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Category: Warnings

Trump Is Not Qualified

Trump Is Not Qualified

I researched why Donald Trump might not be qualified to be the next president of the United States.  This blog article offers the reader some solid proof that Trump is not qualified.  There is quite a long list of web sites covering this issue.  I was first impressed with a USNEWS article, which I believe changed their original article.

Not Qualified to Be President

Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee but is not presidential material.

For some reason, the article may have changed from just being a list that I copied and used to a more politically safe article.  I then used the Bulwork article shown below to provide you, the reader, a list view.

100 Reasons Trump Is Unfit to Be President  A timeline of Trump outrages. 

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic


I decided to pick only items that I wished to include in this blog piece that I got from the USNEWS article.  They are shown/listed below.  I then added web site pages under each claim made against Trump that attempted to prove each claim.  And, let me tell you, for each listed item you can find a LOT of support for that viewpoint!



Our President Has Always Degraded Women — And We’ve Always Let Him

  • “Trump does not care how outrageous his statements or policy suggestions are because he is channeling the country’s anger, not their common sense.”

‘No Blame?’ ABC News finds 54 cases invoking ‘Trump’ in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.

  • “insults he has thrown at his opponents and their families like a school yard bully. If you did this in the workplace you would be fired.”

The 598 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

  • “He would be clueless when entering the Oval Office, who has spent zero time thinking about the substance of governing, who knows nothing about what he would confront his first day in office.”

Trump’s Clueless Abdication of Presidential Responsibility

  • “At the end of the day, this is the dumbing down of American politics.”

Donald Trump and the dumbing of America

  • “the debasement of our democracy”

Donald Trump’s Debasement of American Democracy

  • “the unraveling of not only the Republican Party but what we have, for over two centuries, called leadership.”

The Fall of Trump: Unraveling the Fabric of the Republican Party


  • Donald Trump is not qualified to be president

Donald Trump Should be Disqualified


  • “he has neither the knowledge nor the temperament to fill that office.”

Donald Trump has no grasp of what it means to be president

  • “His views are dangerous, destructive and demeaning.”

Trump’s racist policies have been even worse than we feared

  • “There is no other way to put it: Donald Trump would be a disaster as president. There would be absolutely nothing “great” about his presidency.”

A 2nd Trump presidency would be a disaster for America. And it might not end there.


SUMMARY: “Donald Trump is not qualified to be president, he has neither the knowledge nor the temperament to fill that office. His views are dangerous, destructive and demeaning. There is no other way to put it: Donald Trump would be a disaster as president. There would be absolutely nothing “great” about his presidency.”




Posted: June 24, 2024
Updated: June 25, 2024
Posted by: Score Card

Alleged Any Desk Application Scam

Alleged Any Desk Application Scam

Alleged Any Desk Application Scam


July 2, 2021 I get a call from 667-203-6635 (11:35 am Pacific Time). and the man at the other end of the call claims to be working for Amazon security. He asked me if I just purchased an iPhone for $729?  I replied no. That person then said that one of my electronic devices was compromised to make this purchase.  He warned me not to use my cell phone in any location where I need to use public WiFi.  He then told me that Amazon needs to gain access to my computer using a special software so they could rid my computer of the bad software being used to make these purchases.  (My wording is not exact.  I only try to convey the proper movement of the conversation.)  I am then instructed to use Safari and go to the web site “” and click on “download now”.  I follow the instructions which get to be a bit complicated because I have to open the Apple System Preferences and then Security & Privacy to allow their software to gain control of my computer.   A second person, a supervisor, needs to take over the phone instructions because the first person can not get “anydesk” to load properly.  I am a bit suspicious because the two men that I have conversations with have deep foreign accents.  I find the time to walk over to my wife who is at her desk and ask her to check on Amazon using the software “” on her computer.   She did a search and found that this software is used to scam.  She can not find that Amazon uses this method to solve issues.  I hang up and delete the anydesk software.  I then go into my bank account to see if there was any recent payment to Amazon for $729 for the alleged cell phone.  There was no Amazon payments which also proved that this was a scam.  I then filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission Fraud web page.

I keep getting return phone calls.  This is my list of phone numbers:

  • #2:  855-658-6637. Date:  7/2/2021. Time:  12:31 pm Pacific Time
  • #3:  279-657-6632. Date:  7/2/2021. Time:  1:04 pm Pacific Time
  • #4:  805-637-7243. Date:  7/3/2021. Time:  7:51 am Pacific Time

I then ran a virus scan on my computers and then a malware scan.

NOTE:  Any Desk is a very good legitimate software that is allegedly being used for illegal use by bad people.  Please do NOT diminish the value of this software just because it may be used for incorrect purpose.  App Store gives this a 4.7/5 score which is pretty good.



Posted July 2, 2021
Revised H1 July 11, 2022

The US Constitution Second Amendment Analyzed

The US Constitution Second Amendment Analyzed

One particular addition to the United States Constitution  is the second amendment.  It reads as follows:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

There appears to be the popular meaning, the intent and call to action, that appears at the surface for reading those words.  Then there is a deeper dig into the understanding of the meaning as the words have vastly changed in today’s political environment.

Let us first dissect this amendment by breaking it up into segments if we can.  You will soon discover that there was an original meaning, why this amendment was included to the Constitution and then over time circumstances have vastly changed making this amendment a problem resulting in death towards thousands of citizens.

  • “A well regulated Militia”.   What is meant by militia?

    “The militia of the United States, as defined by the U.S. Congress, has changed over time.[1] During colonial America, all able-bodied men of a certain age range were members of the militia, depending on the respective state’s rule.[2] Individual towns formed local independent militias for their own defense.[3] The year before the US Constitution was ratifiedThe Federalist Papers detailed the founders‘ paramount vision of the militia in 1787.[4][5] The new Constitution empowered Congress to “organize, arm, and discipline” this national military force, leaving significant control in the hands of each state government.”

  • “necessary to the security”.  Security from what?  We understand later in the sentence that our country highly values that our form of government is free and stays his way.
  • a free State”.  What constitutes a free state?  You should answer this question.
  • right of the people”.  This part of the amendment seem to move toward a second part of the amendment and somewhat separate idea.  The wording  implies individual citizens and not people within the military have the right to bear arms.  Military naturally have the right to have weapons to guard the country from foreign forces.  Individuals normally are not allowed to possess weapons unless authorized for purposes of policing.
  • “keep and bear Arms”.   This part of the amendment holds the most dire meaning.  All of a sudden, every citizen of the country is allowed to possess a weapon.  But, it was stated in the prior part of the amendment that the weapon could ONLY be used to overturn some awful national government.  Who decides when such action against the government should take place and when?
  • “shall not be infringed”. This means that this is an absolute right, of every citizen, to have weapons but only for the purpose of woking toward removing a tyrannical federal government.

What is rather odd is realizing this amendment raised the  possibility that the United States might be ruled by some dictator.  That would come about if the citizens of this county really got the voting process wrong or the plutocracy group of individuals was able to do a snow job on the election process (The Republican Party is now doing this with their Jim Crow efforts to disqualify minority voters and Democratic district voters.)

Looking at the second amendment wording one could easily think that there are two separate commands and segments:

#1:  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”.    This may mean to form a military force to help protect the country.  Note that this part of the amendment points to a specific group of people called the Militia.

#2:  “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  This statement obviously means that every citizen has the right to have weapons.  But it is stated that the citizens having weapons must only use them for protecting the county from a “tyrannical federal government”.  Note that this part of the amendment points to the rights of individuals.  But that this right can only be used to overturn an authoritarian government.  Note that this part of the amendment warn of a future danger for the United States because it would only take an unknown number of individuals that think the county is under control of some awful government to use that rational to attack our government and this country.  We have already seen how a group of misinformed, if not stupid, individuals invaded Congress, January 6, 2021, after being lied to by a national leader. 

So why was this amendment written?

“ the amendment was originally created to give citizens the opportunity to fight back against a tyrannical federal government.”

Note that the intent for this amendment was for citizens to possess weapons to act against a really bad government. Weapons, as defined in this amendment, are not to be used against any citizen or commit suicide.  But, so far, this amendment has resulted in, not acts against a tyrannical government, but against other citizens so guns can be sold for profit.  

This amendment seems to be unnecessary and dangerous when this country has a system of government where the citizens are expected to rule.




Posted:  March 25, 2021

American Stitch Alleged Flawed Product, In My Opinion

American Stitch Alleged Flawed Product, In My Opinion

You hear people sometimes say “buyer beware”. In my mind, it means buyer can get screwed. It happened to me. It all started when I was shopping in a store that offers coats, and clothing that are over stock at apparent discount price. You can some times get great value and find items that are for the wrong season of the year in a store like this. I was looking for a casual long sleeve, pull over, collar shirt. I found two, one from Levi and the other from American Stitch. American means nothing as the shirt was made in China.  When I washed the two shirts together the American Stitch bled into the Levi shirt.


I checked the care label on the American Stitch and it said dry clean only! I was shocked. The shirt was a casual shirt, not formal. Who in their right mind would make and sell a shirt like this? Why was there not a label on the front of the shirt that shows “Dry Clean Only”?

I went to my local dry cleaner store and the shop owner told me he would charge me $6.27 to dry clean the American Stitch shirt! This is incredibly wrong! I will not keep the American Stitch shirt for obvious reasons. I will get rid of the Levi shirt as it is now damaged. I paid a total of $37.69 for both shirts so I lost that money due to American Stitch selling an alleged AWFUL product. The dry cleaning store owner lectured me that a lot of foreign Internet shirts are not color fast fabric.

I sent the company a complaint letter and here is their reply:

I there, please read the care instructions prior to washing garments.

The care label clearly states this garment must be dry cleaned.

If you washed it in the washing machine, that is likely why you have a problem.

Thank you

My reply:

You totally miss the point. I have never had to read the care label on any casual shirt I buy. Your company is outside the norm, in my opinion. What idiotic company creates a casual shirt that requires dry cleaning? A really stupid product.

I should have added, why sell a casual shirt that requires the owner taking the shirt to a dry cleaner and paying over $6 to get it cleaned?

Summary:  I do NOT recommend American Stitch products.

Posted January 12, 2019
Updated January 14, 2019
Minor Lessons In Life.

Minor Lessons In Life.

Never put drink, keys or cell phone on roof of vehicle to help you get into the vehicle.  Instead, put objects, that you care about, on the front hood of the vehicle.

Never ask a women how many months it will be, if she appears to be expecting birth.

Parents should not tell their children of their really stupid acts when they were younger.