The United States Performance Score Card
Following is a list of measured items that reveals the standing that the United States has in the world for a variety of important factors when measured by an independent source. A score of #1 being the best or highest score a country can obtain.
Caution: Some of the scores shown below vary depending upon the source of the evaluation.
Reading Skills: #13
Math Science & Reading: #25
Richest Countries In The World: “The US is not even close to being the richest country on a GDP per capita basis. Although the highest in the Americas at $67.4K, the US is only middle class across the entire world.”
The Most Democratic Countries: #25; “… the United States of America scored 7.96, putting it in 25th place among those countries assessed.”
Best Health Care: #15
Best Police: #7
Military Strength: #1; “The United States retains its top spot as the undisputed military power in the world – both numerically and technologically.”
Highest Population: #3; “The ten countries with the largest population in the world today
are China, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil,
Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico.”
Posted November 30, 2020
Updated: December 1, 2020