Score Card’s Little Discoveries
Following are some life discoveries which Score Card wishes to share with you. Some if not all of these issues are going to strike you as: odd, embarrassing, insightful, clever, other, etc.
Medication Locations:
Medications should be taken when prescribed!
Score Card has three locations for taking medications and other pills for reasons that pleases him. The reason for this is he takes his pills at three separate locations and times of the day. Having three different locations helps to organize this process. Some pills are prescribed to be taken in the morning or he chooses to take them this early. These pills are on a window shelf in a east side bathroom. Midday pills are typically taken from doctor’s prescriptions and are located in a medicine cabinet on the west side bathroom. The evening pills are resting on a large cardboard box in the east side bathroom. These pills are partially taken for medical prescriptions and one is taken to help sleep and promote good bowel movement.
Score Card found it necessary to make sure each pill jar in all locations are turned right side up every morning to normalize the process.
Before he takes the morning medications, all pill jars must have been turned right side up. Once the takes each medication on the window shelf, he turns that pill jar upside down.
In the morning, Score Card has a lot to do to get ready for the day and some times he utterly forgets to take the medical pills resting on the window ledge. Seeing this mistake, he gets the clue to take them by seeing them still right side up. Once he takes the pills, he turns them upside down except his MCT Oil. He does NOT want to take any pill twice!
Mid Day
After Score Care takes his morning walk and has had breakfast, he goes to the west side bathroom medicine cabinet and takes the larger number of mediations. None of these containers are ever turned upside down.
In the evening, right before bed time he takes the pills in the east side restroom. They are resting on the cardboard box and lays them down (not upside down due to their shape) after taking each pill. The reason for this is as follows:
- There are three different times he takes his pills. From past experience he has forgotten to take the pills occasionally at two locations. On the east side bathroom before leaving the house in the morning. Then again before going to bed. This may be due to having a glass of wine with dinner? He wakes up at least three times a night and has to walk past the medication in the east bathroom to discover his mistake, The pill jars are still right side up! Oops! He then knows that he screwed up and forgot to take them. Once he takes them, he lays the pill jars down. In the morning all east side pill containers must be laying down or turned upside down.
Towel Resting Front of Bathroom Sink
I completely forgot why I do this. I do this every time I do the laundry, replace the sink towel. I place a small towel on the front of the bathroom sink. I find this to be a very useful tool.

Posted: 12-1-2024
Posted by Score Card