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Tag: Joseph Manchin III

The New Republican Party

The New Republican Party

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Republican Party

Here is the truth as to what is going on with the Republican Party.  And, it does not look very good.

The Republican Party for years was made up with white conservatives.  Over time the United States is less white and less conservative.  The Republicans had two choices to make recently so the party could survive.   One choice is to widen their party ideals to include minorities and become a bit more liberal.  The second choice is to still retain their current values but cheat to retain power.  They decided to cheat.  They are thus transforming their approach at the local and state level to embrace one party rule using white Christian nationalism as their vision for the future for the United States.  This means you are not included in the efforts of the Republican Party if you are not Christian, white, and conservative.  So why would minority voters such as black, hispanics, asians, etc vote Republican?  The answer is, if they are smart, they will not.  


“Christian nationalism has its own version of the “elect,” those chosen by God. They are “people like us,” meaning conservative Christian, but also white, natural-born citizens. Moreover, in a prosperous nation, only “the elect” should control the political process while others must be closely scrutinized, discouraged, or even denied access. This ideology is fundamentally a threat to a pluralistic, democratic society.”



“Republicans have been demeaning African Americans to attract the white working class for decades. Fixed worldview whites perceive African Americans and immigrant groups as threats. But African Americans and immigrant groups don’t view themselves as threats. Republicans are the threat to them.”

“… legislation over the years has advanced the voting opportunities, educational and social rights of African Americans, little has been done to improve their general treatment and perception by the legal system.”


“Overwhelmingly, Latino voters remain angry, frustrated and feel disrespected by Trump and the Republican Party as a whole.”


“Several Asian American members of Congress implored Republicans on Thursday to tone down their rhetoric in the wake of attacks on the Asian American community, with one Democratic lawmaker accusing a Republican of placing a “bull’s-eye” on them with his comments about China.”

“Asian Americans of all ages are likely to be critical of Republicans.”

So then how can the Republican Party overcome a significant drop in people who will vote for their party?  The answer is to change the voting rules so minority voters are discouraged or removed from voting.  The Republican Party is currently changing the local and state voting rules to limit minority voters.  The GOP is thus cheating rather than competing.


  Reference for the items listed below:

  • “In Georgia, lawmakers have made it a crime to provide food and water to voters standing in line at the polls.”
  • “In Texas, people have been arrested and given outrageous sentences for what amount at most to innocent mistakes made during the voting process.”
  • “Due to racial bias in the criminal justice system, felony disenfranchisement laws disproportionately affect Black and Brown people, who often face harsher sentences than white people for the same offenses.”
  • “purging eligible voters from rolls for illegitimate reasons or based on inaccurate data, and often without adequate notice to the voters.”
  • “…too often, states use redistricting as a political tool to manipulate the outcome of elections. That’s called gerrymandering”.
  • “…strict ID laws are part of an ongoing strategy to suppress the vote.”
  • Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have qualifying government-issued photo identification, and these individuals are disproportionately voters of color. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone.”


Another factor that enters this mix is the power of the plutocracy class.  Large business owners do not want to see any of the issues listed below expanded because it might curb their freedom to do as they want.

  • Raise taxes on the wealthy.  It is reported that a lot of very wealthy individuals pay little or no income tax.
  • Raise corporate taxes.
  • Unions are considered a threat to business management because it adds a separate level of accountability to be fair to their workers.
  • Government regulations.

Reference for above item list:


Another tactic that the Republicans are using to increase their position among the electorate is to do everything in their power to make the Democratic president Biden fail.  The Congressional Republicans will not support anything that Biden wants.  Republicans are now the party without any agenda except to achieve power.  They thus fail to work for the electorate but for their own self centered interests and the interests of the plutocracy.  The idea here is to paint President Biden as a looser, a failure in the minds of the voters so the voters pick Republicans in the next election.  Joseph Manchin III and Kyrsten Sinema, both Democrats, just might be part of this plot.



This country needs to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

to save our form of government, a true free DEMOCRACY!






Forces Of Alleged Greed Working Against The USA.

Forces Of Alleged Greed Working Against The USA.

If we were to measure any single politician by his or her voting record, one might come up with some sort of accurate analysis of what that person believes in, stands for, and is wiling to fight for.  There is a sort of natural self serving  division or dichotomy that politicians often exhibit, self interests vs what is best for constituents. There is the wishes for what is best for the people, who the politician represents, and then the wishes of the political donors who typically give the most financial support.  So there may be three factors, self interest, donor interests and constituent interests.  It too often occurs that what is best for the people and the nation is not what the donor class wishes to take place.  This is an often obvious conflict.  This some times explains why a particular politician supports or rejects particular legislation and it often comes down to donor support.

Joseph Manchin III, an American politician, a “Democrat” and businessman and senior United States senator from West Virginia appears to be working for the Republican Party when looking at his alleged obstruction of pending Democratic legislation in 2021.  This senator along with Kyrsten Sinema  have vastly diminished the Democratic agenda and resulting reputation of that party.  This strongly works to improve the GOP but not the American public.

Why?  What could be the reason for allegedly working for the gains and betterment of the Republican Party?

One rather obvious answer is that the political contributors for Joe Manchin tell him that this is what they want.  They definitely do not want higher corporate taxes, spending that expands the national debt, restricts their industrial sector, and anything else that is perceived as being a negative factor toward their corporate success and profits.

Look at the donor list for Joseph Manchin provided below.  Note how many businesses in the list might work for the GOP and against the Democratic Party.  His donor list favors giving to Republicans.  The smaller amount of donations to Democrats just might be to Joseph Manchin to sway his vote to give back to his self serving libertarian billionaires.







Tellurian Inc (Oil & Gas; Natural Gas transmission & distribution). 62.28% to Democrats, 37.72% to Republicans





Starkey Hearing Technologies.  Pharmaceuticals/Health Products; Medical Devices & Supplies.   0.00% to Democrats, 100.00% to Republicans





Votesane PAC.  73.91% to GOP and 26.09% to Democrats.





SV Angel LLC





United Distributors





Student Systems Software





Continental Resources.   0.00% to Democrats, 100.00% to Republicans





Coterra Energy





Apollo Global Management





Arena Energy





Nacero Inc





SoftBank Corp





Coury Financial





Crow Holdings





Baker, Donelson et al.   58.88% to Democrats, 41.12% to Republicans





National Mining Assn  14.44% to Democrats, 85.56% to Republicans





LHC Group. 49.93% to Democrats, 50.07% to Republicans





Akin, Gump et al   44.59% to Democrats, 54.74% to Republicans





CBRE Group





Jones Walker LLP.   23.56% to Democrats, 74.34% to Republicans





We are now agonizing over two senators who control the future of this country due to apparent past American voter ignorance.

Summary:  It is incredibly unfortunate and somewhat stupid that the American voting public apparently really screwed up the last national election by not giving President Biden a larger working congressional majority.  2020 was the big win the Democrats needed and didn’t get.  The result is that the American public now really wants the President Biden’s three-part agenda to rescue, recover, and rebuild the country to succeed.  But the American public failed to view how to best improve their future as a result of their vote.  This situation is now, today, compounded by allowing just a few politicians to wield control over the Democratic agenda.  Just a couple of alleged corrupt Democrat politicians can now work toward their own selfish ends that their GOP donors wish them to while trying to hide who is paying them off using snowball theatrics.

Possible Solution:  The American public should consider not supporting any individual and corporation that is now, or in the recent past, who has been discovered working against the Build Back Better Agenda.  Let’s send these corporations a direct message that they can no longer hide behind their paid politicians when they work against what is best for the whole nation.  Corporate greed will no longer be tolerated!

References:  How Not to Let Corporations Kill Biden’s Agenda,  Oct. 21, 2021

Related Issue:  In The Atlantic magazine, November 2021 issue there is a very good article, The Men Who Are Killing America’s Newspapers, Inside Alden Global Capital, The Secretive Hedge Fund Gutting Newsrooms and Damaging Democracy by McKay Coppins.  This article reveals how Alden Global is diminishing, eviscerating, some of this country’s best newspapers to gain monetary gain over all other considerations.   This is just one more example of powerful corporate money interests working toward ruining the United States of America.  

Summary:  In the examples above, you should can come to realize that corporate greed often times works against the values and best interests of the American people.  Currently, the United States is under attack by the forces that want to remove our Democracy and replace it with an authoritarian form of government so that the plutocracy class of people gains control.  Congress should come up with some form of protections.



Posted October 23, 2021