Contact Us

Contact Us

To contact Score Card directly, only one method is provided.  Below, in bold text, is my e-mail address.  When you write the address, just replace the (at) with the @ sign and the (dot) with a period.  The reason this is done this way is there are way too many automated web crawlers that just love to detect the typical e-mail address in web sites to start sending time wasting messages.

MY E-Mail ADDRESS IS:      [email protected]       (This address was changed 8/17/2024)


You are welcome to post a comment about any story you see in this website.

Note, when I get any web site comments, I do check the sender and any related web site that the sender is affiliated with.   If the sender is trying to get me to promote their web site and I do not agree with their mission, I delete.

Story Ideas:

If you have any ideas for a story idea, you are welcome to tell me.  If your story should offer supporting arguments, please include details.

If you have a post but do not have a web site and you think your post fits into this web site mission, you are welcome to send it.  You MUST tell me if you want your name to show as the author or not.

I also need a good working e-mail address for you so we can communicate if there are any story issues.  We reserve the right to edit your story and we will try to pass by you any edits we think should be made.


Revised August 17, 2024

6 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Being scammed (a common complaint) by onlinehomecheckscomsyracuse*UT that your blog warned about, after I received a debit card charge for 23.95, unauthorized, when I checked my former address to see if the flipper had sold it. Don’t know where they got the info & I’m afraid to call the number they post for fear of worsening the problem

  2. I love your blog. I sent your web address to a friend. You have WAY more info. and subject matter than we need. Keep up the great work!!

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