How To Get Rid Of Political E-Mail In Apple Mail

How To Get Rid Of Political E-Mail In Apple Mail

Some time ago I made the mistake of donating some money to a political candidate.  That was a mistake.  My e-mail address was provided to a really large group of other candidates so my mail box quickly began to get filled with all sorts of political e-mail.  They all were asking for money.   I recommend you send donations by snail mail and NOT use any of our e-mail addresses in any way.

Here is my solution.

1:  If you feel like donating to any politician using e-mail, use one of your seldom used return e-mail address in ALL correspondence.  This solution only helps a little.  If you need a quick e-mail address, I recommend getting one from Google, which is a real simple process.

2:  You will be getting a lot of political e-mail so here is how to get rid of it using Macintosh Mail:

Open any one of your political e-mails that you received and look carefully at the top of the e-mail where the header information is.   There are typically four lines at the top left corner:


Line #1 is in bold letters and shows you who sent you the message.

Line #2  shows a short sentence about what the message contains or is about.
Line #3 is TO: (your name appears here.)
Line #4 Reply-To: shows the e-mail address for the sender.

It is a rather simple process.  Just use your mouse and right click on line 1 or 4 and a drop down menu appears. Select “Block Contact” and no more messages should be seen any more from this address.  But, all this does is you no longer will see any of their e-mail in your message box.  

You have another option and that is to find all the past and current e-mails from this sender and DELETE them all.  To do this, again right mouse click on line 1 or 4 and now choose the menu option to Search for: “(line 1 contents “.    Once you have chosen this option your Mail computer screen should show all the messages it found from this sender.  Take your mouse and left mouse click on the top message and then carefully scroll down to the bottom of all those messages and now press SHIFT key, keep that key down and right click on the bottom message.  When you have done this, all those messages should turn blue color telling you that you have now selected all of them.  Do a simple right mouse click on any one of those blue messages and another rather large menu will show.  You have a lot of options to choose from.  I choose to Delete but you can also do other actions.

Next, tell your computer what to do with deleted e-mail.  Go to Preferences > Junk Mail.  I chose to move all the junk mail to the Trash.



I hope this helps.


Posted September 28, 2020
Updated September 29, 2020



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