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Category: Humor

USA Looses Important Political Force.

USA Looses Important Political Force.

August 6, 2015:  The United States of America has lost an important brick of the national check and balance system with the loss of Jon Stewart.  For those who read this blog page from other countries, Jon Stewart was for most young people, their main and maybe only source of news.  He was beyond being a court jester because he and his writers were voices that no one seemed to control.  Their voice seemed to cut through the bull shit that we expect from politicians, the gutless “news” we get from print, the sensationalist TV “news” short stories amounting to nothing in the time line of history.  What Jon Stewart did was illuminate hypocrisy and shined light on the stupid which the United States of America, as well as any country, is full of.

Wikipedia – Jon Stewart
YouTube – Jon Stewart
National Public Radio – Fresh Air – John Stewart, August 6, 2015, audio only.

A Partisan Joke Making The Rounds

A Partisan Joke Making The Rounds

I am trying real hard to be equal in my research, trying to see both sides, and feel immense responsibility to get it right in my analysis of political situations.  But during the day I do run into this and that opinions that do absolutely nothing to clear the air or help the situation. This little joke just sort of puts forward a lot of what I am coming to believe and I have to admit, it is a moment of enjoyment to read it.

Did you know that, the words “race car” spelled backwards still spells “race car”?

And that “eat” is the only word that, if you take the first letter and
move it to the last, spells its own past tense, “ate”?

And if you rearrange the letters in “Tea Party Republicans,” and add just
a few more letters, it spells: “Shut up you free-loading, progress-blocking, benefit-grabbing, resource-sucking, violent hypocrites, and deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked the country under Bush and that our president is black, so get over it.”