Some Reasons Follow, Why Trump Was A Lousy Choice For Being President
I was in shock that Donald Trump was chosen to be our next president! As a blogger, I needed to research how this happened, when such a vast list of reasons already exited that should disqualify him. The list of reasons that Trump should never again make it to be president are beyond significant!
The main reason seems to be that the general voting public are flawed in some ways. let’s. list some as reported:
You really think Donald Trump was a good president? Look at his record.
- “Trump left the biggest deficit in U.S. history”.
- “Trump undermined democratic institutions and the rule of law like no other American president in recent memory”.
- “Trump weakened America’s standing in the world by picking fights with the closest U.S. allies while at the same time embracing dictators such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.”
- “Trump appointed three conservative Supreme Court judges who played a crucial role in overturning Roe v. Wade, a ruling that had made abortions legal in the country for nearly 50 years. As a result, some states banned abortions, and some women reportedly died because they could not get proper medical care to end their pregnancies.”
- “On crime, hate crimes increased by 28% during Trump’s term and hate-motivated murders, mainly committed by white supremacists, reached their highest number in 28 years, according to FBI statistics.”
- “On immigration, Trump never completed the border fence nor got Mexico to pay for it, as he had promised in his 2016 campaign.”
It would appear that the majority of the American voting public are not getting truthful, relevant, significant and enough accurate information to formulate a good choices for voting.
Posted: 11-21-2024
Updated: 11-22-2024
Posted by: Score Card