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Category: Book Reviews

The book reviews that appear here will cover a LOT of different subjects.

Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

WEBSITE:   American Civil Liberties Union

How Donald Trump’s Election Lies and Other Anti-Voter Policies Will Continue to Impact Our Democracy


BOOK:  The Top 300 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Donald Trump: (even if you are a lifelong Republican)  Amazon Paperback – September 29, 2020

by Greg Geisler (Author)


WEBSITE: Common Cause

Donald Trump Should be Disqualified



Why evangelical Christians should not vote for Trump



POSTED: 7/11/2024
Updated: 7/12/2024

POSTED BY: Score Card



It is quit normal to want things your way.  It is a bit more sophisticated to listen to other people’s ideas and wishes and take them into consideration to measure both your ideas with other people’s.

Fascists are typically politicians and individuals who are self centered and want to promote their own selfish gains to achieve rewards at the expense of the broader society.

Fascism seems to be a bit more exciting than the workings of Democracy, thus the attraction for some people.

Fascism appeals to the immature which goes along with low intelligence.

Some people are only concerned with themselves and have little regard for others.  Fascism fits this pretty well.

Some individuals think that having a dictatorship would be more entertaining than the slow quiet plodding of having a Democracy!

Fascism is self centered ideals that negate serving the broad inclusive society.

At the core may be a poor or flawed education.

Very poor history appreciation leading to poor understanding of why fascism is bad for society.

People in the USA read at 6 grade level which flaws one’s education.

According to The Literacy Project, the average American reads at a 7th–8th grade level, which is equivalent to 12–14 years old. However, most content is written at a 10th grade level or higher.

Individuals support white supremacy for self centered ego needs and fail to understand that we are all equal.

Some information organs seem to support fascism.

Christian right beliefs may contribute to beliefs in fascism.

(Book: American Fascists,Chris Hedges, veteran journalist and author of the National Book Award finalist War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, challenges the Christian Right’s religious legitimacy and argues that at its core it is a mass movement fueled by unbridled nationalism and a hatred for the open society.)



Posted: March 18, 2024

Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

I have a really bad habit of buying books that I never read. The one most recent exception to this failing is my most recent purchase. I discovered this book by listening to this pod cast: How “We the People” Can Take Back the Supreme Court.

The above podcast touted a book that I rushed out and purchased:
The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America by Thom Hartmann. Only soft cover. I can not find hard cover. $15.

I can not put the book down. The book, I think, is less than 180 pages.

  • For those individuals who love book scores, I give this book a 5 out of 5 mainly for the importance of the content and the completeness of presenting this legal case for us to examine and judge it’s merits.
  • It covers history. I have learned quite a bit of history that was glossed over in school or I was not paying attention.
  • It educates us about how our government is expected to function and fails to work properly for the people in areas where the plutocracy has seized control.
  • The book’s purpose is shocking in it’s portrayal of the scope of this somewhat secret crime upon this nation. My point here is this book examines this crime in a very compelling way.
  • I hate books that are padded. This book gets to the point after point. There is very little extraneous wording.
  • This book is damn important because it educates the American public as to how we are loosing our democracy through bureaucratic trickery. Now that we know, what are we going to do about it?
  • The book is exhaustive in making an iron clad case that this rather secret agenda started a long time ago and is in progress now.
  • I keep hearing how segments of our population no longer think this political system works for them. I now see their reasons way more clearly.
  • This is a damn important book for all Americans to read so they better understand how our destiny is sliding into the toilet.



Posted October 28, 2019

Copy Stores Fail To See An Opportunity.

Copy Stores Fail To See An Opportunity.

On April 18, 2019, a redacted version of the Mueller Report was released to the public. Within hours of the release, downloaded versions were available in .pdf format from a number of sources.  I personally like print.  I like to highlight and make margin notes.  I contacted my local Staples store and found out that each page would cost about 12 cents.  The report has something over 400 pages which comes out to be about $48.  Amazon shows that a book form will be out about April 30th for $9.20.   Any copy store like Staples has a brief window where they could offer to print the book at a really good price. This just might be a clever promotion to get customers into their stores, a loss leader.  Counter to that is that some right wing nuts might find this objectionable.  I tried to use Staples web site to share this view but of course they think they know every subject matter and failed to offer general open communication.

I am now printing out sections of the report using my home printer.

CAUTION:  There are some reports that the Kindle edition is flawed in some way.


Posted April 22, 2019
Learning Adobe Premier Pro CC

Learning Adobe Premier Pro CC

I would like to share with you my problems trying to learn Adobe Premier Pro CC.  This software has a lot of features and  a lot of apparent hidden tools.  In other words, it is a rather difficult software to fly.  I had just video taped a wedding and due to the complexity of the production assets, I could no longer use iMovie.  I had the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of software loaded on my laptop and just knew that Premier was going to work. Problem for me is that I had to learn the program fast.   Let me jump to the solution so you do not have to wade through this ratter long explanation.  Just go to

If you are interested in reading my rather long quest for knowledge as to how to edit with Adobe Premier Pro CC, read on.


My son told me not to buy any books and just use the Internet to learn Premier.  I love books and can easily say that I am older than you.  My daughter would call me retro.

I wasted a day trying to buy a book at a local book store.  I even went to Fry’s because they no longer allowed you to call in and take to a person to check availability and price.  Their book section had practically vanished.  I predict that store will also vanish.

I spent hours trying to figure out what was the best book to buy on the Internet.  I had Premier Pro CC version 2015.  I did not want a book that was too old.  I was really intrigued with Premiere Pro CC: Visual QuickStart Guide by Jan Ozer. It showed being published Jun 27, 2013, seemingly a bit out of date.  I just love that format of book, quick outline and visual.

I settled upon Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book 2015 release.  It seemed the best deal was to buy this book at Adobe Press.  Problem was that the release date for the book was the same day I was ordering it, September 16, 2015.  It would take a week to get the book.  I spotted a nifty deal where I could also buy the eBook too for a discounted price.  I got a hefty discount because the books had just been released or were about to be released.  Here is where my assumption that the eBook would arrive earlier was wrong.

Order Details
This order contains:
1 . Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book 2015 release , 9780134309989 , Quantity: 1
2 . Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book 2015 release , 9780134310176 , Quantity: 1
3 . Total Discount , ($49.19)
Grand Total  $63.93

The paper book was shipped the very next day, September 17, 2015.  By the way, the publisher customer service did not know the book was ready to ship.  I kept going to the publishers web site to download my e-book but nothing.  I could not figure out what was wrong.

I sent customer service an e-mail asking why I could not download the eBook.

I get this response:

“Thank you for placing your order with Adobe Press. We regret to inform you
that the following item(s) from your order #WEB325633094370
placed on 9/16/2015 5:32:05 PM EDT have been cancelled:
Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book 2015 release, 9780134310176, Quantity: 1
We apologize that we were unable to fulfill your order within the time frame we originally indicated.
Your credit card has not been charged.
We encourage you to visit our website for further updates regarding the availability of this product.”

I looked at my bank account and indeed they lowered the charges to:
09/19/2015     AWL*Pearson Education ADOBE.PRESS NJ ONE L (-$45.35)

They did gave me a discount probably because I participated in an online survey.

But, I find this cancellation rather odd.  The publisher canceled part of my order.  I thought that should be my prerogative.  If an item can never be shipped then the publisher should cancel.  If the order is delayed, it would be nice to ask me, the customer, if I  still want delivery.

The evening of September 22, 2015, just for kicks, I check Adobe Press web site and they announce that the book is ready the very next day, the very same day the print edition is due to arrive at my home.

“Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book (2015 release), Web Edition
By Maxim Jago
Published Sep 23, 2015 by Adobe Press”
Pricing as of September 22, 2015: available as a
Book $47.99
eBook $38.39
Web Edition $47.99

My point in all this is that you might think the electronic version might arrive before the print.  Don’t assume that if the publication is hot off the press or hot off the hard drive.  I actually finished the wedding portion of the movie project and have not yet received the book.


In desperation, I tried YouTube videos but they were all over the map for providing results.  Some were good but the curriculum, the step by step learning process that a classroom teacher should put together for the class was obviously missing.  I found I was bouncing around from one video that seemed to build to another video that failed.
I have access to video tutorials and tried their Adobe Premier Pro lessons. It sort of failed for me.  The first lessons were an over view.  I want to jump in and start the process and not be shown a bunch of video overviews.  I wanted to know right away how to start.  Once I got into the meat, about lesson four, I began to become confused with all the prior lesson files and the new files the person was talking about.  I finally took notes as to the keyboard shortcuts that one needs to use and made notes.  This really helped.  The J, K, L, I and O keys are extremely important.  It took me a whole day to discover that on a Mac CMD and the left or right arrow will move your clip one frame.  I needed to line up an unlocked separate audio track to video with audio and the CMD and arrow keys allowed me to gain perfect synchronization.  If I had had a book, learning this would have not taken as much time.

The beginning of the main lessons seemed to be clouded, not clear as to the beginning step by step process.  I got the impression that steps explained in the introduction, I should integrate into the whole.  Show me how to create a project and import my media from the beginning.  Instead I was jumping around.  I thus felt I was watching video’s that were less clear to me.  I did pick up vital bread crumb information which did helped me. tutorials
The best solution for me was actually free.  The  embarrassing part is that it was right in front of me.  Adobe offers terrific tutorials, better than, in my opinion.  This was my primary learning method.  I guess my son was correct; don’t buy a book; use the Internet.

Good luck to you.  Adobe Premier Pro CC is a professional product and being so it may be a challenge to learn.  Do not give up.  I found that this program has a solution for every problem you will face. Finding that solution can be a challenge.

Book Review: Command Decisions

Book Review: Command Decisions

 I picked up one used book at a local used book store which I was not completely convinced I should buy was Command Decisions, published by the Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Military, Washington, DC.   This book attempts to write the history of the U.S. Army in World War II.  During the next week I found that this  book hard to put down for some really unusual reasons.  On the one hand it was written in a dreary style and on the other it held a view that was very different and included information that was somewhat surprising.

Here are  some of the book’s style points:

  • The book was incredibly dry in the writing style.
  • The book was from a command management, top down, view.  The perspective is from the war planners, commanders and the reader seldom gets down to ground level to view the war action at unit level very much.  Because so many movies and books are written at ground level this book was, for me, an interesting approach and part of its attraction.
  • I noticed that books written near when I was born and prior were annoyingly wordy.  My father even lectured me in the same manner.  This book was published in 1959 and followed this elder style of writing – too many words.
  • Every nuance of policy change seemed to be included which also added to the slow story pace.  The reader really gets an appreciation of top commanders and politicians daily workings to devise war policy because the reader is told about every policy process.  This, at times, minuscule examination seemed to really slow the progression of the war story but at the same time helps the reader to understand the duties of these top war managers.
  • What really captured my interest in the first chapter was some historical surprises.  Not one but one after another surprise showed up in the telling of this history.  The surprises varied by degree, as one would expect.  Every person naturally understands a historical occurrence differently for a whole host of reasons usually out of schooling and reading.  I will share with you each of my surprises that I find in this book in following posts.

Book Information:
Command Decisions
,  Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Military, Washington, DC.   Numerous authors contributed to writing this book.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-60007
Original copy sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C.
Hard cover, 565 pages but included maps bound to the binding and one large map in a back pocket that can be removed.
A free download copy can be obtained from this web page:
The organization that is offering this book for free is the U.S. Army Center Of Military History.


Updated January 22, 2022