web site.  This organization has found measurements that are applied to most all countries on Earth and then given each a corruption score after their examination is completed.  They have defined corruption to be the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

The higher score number, the apparent less corruption that that country practices.  Please see their continuum scale shown below.  

Scale shows degree of corruption

Note that each country scores are not perfect because patterns of corruption are almost always hidden from the public.   Note that a score of 100 is perfect and no country has this score.  In 2020 two countries had the best scores.  The two top countries measured are New Zealand with a score of 88 in the year 2020 and Denmark also had the top score of 88 in the year 2020.

In comparison, the United States had a score of 67, in the year 2020, the most recent measurement.  Canada has a score of 77 in 2020, way less corrupt than the United States. 

Each year this organization calculates a single score for each country.  The numbers for each country typically rise or fall depending upon what Transparency International finds each country practices in that measured year.  Sometimes the score does not change.  This organization is looking for any method of corruption practiced by any portion of the county they are examining.  The corruption can be political, banking, legal system, education, social practices, etc.  Corruption, unfortunately comes in many forms and because people trying to use this scheme try to hide it as best as they can.  Thus, the corruption scores are not perfect for a number of reasons.  Some countries, typically authoritarian, try to hide much if not all of their operations.  Transparency International tries best to look deep into each countries operations.

Transparency International puts up a wonderful colored map to show us which countries are doing poorly or very good with staving off corruption.

Corruption Perception Index Map

Looking at the map a rather shocking realization appears.  The lighter colored countries have less corruption and they are mainly located in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia.  So much of the map is dark red colors revealing that much of the countries have a significant corruption problem due to a variety of factors, namely ignorance, selfishness, and religion as well as other factors.  Transparency International puts up individual stories into their web site, for each year, explaining individual significant instances of corruption that they have found.

Looking at the map one can quickly draw some rather quick observations or opinions:

  • Democracies seem to have less corruption.
  • Highly regimen religions like Catholicism, Islam etc seem be prone to more corruption when viewing the map.

Looking beyond the colors on the map you can examine further why there are color differences by reading some research:  Following are some examples for the color differences:

Let us next look at the United States scores for past year corruption figures to see if there is any revealing pattern.

  • (Note: Transparency International changed their score method in 2011 and prior. years.)
  • 2012 = 73 score. Obama: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
  • 2013 = 73 score. Obama: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
  • 2014 = 74 score. Obama: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
  • 2015 = 76 score. Obama: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
  • 2016 = 74 score  Obama: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
  • 2017 = 75 score. Trump: January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021
  • 2018 = 71 score. Trump: January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021
  • 2019 = 69 score. Trump: January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021
  • 2020 = 67 score. Trump: January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021
  • 2021 = Not yet recorded.

Looking at the United States scores shown above, note the lower scores for the GOP president as compared to the Democrat.   Unites States most recent score of 67 is quite a drop from 2017.  Why?    

US$1 trillion in suspicious funds was laundered through US banks, exposing significant gaps in US anti-money laundering rules.

Companies paid a record-setting US$2.9 billion to resolve charges that they bribed foreign officials. 

The United States of America, expected corruption scores for the future years should go to a much lower number because the Republican Party is cheating to win the next elections and the expected result into a dictatorship form of government for the United States.

“The Brennan Center for Justice reports that “between January 1 and May 14, 2021, at least 14 states enacted 22 new laws that restrict access to the vote” and “at least 61 bills with restrictive provisions are moving through 18 state legislatures.” Those bills are designed not to avert nonexistent voter fraud but to avert another election defeat for Republicans — and they are drawing perilously close to that goal.”





Posted: August 19, 2021
Updated: August 20, 21, 2021

Private Equity CEO’s Fail With Social Issues.

Private Equity CEO’s Fail With Social Issues.

I have a membership with a health club where quite a few GOP business people attend.    Many of these people are quite rich.  The men’s locker room is often times loud with anti Obama opinions.  In particular, I watched one individual who was against Obama right after he won the presidency.  I did not think his view as because of prejudice.  The man is very good at investing money but I am soon to realize that he may be stupid about people and social issues.  I am always trying to figure out things to a logical conclusion and I just could not figure out why so many GOP men held such strong opinions against the president.  Just prior to President Obama running for president a second time and about a week or two before the election was held, the Wall Street Journal ran some articles describing how just about all the financial institutions donated vast sums of money to the Romney campaign and virtually nothing to Obama.

August 27, 2012: Wall Street’s Singer Makes His Influence Felt

October 9, 2012: Political Wisdom: Goldman Drops Obama for Romney.

The articles stated (in my words) that Obama failed to genuflect to the financial institution wishes.  The financial institutions wanted even more profits and someone who they could more easily control.  When Obama won the presidency with an impressive margin a second time, I began to realize that the business leaders of all those financial institutions totally failed to understand how this nation was changing, failed to predict the election, failed to understand the social forces that were changing since the past four years.  They wasted vast sums of money and failed to buy access.  One might go so far as claiming that they were below the intelligence level of the very people who voted for Obama.  If this is actually true, then why do we give business leaders so much credit for course corrections on issues outside of their personal knowledge?  Might we require that business people who have political influence in government policy  not go beyond what they directly understand?