A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series Donald Trump

From my day to day hearing and viewing news coverage for the upcoming election I was annoyed a bit hearing some people making their decisions, to vote for Trump, based on just a few factors.  I am pretty sure that Donald Trump has a LOT of negative factors as to why you should not vote for him.  I decided to find a prior list and add the elements to  construct a SIMPLE list of reasons.  My intent is to show a LOT of reasons so as to push the reader to act against Trump.

I was looking for lists of reasons why Donald Trump would not be good for this country and started with this magazine article by the Washington Post.  It’s focus seems to be broad meaning how Trump would impact this whole country.  I hope to offer soon another list of reasons why Donald Trump will hurt the individual.:

What Will Happen to America if Trump Wins Again? Experts Helped Us Game It Out.

(Source:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2022/10/10/country-after-second-trump-term/)


I sincerely apologize to the author of the article for extrapolating parts of the post.  I really hope this does NOT diminish the writer’s efforts!


 He will “purge the FBI.  then set about trying to politicize the FBI.”

“strip as many as tens of thousands of federal employees of their civil service protections.”

“…would restore a patronage system that hasn’t existed in the United States since reforms were enacted in the late 19th century.”

He “… would mark the death knell of expertise in the U.S. government.”

“Execute drug dealers.

“Move homeless people to tent cities.”

“Eliminate the Education Department.”

“Restrict voting to one day using paper ballots.”

“profound shifts in military and foreign policy.”

“In a second term, cautionary voices will be fewer”

“remove the safeguards … sometimes mockingly called the ‘adults in the room.’ 

“expect to see armored troop carriers, soldiers with flashing bayonets and enormous missile launchers stream down Pennsylvania Avenue on Veterans Day as Trump finally gets a military parade.”

“… could restore Confederate symbols to military bases”

“reinstitute an effective ban on transgender people serving, and dismantle ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts that his Senate allies already lampoon as “woke.”

“As for the use of military power abroad, Trump mostly favored withdrawals during his term”

“There’s a higher likelihood that the president would take risky action, but they would be risky actions of retreat, or abandonment of allies … “

“he might just stop the flow of arms, ammunition and material to Kyiv.”

“Trump’s election, means the end of the Western alliance.”

 “a ruinous blow to the country’s stature in the eyes of friends and foes.”

“… no longer being willing to respect norms and institutions that are essential to good governance.”

“key allies may be loath to share top secrets.”

“If Trump is in power again, after four years, many … people won’t ever trust us again.”

“Trump’s reelection would be another sign the country is “spiraling down” into a “post-truth” era.”

“Trump has been able to add to the narrative that if democracy doesn’t deliver what I want, then it must be a flaw in the democracy,”

“a decade-long decline in political and civil rights in the United States that accelerated during Trump’s term, putting us on par with Romania and Panama.”

“America is already gripped by an unprecedented level of what political scientists call “pernicious polarization” — stoked and exploited by Trump — and a second Trump term could make it dangerously worse”

“The most immediate concern of Trump returning to the presidency is it would provide the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time.”

“harsh measures to counter illegal immigration.”

“Dehumanizing rhetoric and conspiracy theories about White people losing their status will lead to more mass shootings targeting immigrants.”

“serious damage to the democracy may be inevitable either way if Trump is on the ballot.”

“ you’re going to see populations sorting themselves out according to where people feel safe and at home, which will mean red states becoming more red and blue states becoming more blue.”

“Upholding Democracy in the Age of the Big Lie.”

““What if the ties that bind us have become so weak that even that can’t result in the enforcement of federal court rulings?”

“If someone like Trump … comes into office with a clear contempt for the rule of law, which I think time and again he has demonstrated, at what point does the rule of law evaporate?”

“The chances of civil war increase.”

“ A narrow or dubious Trump victory would inspire massive, potentially violent protests on the left.”

““Folks on the right think that chaos is a button that they push.”

“The spiral of violence, response and counter-response would create the kind of disorder that Trump — no longer constrained by his secretary of defense and attorney general — could use to justify invoking the Insurrection Act. Then federal troops would flood the streets of American cities.”

“ … his reelection could wreck democracy.”

Further Reading:

Is a blueprint for the demise of the United States.  Donald Trump allegedly endorses this plan.

Posted 9-9-2024  Posted by Score Card.

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