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Republicans Are Expected To Cheat In The 2024 Presidential Election – Why?

Republicans Are Expected To Cheat In The 2024 Presidential Election – Why?

Fact Elements:


Posted 8-27-2024
Posted by Score Card


What Do Americans Want? – Strengthen The Economy – Which Political Party Delivers?

What Do Americans Want? – Strengthen The Economy – Which Political Party Delivers?

Americans’ top policy priority this year? Strengthening the economy.

“No single issue stands out after the economy.”

Nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) rate strengthening the economy as a top priority.

Pew Research Center


Next question:

Which political party has performed the best in delivering this priority?

“…an analysis of economic performance since World War II under Democratic versus Republican presidents strongly suggests that claims that Republicans are better at managing the economy are simply not true.”

“… since World War II, the economy has performed substantially better under Democratic presidents.”

Source:  Joint Economic Committee-fact-sheet—The-Economy-Under-Democratic-vs.-Republican-Presidents-June-2016.pdf



Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!



POSTED: 8/20/2024

Search For President Biden’s Score Card

Search For President Biden’s Score Card

Right after I wrote and posted Donald Trump Score Card I wanted to post a score card for President Biden.  My immediate research was a bit shocking because the web sites that I visited seemed to diminish the importance of Biden.  How could this be?   I got to think that because Biden was president for a longer time than Trump and done way more than Trump that there might be more instances of failed effort.  I had no solution until I went to my local Barnes & Noble Book Store and just by luck spotted a magazine that I had never seen before, Washington Monthly (Special Spring Books Issue) April/May 2024.  This magazine title showed “Who Got More Done? The Monthly’s presidential accomplishment index”.   That title sold me instantly!  I purchased the magazine without opening it up and when I got home I immediately used my computer to look up the reputation of Washington Monthly.  I was impressed.

I then open the magazine and turn to the page “Introduction:  Who Got The More Done?,  page 8.  and was immediately pleased to see a graphic showing how Biden ranked against Trump.


BIDEN. +14


I am really impressed with this magazine publication.


POSTED: 5/20/2024
Posted by Score Card.