Recommended Links

Recommended Links

NOTE:  I realize that I do get a number of web site visitors from outside the Untied States.  I do apologize, to those individuals,  that my focus is toward people living in the United States.  Many of the listings shown below are recommended for US citizens because I live in that country.  I am very open to including web sites that originate in other countries that have achieved a high quality ranking.   They must work for the betterment of their people and the world with less regard for the establishment and oligarchy.

  • Politics

Job Quality Index  The U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI) assesses job quality in the United States by measuring desirable higher-wage/higher-hour jobs versus lower-wage/lower-hour jobs.  Some politicians like to claim that the United States joblessness rate is low.  What they fail to tell you is the jobs come with very low pay.  The top 1% of Americans own almost as much wealth as the middle class.

Background Briefing with Ian Masters is a very enjoyable political education podcast.  Ian Masters is the moderator and he does seem to have a progressive propensity.  He interviews a fantastic array of knowledgeable people who bring solid background information to the listener.  This one program is way more informative than any other news organization and covers more deeply current events.  I actually get most of my news from this one source.

Public Citizen is a non-profit liberal, progressive, consumer rights advocacy group founded by Ralph Nader but he has since separated.  This group is one of the few organizations that reveals the plutocracy’s hold on our government.  They take particular aim at the Koch brothers who apparently act to diminish this democracy and your vote power. Democracy Now
One of the most important radio shows that lives up to the ideal of the 4th Estate.

Parag Khanna offers you progressive, intelligent, forward-looking viewpoints for politics that should lead all of us to more completely realize almost all the thoughts and arguments so we may better achieve more accurate understandings of world  political forces, and issues. WikiLeaks Provides us with copies of secret or sensitive documents, we are not normally allowed to read.   This is the type of web site that drives the controlling and powerful leaders utterly mad.   This web sites role is promoting political, economic and social transparency and resulting accountability.   The only true role of political and business leaders is to be servants of the people.   We cannot allow leaders to go behind the peoples backs and fashion policy in secret.  To do the people’s work, must require transparency.  This is because the transfer of power from society to leaders must only by used to better serve the people.   Secrecy removes a check against abuse of power.

Vote Smart or Votesmart provides unbiased evaluations of United States politicians.  Mission Statement: Vote Smart’s mission is to give free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to all Americans.

Republican and Trump Lies

  • News

Media Reform Information Center

Offers list of links that seem to target reforming the current near monolithic information businesses.

The Intercept

“… is dedicated to producing fearless, adversarial journalism.”


  • Defending Our Freedoms

Free Press  They work for an open and free Internet.  They work toward keeping our media from being corrupt.    Defending journalist from being influenced, intimidated and punished is another one of their goals.

Electronic Frontier Foundation  is similar to Free Press in that it defends  civil liberties in the digital world realm.

  • Addiction

There are many different types of therapies available for drug and alcohol addiction. These include behavioral therapies, family therapy, art therapy, and medication-assisted therapy, among others.  To learn a lot more about your options please visit Addiction Therapy Options web site.

  • Teen Suicide Teen Suicide Prevention
If you have a child in the family please put this website on your to do list or view it now. Any parent has a lot of concerns for each child they have but this concern is statistically important. Teen suicide is surprisingly more prevalent than most people realize. At the very least, please read the warning signs. The Amber Craig Memorial Foundation. With Hope Foundation. This is a web site that originated out of a family loosing their child.  It can happen to any family; it can happen to your child, and many parents are NOT now savvy enough to be on top of this.

  • Driving While impaired

Every 15 Minutes “Every 15 Minutes, is an event designed to dramatically instill teenagers with the potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol.”

  • Food and Eating

splendidtable.publicradio.orgThe Splendid Table
A wonderful show devoted to good food.

  • Physical Fitness
The owner of this website, Hans Hoeller, is an acquaintance of mine so I admit to putting his website forward for this reason.  He seems to be a very fine fellow with a passion for physical fitness.  I took one of his free classes,  and found it to be intense!  I do caution you that his routines can be pretty tough.  He really knows what he is doing.  I just love muscle pain resulting from working out new muscle groups.  Hans has been able to find muscles that lay dormant for years.  Hans now works at the Fitness 19, Brea, California.

  • Ham Radio Typical Ham Radio web site for California
Western Amateur Radio Association The Western Intertie Network System. This is probably the most incredible repeater linking system that I am aware of. The connections are spotted all over the globe. It is free ($10 donation each month is appreciated). And, the people are really nice to talk to.

  • Radio Shows

On The Media is an National Public Radio show that covers all types of media. I found their show, December 31, 2010, about computer gaming most interesting.

  • Coupon Savings is another on line coupon savings website.

Groupon is a clever method of getting coupons for saving you money.   Some of these coupons include restaurants.  (Confession: I get a $10 Groupon Bucks for every person who signs up from this website).  Make sure this offer covers your place.  (Confession:  I get $10 in dealPerk Dollars if you are so inclined to sign up and buy product)  I have been told that this site targets ONLY Orange County, California.  And, it might seem to show preference to south Orange County.



Last update: February 24, 2020

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