A Rather Long List Of Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

A Rather Long List Of Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

This entry is part 11 of 17 in the series Donald Trump

The following list of reasons to not vote for Trump was pulled out of a single website article, listed next.

The full list of 100 reasons to vote NO on Trump

When I came across this website article, and I reasoned that I could not do any better.  So I picked out only some items that I felt had good reasons, valid and punch.

Please help protect the United States to remain a Democracy!   Vote Democratic.
Following is a long list of alleged reasons why Trump is unfit to be president:

  • A major league narcissist, probably a sociopath …”
  • Some “seeing him as a megalomaniac.”
  • “Some see him as delusional,…”
  • “ His position on health care reform is so vapid that it amounts to gibberish.”
  • “He is the definition of inconsistency.”
  • “ A loose cannon, who throws out outrageous positions.”
  • “Specializing in personal attacks, he insults and demeans.”
  • Trump “has a language deficit and a limited vocabulary. Some experts put his language at 6th grade level.  He specializes in incomplete sentences.”
  • “His combination of tax cuts and spending proposals would sharply increase the federal debt.”
  • “ His focus is always on doing whatever it takes to win, not on doing the right thing.”
  • “ He has disrespected multiple women in a coarse manner.”
  • “With disapproval ratings of nearly 70% of the overall electorate, he will a hard time being elected president.”
  • “He blurted in a debate that he would condone torture of terrorist suspects and the killing of their family members, both violations of international law.”
  • “Trump has trouble with math.”
  • “Trump called the North Atlanta Treaty Organization (NATO) “obsolete”.
  • “Trump uses mockery as a standard form of insult.”
  • “When he makes a big goof, he doesn’t correct it.”
  • “Some of his statements are so absurd…”
  • “ He wants to be unpredictable…”
  • “He is self-destructive.”
  • “His facts are so off as to be absurd.”
  • “He confuses reality and image…”
  • “Trump cheats at golf, big time.”
  • “His flip-flps on issues keeps growing in number.”
  • “Whether he fully intends it or not, his campaign brings out the dark side of the American electorate,…”
  • “He is sketchy on conservation and the environment.”
  • “He fear mongers on alleged American weaknesses and vulnerabilities and uses McCarthyism tactics to smear his opponents.”
  •  “Trump’s “attention span was so limited that it is impossible to discuss problems with him in any detail.”
  • “Trump is uncoachable.”
  • “Trump’s attention span is so short that it left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”
  • ““I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility that it will lead to the end of civilization.”
  • “None of the 45 economists who have advised the past eight presidents, Republican and Democrat, support Trump.” “… things could be worse. And I fear they would be under Mr. Trump.”
  • “Grossly under-prepared for the critical debate, he broke all the rules, interrupting and overriding his opponent and moderator repeatedly. His disorderly mind caused him to miss the point of questions. In short, he covers up for an undisciplined mind with bluster, repetition and theatrics.”
  • “He is oblivious to the truth”

(Keep your No-Trump reasons coming to me at this website or to [email protected].)

The full list of 100 reasons to vote NO on Trump


Posted 7/7/2024.   Posted by Score Card

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