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Tag: AT&T U-Verse Problem

AT&T U-verse Problem #2

AT&T U-verse Problem #2

Our family seriously contemplated trying out AT&T U-verse system because Time Warner Cable in Southern California has some serious issues.  A sales man came to our door selling U-verse systems.  I decided to sign up even though I seldom buy from anyone who walks door to door.  The sales man changed his prices at least five times during our conversation.  I should have tossed they guy out but he had just started working for his company, New Image Marketing, a…

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AT&T U-verse Problem #1

AT&T U-verse Problem #1

AT&T embarked upon changing out vast areas of their network with a new fiber optic send system to improve upon their aging twisted wire technology called POTS (plain old telephone system) starting about 2007.  The company provided fiber optic hub boxes out from their old block house switch barns and called it U-verse.  The fiber optics trees out from the old switch building into committees called fiber to the neighborhood (FTTN) so as to push forward a much better technology. …

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