Donald Trump Evaluation
Donald Trump is allegedly all of the following:
- Lacks intelligence.
- Con artist
- Fraud
- Ignorant
- Lies constantly.
- Racist
- Trump is an autocrat.
- Trump is a traitor.
- List of criminal charges against Donald Trump.
- Donald Trump killed 400,000 (or more) Americans.
- Trump is self centered, only concerned about himself. (book: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump …)
- Trump may be in a psychotic spiral. (Bandy X Lee MD). (book: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump …)
- Trump exhibits arrested development. (Bandy X Lee MD) (book: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump …)
Trump’s political plans:
- Trump supports the plutocracy.
- Plutocrats are normally autocratic. They are concerned about themselves.
- Trump is still running for the presidency so he can stay out of jail.
The problem is many Americans fail to analyze properly, to calculate the positive and negative issues to vote with intelligence.
The Financial Times did an article “What makes Donald Trump irresistible”.
They call it “the Trump factor”.
Following is a list of factors;
- Grit
- Spectacle
- Nostalgia
- Faith
- Economics
Note how the Financial Times, above, list contrasts shockingly with his significant list of negatives at the beginning of this article.
The Financial Times article seems to reveal the utter lack of many Americans to properly evaluate the many factors associated with the large number of personal detriments vs attributes of Donald Trump.
Properly Done: One would hope that each American citizen would take note of all positive and negative aspects of Donald Trump and place a value on each and then come up with a plus or negative TOTAL result. Instead, the Financial Times article seems to reveal incredibly simple minded, flawed, approach by many Americans. This apparent lack of conducting a good analysis by many Americans may lead to the ruin of the United States!