Copy Great Courses into iTunes.
Step 1: Open iTunes application on your Mac computer.
Step 2: Insert a Great Courses CD into computer.
Step 3: A splash screen will appear after the computer senses the CD has been inserted. This might take a few seconds. On the splash screen shown below, select “Yes”. You DO want to copy the disk into your computer.
Once your computer begins to read the CD, iTunes will give you a progress report at the top of its display.
As each track has been read properly, the iTunes screen will give a green check mark.
When the disk has competed its reading process, a little ding might be heard from your computer speakers.
We are now going to make play lists for each lecture in iTunes.
At the bottom left corner of the iTunes window you should see four buttons.
Mouse click the + button. When you do this a new playlist is created and it will allow you to type in a name. The default name is “untitled playlist”. Make sure you enter a good name. I recommend you enter the lecture series and lecture number.
Next we are going to populate the correct lecture into this playlist. Go to the playlist called “Recently Added” and select it so the tracks you just ripped from the CD show up.
Highlight all the tracks that go with the single play list you are building now. Use your shift key to select a range of tracks.
Use your mouse and click on the highlighted GROUP of tracks and DRAG them over to the correct play list.