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Category: Athletic

Google, Allegedly, Rather Stupid Sports Cell Phone Option

Google, Allegedly, Rather Stupid Sports Cell Phone Option

July 6, 2019:  Tomorrow I want to watch the final women’s soccer match with the Netherlands.  I did a search on my cell phone to find out when the game would start.  Google presented a new cell phone option called “Sports”.  I decided to give this desktop option a try.  After I installed it into my phone, an option appeared: “Who you’re following” and World Cup was right under that text at the top of the cell phone screen.   “World Cup” thus showed up as the most prominent option.  I chose that menu option but it only showed 2018 games only.  I think those games were men’s.    I could not find 2019 games.  I had to go into “News” menu item and scroll down to find The Washington Post story “Locked on and still hungry, U.S. soccer enters World Cup final aware of its legacy.”  I click on that option and the news article shows.  I sill can NOT find the rather impossible male chauvinist, obfuscated, rather incompetent path to find any information on WOMEN”S SOCCER”!  I gave up looking for women’s soccer.  I deleted the Google option form my cell phone.  I am looking for news not history.  Simply incredible.  Simply stupid!  Simply incompetent.

NFL Football & Networks Fail To Meet Some Of Our Needs.

NFL Football & Networks Fail To Meet Some Of Our Needs.

“The rules about what games local TV stations are allowed to air are crafted between the NFL and networks which carry the games (FOX, CBS, NBC, ESPN and NFL Network). Local affiliates (i.e. FOX31 Denver) have little control in the process – and are sometimes at the mercy of the decisions made on-the-fly by the network.”

I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and a close friend of mine loves the Philadelphia Eagles. I have come to enjoy following that team also. The problem is that the corporate operators don’t care about our wanting to watch the Eagles games. Eagle’s games are seldom televised on the west coast. It appears to be all about what is best for the networks and the NFL.

Channel checking the huge station choices offered by my cable company, I am amazed at how many stations are simply awful and in my opinion, a waste of channel space. It is really retarded that there is not a second tier system where there are more sports networks that can bid on out of area NFL and other sports events and fit into my cable channel choices.