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Tag: Zhenren

Zhenren and Selene Explained

Zhenren and Selene Explained

This post is an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the conversations between Zhenren and Selene.  Zhenren represents an individual looking for enlightenment.   Selene represents Zhenren’s personal god. Our family likes from time to time to go out to Sunday brunch.  One Sunday, we chose to go to El Torito Restaurant.  When we entered the restaurant close to our house, I noticed something different going on inside the restaurant.  Very close to where the omelets are prepared was a layout…

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Contrived or Continuum?

Contrived or Continuum?

Zhenren: I have at times a feeling that all of this is a dream. Some times I feel I am at the center of the universe and this is a contrivance for some purpose. I feel at times that this is all a put up play for my benefit. Out of all the strange thoughts, I feel, at times, that I am destined to achieve great things just because I am at the center of all that is going on….

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Sabri Bogday

Sabri Bogday

Zhenren: It seems a Turkish barber working in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, has been convicted of uttering a phrase against you and his punishment might be death under a strict brand of Islamic law. Selene: Your description is absurd in many different ways. How can an utterance from an angry man against a concept that he created lead to his death? You fashioned me out of your own need to give you comfort. Why then use me as a justification for…

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Best to Follow Truth.

Best to Follow Truth.

Zhenren: You use the words “live direction”. What exactly do you mean by that? Selene: You are living in a vast environment with natural forces swirling about you. The swirling is not the vortex of a wind force but a linear path you see is a perfect evolution process. You have also created your own constructed world in parallel, be it very small, that too evolves. When making decisions, you would be wise to look at the compass, the direction…

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Purpose of Life

Purpose of Life

Zhenren: Why do we exist? Selene:  The process of evolution has evolved for you, to the point, that you realize your own existence and future death.  You can accept this brief wonderful travel with no care or you can try to find some purpose.  There is no purpose except what you determine.  It is a wise person who fits their purpose into the truth of life direction.

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