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Tag: Republican

Consider Running For A Republican Party Office.

Consider Running For A Republican Party Office.

Please contemplate running for a Republican Party office.  Listed next are some requirements and beliefs that our future Republican Party candidates should ponder and see if you agree with some of these party beliefs and ideals:

You should understand that Fascism is a way better form of government than Democracy.  You should not reveal that this is your intent.  You only need to impose it’s mission.   Democracy is so messy to administer while Fascism is singular in purpose and simple to install and enforce upon the public.  Also, a politician who portrays himself of her self as an authoritarian, often times comes across as being a decisive and powerful person.  The American public generally want strong leadership and will look past the actions you take if they can be seen as working for what is best for the ruling class and the party.    The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism.

As a fascist, you can believe that women should not have the right to an abortion, that women are not rulers of their bodies but men are.  You can outlaw abortions if you are a Republican.   Abortion was a 50/50 issue. Now, it’s Republican quicksand.

As a racist, you can ban books.  The rising Republican movement to defund public libraries.

If you agree that supporting the poor and vulnerable is a waste of money, then you are for being a Republican.

3 myths about the poor that Republicans are using to support slashing US safety net

You believe that no person can or should practice homosexual activities and beliefs.  You believe that every person was born heterosexual.  This is a wonderful way to exercise power because the homosexual community is very small and lacks power to oppose you.   Texas GOP platform embraces far-right and anti-gay rhetoric.

You agree that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by Democrats to thwart the business of mining, gas exploration and extraction.  The businesses of extraction can support Republican politicians financially to a significant level.   Extraction Oil Gas Gave 10 Million To Political Causes.

You believe that the NRA is not to blame in any way for gun violence in the United States and anyone should be able to buy a gun with no age restriction.  The NRA is also a significant political payment supporter.  How Much Influence Does The NRA Have Over Politicians?

You support and believe that the IRS should not be allow to inspect the super rich tax forms with any more care and inspection than a homeless persons.   The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax.

You do not need to have a very high intelligence quotient to be a Republican, in fact, it really helps you get elected by being seen as simple.   Who’s Smarter? Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

When you declare and list your prior history, you are allowed to lie about any and every aspect, every item.  It has been proven from prior history that pandering to the embellishment can really help your total vote numbers even when based on lies.   Study: PolitiFact says Republicans lie more.


But, there are some hidden problems for the fascist Republicans:




Posted:  5-30-2023
Updated:  5-31-2023

Shocking E-Mail

Shocking E-Mail

Today I received a really shocking e-mail.


America’s Worst Right-Wingers: A TNR Readers’ Poll

From the Senate to Fox News to the Trump family, who represents the worst of the worst?

This poll I received in the mail, dramatically reveals to all of us how corrupt, low IQ, selfish, conniving, the worst of the Republican Party can be.  I also see a similarity between this group of GOP individuals that I had an opportunity to vote for in this pole and Afghanistan taliban members.  Both groups have in common the inability to understand reality, work intelligently toward nation building and better serving the people.

I commend The New Republic for putting this poll out for all of us to vote!  I am still shocked at receiving this!

If you look up The New Republic in a Google search you should find this:  “The New Republic is a media organization dedicated to addressing today’s most critical issues.”  They sure have my vote for doing just that.



Posted:  August 26, 2021

Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

It is vitally important that every person get inoculated agains the COVID-19 virus.  To not get inoculated really increases your chance of getting very ill and dying.  This is especially true for people of all ages including children who come into contact with the Delta variant.  Please get inoculated!

Misinformation fueling vaccine hesitancy

There also may be a natural selection factor for the humane race at work for individuals who are reluctant to get inoculated.  This some times is also called “survival of the fittest” which means that some of us are born with bodies and minds that can more easily and successfully fight off infections.  

Another related factor for individuals who fail to get vaccinated for reasons they get their information from allegedly bad sources:

There are some legitimate sources that state that the virus inoculation should not be administered:

A medical director of the vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization program at the Tennessee Department of Health was fired for sharing a memo with others that. “according to Tennessee Supreme Court case law, minors ages 14-17 years are able to receive medical care in Tennessee without parental consent.”       Note that Tennessee is a Republican state.

Another Issue:

There may follow some form of follow up retribution against known groups and individuals who promote not getting vaccinated.  The Republican Party has already lost a lot of followers.  Maybe Fox “News” is next.

If those people who reject being inoculated do so because they can not properly calculate how to react to this covid threat, then it is quite possible that the humane race might improve if their death precedes them making children that pass on this alleged deficient factors.  This is a terrible demeaning proposal but if this possibility shames more people to get inoculated, then the better for them, their families and this nation if this changes their attitude.




Posted July 15, 2021
Updated: July 16, 2021
NOTE:  This is an active story and this blog post will change in the future.