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Series: Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party.

Supreme Court Made A Ruling That Is Dangerous To Our Democracy.

Supreme Court Made A Ruling That Is Dangerous To Our Democracy.

Trump v. United States

“The Supreme Court’s opinion in Trump v. United States is a dangerous attack on the rule of law.”

The court’s ruling gives wide room for presidents to commit abuses previously checked by assumed restraints, particularly under federal criminal law. These abuses include:

It is the opinion of this blog that this rule of law could easily be used by a dictator to ruin the United States form of government, a democracy, and turn it into a dictatorship, even fascist state.   No one should be immune from prosecution for any reason!  This ruling appears to possibly be a future Republican Party tool.


Recommended Reading:

Posted:  8-28-2024
Posted by: Score Card



It is quit normal to want things your way.  It is a bit more sophisticated to listen to other people’s ideas and wishes and take them into consideration to measure both your ideas with other people’s.

Fascists are typically politicians and individuals who are self centered and want to promote their own selfish gains to achieve rewards at the expense of the broader society.

Fascism seems to be a bit more exciting than the workings of Democracy, thus the attraction for some people.

Fascism appeals to the immature which goes along with low intelligence.

Some people are only concerned with themselves and have little regard for others.  Fascism fits this pretty well.

Some individuals think that having a dictatorship would be more entertaining than the slow quiet plodding of having a Democracy!

Fascism is self centered ideals that negate serving the broad inclusive society.

At the core may be a poor or flawed education.

Very poor history appreciation leading to poor understanding of why fascism is bad for society.

People in the USA read at 6 grade level which flaws one’s education.

According to The Literacy Project, the average American reads at a 7th–8th grade level, which is equivalent to 12–14 years old. However, most content is written at a 10th grade level or higher.

Individuals support white supremacy for self centered ego needs and fail to understand that we are all equal.

Some information organs seem to support fascism.

Christian right beliefs may contribute to beliefs in fascism.

(Book: American Fascists,Chris Hedges, veteran journalist and author of the National Book Award finalist War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, challenges the Christian Right’s religious legitimacy and argues that at its core it is a mass movement fueled by unbridled nationalism and a hatred for the open society.)



Posted: March 18, 2024

Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.

Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.


Cheating The Election Process

The Republican Party finds itself needing to cheat in an attempt to maintain political, legal, and social power.  Past policies have moved it into a corner which seems difficult for it to move out. Now the party cheats by some, if not all, of the methods listed below:

Because the Democratic Party supports a full and free democracy but the Republican Party does not, the Republican Party has begun cheating the normal democratic election process.   Young voters and minority voters support the Democrat party,  Varying portions of minority voters in many states are having their votes being suppressing through these despicable actions by the Republican Party, shown below:

  • Gerrymandering congressional districts.
  • Removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections.
  • Limit early voting.
  • Limit vote by mail.
  • Reduce the number of ballot drop boxes.
  • Imposed new or stricter rules requiring voters to show identification at the polls.
  • Barred from voting for past felony conviction.
  • Reduce the number of walk in polling stations.
  • Force people to wait in longer lines.
  • Misinformation as to how to vote by using scamming efforts.

How you can fight against these authoritarian, non Democratic actions, by the Republican Party:

  • Take legal action to overturn some GOP suppression initiatives.  And support such efforts.
  • People need to try to vote, in overwhelming numbers.  You need to get out and vote!
  • Voters need to be aware of obstacles, including misinformation and potential harassment at polling stations. 
  • Political organizers need to help communities navigate a complex and threatening landscape.

Reference:   How the GOP Works To Suppress Minority Voting


NOTE:   This is the first in a series of blog posts about the problems that the Republican Party is currently having.  Future posts will soon be added.






Posted December 12, 2021

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