United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Reflects American Values.

United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Reflects American Values.

December 19, 2018, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruling in the case of Michael Thomas Flynn, shocked most of the United States by not rendering a quick decision to give Flynn no jail time. Why was there such a disconnect between the nation’s expectations and how the judge presided?

Ever since President Trump became the leader of the United States and showed himself to seemingly act like a crime boss, there has been a slow slide downwards of expectations on the part of the American public for this administration to act honorably, responsibly, compassionately, and legally. The alleged crime boss has also taken to undermine some public institutions. The alleged crime boss fails to value research, facts and convention. He seems to show bias against minorities and women instead of representing all Americans equally. These behaviors seem to be motivated for self gain and ignorance. He uses lies, falsehoods, intimidation, and threats to put pressure on anyone who he thinks crosses him.

Here is a viewpoint.

As a result, the public may have taken on a tenor of diminished expectations toward this administration and maybe the outlook for this nation. When we expect so little, might this not also put the same shadow upon the people who work in our national institutions?

Maybe because the whole nation has lowered it’s expectations for proper political and legal action resulting from the dark pale put upon this nation by this woeful lack of proper leadership that we are shocked to experience one legal mind that still maintains the values of the Constitution and all the proper legal values growing from that document. It, thus, happened that the low expectations going into the legal proceedings, December 18, 2018, contrasted sharply with the judge’s ruling. We should commend U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan for standing up for and making legal pronouncements that support proper USA values and more importantly becoming a champion for the rule of law and for setting the past American values into their proper elevated place, and ideals that we all should be supporting.

Another interesting happening in the hearing is that the judge made the suggestion that Michael Flynn may have been a traitor. I think this may have been a decided calculation on the judges part. He may have been warning the alleged crime boss followers, family and friends that they too are treading close to being traitors or may have already done so.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, just might have decided to be a preacher, an advocate, for the US legal system and the political system to maintain its core values.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan is my hero figure for December 2018 and maybe for the year of 2018.

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