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Tag: Plutocracy

Why President Joe Biden Should Run For Another Term

Why President Joe Biden Should Run For Another Term


Why President Joe Biden should run for another term:

  • Biden works for the betterment of all Americans.
  • He Is not a showman, like Trump.
  • He respects Democracy.
  • He performs for the best interests of all.  He is serious about his mission.
  • He is knowledgeable beyond the norm.  He understands the United States form of government and most of it’s intricacy’s. He knows how to work the political system.
  • He works hard and effectively with other politicians and foreign leaders.

A near perfect opposite comparison is about 20% of Americans watch Fox (Propaganda) News channel.  These citizens are being lied to at times by FOX. These people apparently favor showmanship over the truth.  They are easily hoodwinked.  Biden seems to fail this group of citizens because Biden really lacks the bull shit  factor, lacks showmanship, lacks telling lies and he makes his deliveries more like a college professor and not like a live stage actor.

What is really wrong are politicians who strut the stage, lie to achieve gain, are believed more than a more honest politician because of the stage presentation.  Citizens simply are rather stupid who fall for this stage act.

Biden’s attributes are somewhat hidden and less appreciated from the less sophisticated citizen.

During politically lighter times it might make sense for a political party to offer up a presidential candidate that does not have years of experience.  The Democratic Party right now seems to not have any solid and convincing person to take the presidential position.  So this is one more reason to stay with President Joe Biden.  Our world wide political environment today is somewhat harsh and challenging. 

Summary: Biden and the Democratic Party understand the importance and operation of Democracy and will work to protect this form of government because it is constructed to work for all Americans.  Republicans work for big business, the ultra wealthy, and will even use Fascist methods at times to achieve political gains.  Republicans realize they look to be corrupt by some citizens and this motivates some of them to make desperate and stupid political decisions on and off the stage.

Aside: Democrats have taken possession of the major portion of the positive political pie leaving the Republicans trying desperately to achieve political gains.

The Republican Party lacks real excellent leadership that will turn its objectives away from being agents for the plutocracy and work for ALL citizens and not the very rich.

The plutocracy class of citizens appear to be successful at making money and work just as hard to keep their wealth by any means.  This self centered attitude is a major flaw for good honest politics that works best for a well functioning Democracy.  An expanding plutocracy is a flaw for achieving a well functioning government that works for all citizens.  The flaw is these people fail to realize that the United States has driven down a rather rough road and improved it’s product for the vast population of citizens because they, the rather selfish  plutocracy, has not been allowed to take over the process.



Posted:   2-25-2023

What Is The Attraction Of Fascism?

What Is The Attraction Of Fascism?

Some Factors Of Fascism:

  • You can be ignorant of history and thus fail to understand how your decisions and operations might not work.
  • You can have very little compassion for the interests, health and welfare of others.  You are self centered intellectually.
  • You think your decisions are more important.
  • You are attracted, enticed, with what little you know about former fascism elements and governments and how they are wrong for societies.  You may be attracted to having tight control and not understand you loose society input.
  • You understand that your abilities working from within a democracy are rather pale.  Less chance for success when you have to work within an intelligent group of people.
  • Fascism might be seen as the best method for rather quick political gain and maintaining your gains.
  • Fascism is usually attractive for the insecure individual.
  • Self centered and selfish intentions planning and actions can more easily be started to finish under this form of dictatorship.
  • Fascism officially controls information release to the public including truth and lies as a means to control the political situation.
  • Fascism is believing my ethnic, religious group, is superior and my group should get more politics and legal rights than other groups.

Fascism is Against:

  • Free speech.
  • A free press.
  • Equal freedom.
  • Equal legal process and protection.
  • Racial equality.
  • Liberalism.

Fascism Supports:

  • Self centered interests.
  • Inequality.
  • Discrimination.
  • Nationalism.
  • Racial purity.
  • Democracy almost requires, thrives, with a population that has a good education.  Fascism seems to flourishes within a low education population.
  • Fascism, in some instances, exists in countries that has varied ethnic groups that make gaining political consensus difficult.

Other Factors:

  • Government by the wealthy, plutocracy, typically supports Fascism because the wealthy do not want to include a broader class of the population.
  • Fascists are usually homophobic or showing dislike or prejudice against gay people.

Summary:  Fascism is an attraction for some people that are self centered, selfish, ignorant, conniving, insecure, etc. 



Posted. 2/15/2023

The New Republican Party

The New Republican Party

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Republican Party

Here is the truth as to what is going on with the Republican Party.  And, it does not look very good.

The Republican Party for years was made up with white conservatives.  Over time the United States is less white and less conservative.  The Republicans had two choices to make recently so the party could survive.   One choice is to widen their party ideals to include minorities and become a bit more liberal.  The second choice is to still retain their current values but cheat to retain power.  They decided to cheat.  They are thus transforming their approach at the local and state level to embrace one party rule using white Christian nationalism as their vision for the future for the United States.  This means you are not included in the efforts of the Republican Party if you are not Christian, white, and conservative.  So why would minority voters such as black, hispanics, asians, etc vote Republican?  The answer is, if they are smart, they will not.  


“Christian nationalism has its own version of the “elect,” those chosen by God. They are “people like us,” meaning conservative Christian, but also white, natural-born citizens. Moreover, in a prosperous nation, only “the elect” should control the political process while others must be closely scrutinized, discouraged, or even denied access. This ideology is fundamentally a threat to a pluralistic, democratic society.”



“Republicans have been demeaning African Americans to attract the white working class for decades. Fixed worldview whites perceive African Americans and immigrant groups as threats. But African Americans and immigrant groups don’t view themselves as threats. Republicans are the threat to them.”

“… legislation over the years has advanced the voting opportunities, educational and social rights of African Americans, little has been done to improve their general treatment and perception by the legal system.”


“Overwhelmingly, Latino voters remain angry, frustrated and feel disrespected by Trump and the Republican Party as a whole.”


“Several Asian American members of Congress implored Republicans on Thursday to tone down their rhetoric in the wake of attacks on the Asian American community, with one Democratic lawmaker accusing a Republican of placing a “bull’s-eye” on them with his comments about China.”

“Asian Americans of all ages are likely to be critical of Republicans.”

So then how can the Republican Party overcome a significant drop in people who will vote for their party?  The answer is to change the voting rules so minority voters are discouraged or removed from voting.  The Republican Party is currently changing the local and state voting rules to limit minority voters.  The GOP is thus cheating rather than competing.


  Reference for the items listed below:

  • “In Georgia, lawmakers have made it a crime to provide food and water to voters standing in line at the polls.”
  • “In Texas, people have been arrested and given outrageous sentences for what amount at most to innocent mistakes made during the voting process.”
  • “Due to racial bias in the criminal justice system, felony disenfranchisement laws disproportionately affect Black and Brown people, who often face harsher sentences than white people for the same offenses.”
  • “purging eligible voters from rolls for illegitimate reasons or based on inaccurate data, and often without adequate notice to the voters.”
  • “…too often, states use redistricting as a political tool to manipulate the outcome of elections. That’s called gerrymandering”.
  • “…strict ID laws are part of an ongoing strategy to suppress the vote.”
  • Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have qualifying government-issued photo identification, and these individuals are disproportionately voters of color. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone.”


Another factor that enters this mix is the power of the plutocracy class.  Large business owners do not want to see any of the issues listed below expanded because it might curb their freedom to do as they want.

  • Raise taxes on the wealthy.  It is reported that a lot of very wealthy individuals pay little or no income tax.
  • Raise corporate taxes.
  • Unions are considered a threat to business management because it adds a separate level of accountability to be fair to their workers.
  • Government regulations.

Reference for above item list:


Another tactic that the Republicans are using to increase their position among the electorate is to do everything in their power to make the Democratic president Biden fail.  The Congressional Republicans will not support anything that Biden wants.  Republicans are now the party without any agenda except to achieve power.  They thus fail to work for the electorate but for their own self centered interests and the interests of the plutocracy.  The idea here is to paint President Biden as a looser, a failure in the minds of the voters so the voters pick Republicans in the next election.  Joseph Manchin III and Kyrsten Sinema, both Democrats, just might be part of this plot.



This country needs to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

to save our form of government, a true free DEMOCRACY!






Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series Donald Trump

Opinion based on facts.

Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

As a United States citizen and trying to follow the news closely, I have been somewhat shocked to witness a very large number of apparent quick changes in what has taken place in the past 5 years when measured to the new direction that the United States is taking with the recent appointment of Joe Biden in 2021 as US President.  I decided to try to list all the switch backs and turns, that in my mind, really show themselves and there are quite a few.  I think this is a personal effort to first understand some recent events and then get over these tumultuous events that are bothering me to help retain some personal sanity.  

Let me state a bias I have.  I do like our democratic form of government.  I know that it needs to be improved but that is probably also true with each of us.  I just recently came to realize that our nation just might slide to becoming a dictatorship and I will fight like hell to not let that happen.  Part of making this a better nation is to reflect what took place, analyze almost everything, improve what we can for the betterment of all, criticize when necessary and praise good deeds and results.

My second bias is I personally feel good when I can help another person or animal.  This is selfish of me for getting this reward but it seems to be good.  This and my other blog articles are, I guess, my selfish desire to do good for you.

Following is not in any order of importance:

  • President Donald Trump was more stupid and selfish  than most had realized.  If he had not incited the rioters to march to the capitol building as part of his speech January 6, 2021, he would not be the first president in our history to be impeached twice.  If he had just kept his mouth shut about marching, history’s trajectory for the United States would not have  bent so badly. 
  • A number of Republican congress men and women are not willing to protect the United States form of government, which someone should tell them should be a democracy.
  • The Republican Party is fractured, way less cohesive now than it appeared in 2020.  The party is on the brink of breaking apart.
  • The Republican Party was poorly administered.  They allowed a self centered, selfish leader of the party to run amuck.  There was no supervision that amounted to anything from Mitch McConnell and other party leaders to control Trump.  History books may well measure these events as profound failures of a party and some individuals.
  • The January 6, 2021, attack on Congress really revealed what maybe the most singular reason our nation is divided because white people feel they are being outnumbered leading to beliefs and resulting fears of loosing power and control leading to efforts to cement white supremacy into our nation.   
  • Quite a few Republicans utterly failed to respect whole blocks of citizens votes during the 2020 election in an effort to perform an illegal overturn of the citizens will.  Republicans need to understand that this country is owned and administered by the people through the process of voting.
  • A really shocking revelation, up to the revolt, is how close the United States had come to being a dictatorship and some of us see how easy it would be to make this actual transformation in the future.
  • The complicity of large media giants toward aiding the shift away from democracy and away from the truth  was shocking to witness.

Alternative media (U.S. political right)

  • The rather large number of really lousy ways that the American public get their facts was revealed.

Americans Who Mainly Get Their News on Social Media Are Less Engaged, Less Knowledgeable

  • The actual beliefs that some American citizens hold are utterly false.  These people fail to understand the process of deterring facts and the follow up process of arranging good honest beliefs in their minds.

Americans’ struggles with truth, accuracy and accountability

  • A number of media organizations and web sites are apparently propaganda vehicles serving up false claims and false views is way more than most people realized.
  • It is interesting to witness some children of some very important parents swing toward the good or bad side of things.
    • Keith Rupert Murdoch’s son, James Murdoch, rejects some of the FOX “NEWS” approaches.  
    • President Trump’s children seem to support their father’s views and way of doing things. 
  • It is very telling to see more friendliness and smiles for the people who work for President Biden than for Trump.
  • It is a refreshing shift to now see presidential policies for special interests businesses and groups be rejected and Biden do a fast turn toward to what is best for the whole nation.
  • The prior administration of Trump rejected science.  The Biden administration seems to embrace the truth from science and is making policy adjustments accordingly.
  • For some citizens, this government and how it operates does not work for them.  This might be one of the reasons Trump achieved a rather large following of voters.
  • The White House press briefings are way more polite, respectful ,and overall more civilized with the Biden administration than the Trump.
  • The Biden administration’s department head picks appear to be excellent, way better than Trump’s picks.
  • If we look backward to how we got here there is one rather powerful factor.  The “Supreme” Court decision in the Citizens United vs Federal Elections Commission which allowed big money to take rather silent influence and partial control of this nation and this seems to be at the root of some political corruption.  It seems rather far removed, for some, from the 2021 attack but the foundations of Democracy are being spoiled by big money corrosion.
  • Republican congress members avoid metal detectors.  One or more Republicans have carried guns into the House floor.
  • Each citizen’s attained level of education seems to be a factor for sustaining or thwarting the success or failure of our Democracy.

Trump corrupted the CDC.

Another rather shocking thing to witness, these past 4 years, was the number of President Trump boot lickers there were.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act pushed by Republicans and supported by Trump  is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020.  But, the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) shows a massive windfall for a small group of wealthy taxpayers from a Republican provision in the coronavirus relief bill.  According to the JCT, 43,000 individual tax filers covered by one of the provisions would see their tax liability fall by a combined $70.3 billion in 2020.  The JCT analysis shows nearly 82 percent of those who will benefit from that provision make $1 million or more, with 95 percent making over $200,000.   The provisions  all together will reduce government revenue by $160 billion over ten years.   This is just another reason some refer to the United States as a plutocracy, not a democracy.


I reserve the right to add more items to the above list as I come to find them.


Document first created: January 21, 2021
Posted January 23, 2021
Updated February 1, 2021

The USA Is Now A Plutocracy Not A Democracy.

The USA Is Now A Plutocracy Not A Democracy.

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Republican Party

Most American citizens think the United States is a Democracy.  It is not true any more.  Today, the United States is ruled by the rich and falls within the category of being a plutocracy or ruled by rich individuals and corporations.

A rich have the money to pay for political influence and resulting policies that ensure they keep their wealth and gain more wealth and power.  That is, if they calculate and plot accurately toward that end and they have.  

The dark slide of the United States from being a democracy to being a plutocracy really was propelled by the utter incompetence of the US “Supreme” Court decision brought to the court by Citizens United vs Federal Elections Commission.

Citizens United is a right wing, Republican, non-profit organization with an obvious agenda to allow money to buy political power.  This move resulted in the United States moving from being a Democracy to being a plutocracy.  The reason for this is that money buys politicians, both Republican and Democratic.  But, the current problem is that the Republicans have gamed the system way better than the Democrats.  

The current status is that the right wing have stacked the “Supreme” Court with conservative agenda sycophants that seem to believe in trampling on the poor and lower classes of citizens.

“… for five decades, the court has, with striking regularity, sided with the rich and powerful against the poor and weak in virtually every area of the law.”



Posted. December 25, 2020

Why Georgia Voters Should Vote Democrat

Why Georgia Voters Should Vote Democrat

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Republican Party

The current United States government is effectively a  plutocracy that works for the wealthy class of individuals and neglects the less well off citizens. 

The United States has for a very long time shown an ever widening gap between the rich and less well off citizens. 

It should stand to reason to vote for political office candidates that are NOT rich.  Wealthy individuals seem to look out for their own business interests first if not always.   This often times conflict with the interests for the majority of less well off Americans.

A major current component of this situation is that the US Senate is comprised of the rich.  “More than half of those in Congress are millionaires”.   Most in Congress act to benefit only the wealthy and not the overall general public.

The two current GOP Georgia candidates are wealthy.

This is a very good reason for Georgia voters to vote for Democratic candidates to help more of their citizens in these difficult times.

  • John Ossoff. (net worth is between $2.3 million and $8.8 million)
  • Raphael Warnock.  (Net worth: Between $555,014 and $1.3 million)

Another good reason for Georgia voters to vote Democratic is that Republicans are allegedly too self centered and selfish to care for all Georgia people.  For example, as of December 29, 2020 the US government Republicans have blocked the $2,000 stimulus needed by a vast number of citizens to properly survive which, once again, highlights the incompetence of that party to serve the needs of all our citizens.

Christian Bible:  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.



Posted December 10, 2020
Updated: December 31, 2020