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Tag: GOP

Just Another GOP Failure

Just Another GOP Failure

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified shortly after the Civil War to prevent military officers, federal officers, and state officials who served in the Confederacy from serving in any future public office unless a supermajority of each chamber of Congress voted to allow such service. 

The Constitution’s Disqualification Clause Can Be Enforced Today

Thus, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits public office holders from holding public office, who have taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution and then engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

There is abundant evidence that Mr. Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection, by setting out to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election.  His efforts  trying to alter vote counts by fraud and intimidation, encouraging bogus slates of competing electors, pressuring the vice president to violate the Constitution.

 The Republican Party had an opportunity to clean itself of this alleged fascist ruler by voting to impeach former President Donald Trump.   The Senate Republicans voted 57-43 in the second impeachment trial of President Donald Trump not to impeach him thus sending a new message that a new meaning for GOP may be Gosh Odium Party.




Posted 8-12-2023

Electoral College Failure

Electoral College Failure

“Make America Great Again” is a very clever scheme because it portrays Trump trying to work for the betterment of the United States.  But, as it turns out. It’s real purpose is to make Trump appear great.  And, how do we measure how great or not is the United States?  Has Trump improved the country? If so.  How?  Compared to which prior president?

Trump’s purpose in life is to fulfill and enhance his own selfish work efforts and his own perceived personal value.

Trump is allegedly a self centered narcissist.  Allegedly, he is known to be a lier.

He has already proven to be a criminal facing numerous criminal court cases.

One of the most surprising events that propelled Donald Trump down our future was making him president of the United States, a surprising incredible feat.  This single result has cemented him into our lives way more than if he never became president.

Trump won the 2016 presidential election as the Republican nominee against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton while losing the popular vote. 


  Hillary Clinton vote totals:  65,853,625 votes (48.0%)

  Donald Trump vote totals:  62,985,106 votes (45.9%)

Hillary Clinton WON! 

Except for the the flawed somewhat corrupt Electoral College which made the final decision to give the presidency to Trump.

Electoral College VOTE TOTALS:

  Hillary Clinton vote totals:  232

  Donald Trump vote totals:  306

He won for a number of minor if not flawed reasons:

– He was running against a women. There has never been a woman president in the United States.  Sexist bias may have been a factor.

  African-Americans did not turn out for Hillary as strongly as they did for Obama.

  Clinton made a big mistakes with this group — calling half of Trump supporters “deplorables”.

–  7 Reasons Donald Trump Won The Presidential Election

    • The Electoral College favors battle ground states by giving them more importance. 

Each state gets as many electors as it has members of Congress (House and Senate). Including Washington, D.C.’s three electors.

Each state’s political parties choose their own slate of potential electors.

The Constitution does not require electors to vote for the candidate chosen by their state’s popular vote which should be a crime.

As it stood in this election, the somewhat low IQ battle ground states voted Republican. 

States such as California, overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton.  This method is contrived to be unfair because the person with the most votes should win but does not become president until the Electoral College says so.  Hillary Clinton received the most votes, thus making a mockery out of the US Electoral System.  She won!  Not Trump!  We now have a former president that is an alleged criminal.



Published: 8-8-2023

Evaluation of the Republican Party, 2023

Evaluation of the Republican Party, 2023

Note:   This article is not complete and over time more information may be provided because this subject is huge and changing.

  • Republicans seem to fail to appreciate how much better democracy is than any other form of government.  Quite a few are willing to embrace Fascism. 
  • Conservatives seem to lack having a good education because they have some pretty unhinged political beliefs that point back to them making well unreasoned political decisions.

“Highly-educated people increasingly identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.”

  • If Republicans had a good education, they seem to lack the ability to put it to work by organizing what is important and what does not matter much.  History is full of teaching relationships which seem lost with much of the Republican Party.

“Results confirm that conservatives have lower sensitivity than liberals, performing worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods.”

 “American conservatives are more likely than liberals to hold misperceptions.”

  • Conservatives have difficulty accepting anyone who looks different then themselves when measured by looking in the mirror.  Quite a few Republicans live in white only communities and these conservatives do not feel comfortable around anyone who does not look and talk like themselves.  This is one reason for their bias against immigration and minority aid.

“Research has shown that voters who favor Republicans are more likely to hold racial biases against people of color.”

  • The rich have learned how to not pay taxes thus getting more wealthy.  One reason for this is the tax code is somewhat flawed.  Gains from long-term investments, such as from stock sales, are taxed at a lower rate.  The rich then use their wealth to pay politicians for tax lowering favors.  Democrats were the ones who were most interested in a higher tax burden for the wealthy.
  • For some rather stupid reason Republicans think that there should be a smaller role for the federal government.  A huge county like the United States requires a lot of government administration and support for it’s citizens.   Larger government costs more and the wealthy class of Republicans want to pay as little in taxes as possible.  But they utterly fail to realize that every citizen pays taxes (they pay less) and government is in business of serving the needs of all citizens as equally as possible and differentiating some services according to need. 

“According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.”

  • They think government should function for the betterment of the rich class of people and not spend money for the general population by paying for Medicare and Social Security.

Republicans keep asking that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid be funded less or done away with.  Problem is that the citizens of the United States have already paid into those three insurance plans:

Social Security Disability Insurance is a payroll tax-funded federal insurance program of the United States government.

Medicare Insurance is a government national health insurance program in the United States.  Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration. Which means it’s funded by taxpayers.

Medicaid Insurance is a federal and state program that helps with healthcare costs for some people with limited income and resources. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government.



Posted 1-29-2023

The New Republican Party

The New Republican Party

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Republican Party

Here is the truth as to what is going on with the Republican Party.  And, it does not look very good.

The Republican Party for years was made up with white conservatives.  Over time the United States is less white and less conservative.  The Republicans had two choices to make recently so the party could survive.   One choice is to widen their party ideals to include minorities and become a bit more liberal.  The second choice is to still retain their current values but cheat to retain power.  They decided to cheat.  They are thus transforming their approach at the local and state level to embrace one party rule using white Christian nationalism as their vision for the future for the United States.  This means you are not included in the efforts of the Republican Party if you are not Christian, white, and conservative.  So why would minority voters such as black, hispanics, asians, etc vote Republican?  The answer is, if they are smart, they will not.  


“Christian nationalism has its own version of the “elect,” those chosen by God. They are “people like us,” meaning conservative Christian, but also white, natural-born citizens. Moreover, in a prosperous nation, only “the elect” should control the political process while others must be closely scrutinized, discouraged, or even denied access. This ideology is fundamentally a threat to a pluralistic, democratic society.”



“Republicans have been demeaning African Americans to attract the white working class for decades. Fixed worldview whites perceive African Americans and immigrant groups as threats. But African Americans and immigrant groups don’t view themselves as threats. Republicans are the threat to them.”

“… legislation over the years has advanced the voting opportunities, educational and social rights of African Americans, little has been done to improve their general treatment and perception by the legal system.”


“Overwhelmingly, Latino voters remain angry, frustrated and feel disrespected by Trump and the Republican Party as a whole.”


“Several Asian American members of Congress implored Republicans on Thursday to tone down their rhetoric in the wake of attacks on the Asian American community, with one Democratic lawmaker accusing a Republican of placing a “bull’s-eye” on them with his comments about China.”

“Asian Americans of all ages are likely to be critical of Republicans.”

So then how can the Republican Party overcome a significant drop in people who will vote for their party?  The answer is to change the voting rules so minority voters are discouraged or removed from voting.  The Republican Party is currently changing the local and state voting rules to limit minority voters.  The GOP is thus cheating rather than competing.


  Reference for the items listed below:

  • “In Georgia, lawmakers have made it a crime to provide food and water to voters standing in line at the polls.”
  • “In Texas, people have been arrested and given outrageous sentences for what amount at most to innocent mistakes made during the voting process.”
  • “Due to racial bias in the criminal justice system, felony disenfranchisement laws disproportionately affect Black and Brown people, who often face harsher sentences than white people for the same offenses.”
  • “purging eligible voters from rolls for illegitimate reasons or based on inaccurate data, and often without adequate notice to the voters.”
  • “…too often, states use redistricting as a political tool to manipulate the outcome of elections. That’s called gerrymandering”.
  • “…strict ID laws are part of an ongoing strategy to suppress the vote.”
  • Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have qualifying government-issued photo identification, and these individuals are disproportionately voters of color. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone.”


Another factor that enters this mix is the power of the plutocracy class.  Large business owners do not want to see any of the issues listed below expanded because it might curb their freedom to do as they want.

  • Raise taxes on the wealthy.  It is reported that a lot of very wealthy individuals pay little or no income tax.
  • Raise corporate taxes.
  • Unions are considered a threat to business management because it adds a separate level of accountability to be fair to their workers.
  • Government regulations.

Reference for above item list:


Another tactic that the Republicans are using to increase their position among the electorate is to do everything in their power to make the Democratic president Biden fail.  The Congressional Republicans will not support anything that Biden wants.  Republicans are now the party without any agenda except to achieve power.  They thus fail to work for the electorate but for their own self centered interests and the interests of the plutocracy.  The idea here is to paint President Biden as a looser, a failure in the minds of the voters so the voters pick Republicans in the next election.  Joseph Manchin III and Kyrsten Sinema, both Democrats, just might be part of this plot.



This country needs to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

to save our form of government, a true free DEMOCRACY!






Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.

Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.


Cheating The Election Process

The Republican Party finds itself needing to cheat in an attempt to maintain political, legal, and social power.  Past policies have moved it into a corner which seems difficult for it to move out. Now the party cheats by some, if not all, of the methods listed below:

Because the Democratic Party supports a full and free democracy but the Republican Party does not, the Republican Party has begun cheating the normal democratic election process.   Young voters and minority voters support the Democrat party,  Varying portions of minority voters in many states are having their votes being suppressing through these despicable actions by the Republican Party, shown below:

  • Gerrymandering congressional districts.
  • Removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections.
  • Limit early voting.
  • Limit vote by mail.
  • Reduce the number of ballot drop boxes.
  • Imposed new or stricter rules requiring voters to show identification at the polls.
  • Barred from voting for past felony conviction.
  • Reduce the number of walk in polling stations.
  • Force people to wait in longer lines.
  • Misinformation as to how to vote by using scamming efforts.

How you can fight against these authoritarian, non Democratic actions, by the Republican Party:

  • Take legal action to overturn some GOP suppression initiatives.  And support such efforts.
  • People need to try to vote, in overwhelming numbers.  You need to get out and vote!
  • Voters need to be aware of obstacles, including misinformation and potential harassment at polling stations. 
  • Political organizers need to help communities navigate a complex and threatening landscape.

Reference:   How the GOP Works To Suppress Minority Voting


NOTE:   This is the first in a series of blog posts about the problems that the Republican Party is currently having.  Future posts will soon be added.






Posted December 12, 2021

Republican Business Failure

Republican Business Failure

The Republican Party has changed itself into a very difficult if not impossible political party due to it following a grossly flawed if not stupid philosophy. 

Not all Republicans have the following deficiencies, which I will list below.  Each Republican varies as to the how they accept or reject with the items listed below.

The management team of the GOP has the possible deficiencies:

  • Possessing a high enough IQ to understand future outcomes from their actions.
  • Correctly evaluating how their decisions impact the United States and their party now and in the future.
  • Understand their obligations to all citizens instead of the white minority population.  This factor alone is possibly the single most negative for the GOP and is so stupid which paints all these people as stupid. 

At the root of the GOP failure it their inferior product: 

  • Pander to white supremacy.
  • Diminish minority interests.
  • Expand the interests of white minority.
  • Pander to industrial military complex by unlimited funding and very little oversight for proposed weapon improvements and existing weapons.
  • Neo fascist propensity.
  • Control of the election process in attempts to achieve election victory for their candidates.  These controls are often times unethical if not a crime.  A list of some election controls follows from various states:
    • Geremandering
    • Voter suppression:
      • Removal of US mail in ballots.
      • Removal of US mail drop points.
      • Shortening of voting periods.
      • Require election officials to verify voters’ signatures.
      • Limit the number and location for ballot drop-boxes.
      • Eliminate the state’s permanent mail-voting list.
      •  Require voters to apply for mail ballots before each election.
      • Stop counties from automatically mailing early ballots if they do not use them often enough.
      • Remove voters from the state’s “Early Voting List” if they fail to submit an early ballot at least once every two election cycles.
      • Give partisan election observers more power to raise objections.
      • Required people offering voters assistance to stay at least 150 feet (45 m) away from polling places, an increase from the previous 100-foot (30-m) radius

Summary:  The Republican Party, when it adds voting requirements beyond what is reasonable, is violating the sovereign power that each US citizen possesses.  Each US citizen holds ownership of the United States and as such should possess extreme power and authority in the operation and regulation of the country.  No one must interfere with the individual citizen’s ownership rights to choose who will work for their interests.  This is similar to US citizens owning a company called the United States and as owners they hire the staff of the business to correctly operate it with their supreme oversight.  At no point should the business management fail to perform business operations that work against the owners of the company.


Posted:  September 30, 2021