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Possible Reasons For The End Of Humane Civilization

Possible Reasons For The End Of Humane Civilization

Following is a list of major important reasons and issues that are drawing down the curtain for human habitation on Earth.

There are two broad types of issues. The first is major but possibly will not end the humane civilization.  The second should be of supreme concern because if not solved or resolved the end of the humane race will more definitely result.

Here are side concerns that probably will work against solving these very important problems that I will list later:  

  • Ignorance of any factor may come about for any combination of reasons.
    • Blind side by failing to see what is coming as a threat to our existence.
    • Insufficient investigation efforts.
    • Unable to understand the measurements needed and what the tests results mean.
    • Status of experts is not understood or appreciated so they are not listened to.
    • Not listening to the scientists to any level that results in meaningful action.
  • Indolence.
    • Population of people that are affected may fail to meet the challenge to change their situation for the better.  There are a lot of reasons why individuals fail to realize they are in trouble and then take actions that resolve the issues.
      • Too busy with other concerns.
      • Not my business to deal with this problem.
      • Too complicated for me to understand.
  • Errors in judgement.
  • Political interference.  Almost all civil societies are organized around some sort of organized political system.  Some times these systems are flawed toward working for the best interests of the society they are expected to correctly function toward.
  • Personal and corporate wealth interests might prevail as being more important.  Many countries suffer from varying degrees of plutocracy or the rule of the rich.  Some wealthy individuals who have attained political power seem to hold short term financial gains as more important.  

Almost all of the end of civilization factors need long term attacks upon these negative influences so that a society can best work together to resolve the problem(s).  

Just about every one of these issues can be turned around but often times immediate needs of individuals deny resolving any of these items I am about to list.

First Category of attacks upon our civilization list (but might not terminate humane life but could). 

Note that some items on the list below could become so life threatening that they then also reach the second category.

  • Climate change (immediate concern)

According to the paper, climate change poses a “near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilization,” and there’s a good chance society could collapse as soon as 2050 if serious mitigation actions aren’t taken in the next decade.”

  • Global nuclear annihilation (Following example shows how a small limited war has a colossal impact)

 “If India and Pakistan had a war, it would be a much larger potential for climate change.” The solutions to that cold equation: 50 to 125 million people dead in the first week. A reduction of as much as 35 percent in sunlight reaching Earth’s surface, translating to a decrease in temperature of up to 5 degrees Celsius, with rainfall decreasing between 15 and 30 percent globally … and the amount of food produced by an equal amount. That’s worldwide famine for a decade.”

  • Biological warfare

“Any state with a reasonably advanced pharmaceutical and medical industry has the capability of mass producing biological weapons. This fact also leads to problems with determining what countries have BW programmes. Anything from a piece of fruit to a ballistic missile could be used to deliver a biological weapon to a target. Along with this is the fact that with certain organisms, only a few particles would be needed to start an infection that could potentially cause an epidemic.”

  • Ecological collapse.

“One-fifth of the world’s countries are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing because of the destruction of wildlife and their habitats, according to an analysis by the insurance firm Swiss Re.”

“Natural “services” such as food, clean water and air, and flood protection have already been damaged by human activity.”

  • Pandemic

“A pandemic is basically a global epidemic — an epidemic that spreads to more than one continent,”

“Influenza pandemics have struck about three times every century since the 1500s, or roughly every 10-50 years. There was one in 1957-1958 and one in 1968-1969. The most infamous pandemic flu of the 20th century, however, was that of 1918-1919. An estimated 40 million people died in less than a year, and what made it so different from seasonal flu epidemics is that it killed primarily young people, those aged 20-45.”

Contamination of humane individual life supporting needs and resources is very important.  Humane beings need:  Good drinking water, good clean air to breath, healthy food, proper sanitation, adequate shelter, clothing, etc..

Second Category of attacks with results of terminating humane life – a list:

Global Warming

“Two centuries of fossil fuel combustion have saturated the biosphere with climate-altering carbon that will continue wreaking havoc for generations to come.  The damage to Earth’s living systems—the circulation and chemical composition of the atmosphere and the ocean; the stability of the hydrological and biogeochemical cycles; and the biodiversity of the entire planet—is essentially permanent.”

PFAS Contamination

“There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects.”

“A growing body of science has found that there are potential adverse health impacts associated with PFAS exposure, including liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and cancer.”

“These chemicals can easily migrate into the air, dust, food, soil and water. People can also be exposed to them through food packaging and industrial exposure.”




Posted March 22, 2021

Global Warming Is The Most Important Threat to Our Country and Our Near Future Existence.

Global Warming Is The Most Important Threat to Our Country and Our Near Future Existence.

Earth is being destroyed by some of us. Because of the actions or lack of action of a few individuals, global warming will cause close to 8 billion people to die.  Life on planet Earth may die off due to the actions of some humane beings.  Such a horrendous crime against civilization calls for new penalties. A new top legal level needs to be added to our world legal system which is applied to all nations and all people.  The purpose of this change to our legal system is to help the future survival of Earth, if it is not too late.

The people of the United States and the United Nations should consider penalties for those individuals, businesses, corporations and groups participating in the endangerment of the United States and planet Earth to the extent that it is determined that either or both will cease to survive in the future. If it is determined that such activities of those individuals  includes working toward exacerbating climate change to any significant degree, determined by scientists, the following actor activities shall be penalized for those efforts:

Actor Activities:

  • Direct or indirect owner or anyone having any control interest in any business that creates product or activities that enhances endangerment to the future of Earth’s future survival.
  • Any individual who is solely or part of a larger lobby group who’s effort is to impede the efforts of stopping climate change.
  • All politicians and judges who make legal rulings that are found to allow other actors to move their activities forward to damage Earth.
  • Any person’s activity that is deemed meeting the level, set by a ruling body of scientists, of being significant enough to contribute to damaging Earth.

Criminals Defined:

  • Any individual or group that directly or indirectly is involved in harming Earth’s climate to a significant degree determined by scientist and the courts.
  • Any individual that holds control over any other person, agency, business and/or corporation which has significantly contributed in the expected future extinction of any portions of Earth.

Significant penalties shall follow after the courts have made the determination that those individuals have significantly participated in the criminal act shall incur the following penalties.


  • Removal of all current and future assets from those individuals and their value is transferred to the state.
  • Removal of all control including stock price benefits and their value is transferred to the government.
  • Confiscation of all tangible assets including past and future family and business inheritance.
  • Removal of all personal stock sale benefits now and in the future.
  • Seizure of all property owned by the individual.
  • Removal of all personal inheritance and inheritance of any wealth or value component given to family members prior to being charged with this crime in an effort to hide those assets.
  • Seizure of any gifts given to family or friends, prior to being charged with this crime, in an effort to hide those assets.
  • If the activity of individuals reaches a high enough level, determined by the courts with the advice of scientist as to the level of involvement in propelling climate change, either of two penalties will be applied. If a low level of criminal activity, incarceration for life. If the criminal level is high, termination of those people from living by the act of a public execution shall take place.

Twenty percent of all seized assets will go to government administration for this program and the remainder assets will be distributed to agencies working toward stemming climate change.


Posted: February 19, 2019


National Geographic: The War On Science

National Geographic: The War On Science

I have lived over seven decades and I am shocked at discovering, all of a sudden, and with proof, that a whole huge population of humane beings are utterly stupid.  I have run into this view quite a few times by my acquaintances and friends saying this to me on occasion.  They refer to this or that group in foreign countries.  Let me be a bit more specific with one example that does not represent what my friends have told me but a singular instance, in this country, that really stands out in my mind.  I go to a gym almost every day and the major makeup of the people who go to that gym are conservative, meaning they are a mixture of Republican and Libertarian.  One person who is a friend of mine utterly refuses to believe in global warming.  If you don’t believe in global warming, this blog post is about you.  Well this guy cherry picks his examples from the most obscure Internet sources to try and verify his points.  I could not figure out why someone who is in most every other way intelligent is so stupid about this subject.  His family history sort of puts a light upon it.

Fast forward to March 2015, at COSTCO, I picked up the National Geographic magazine issue with the title “The War On Science” by Joel Achenbach.  I open to page 30 and see the huge words “The Age Of Disbelief”.  The article is a shock for me to read but at the same time a comfort that this mystery is explained of why some people seem so stupid.  I really recommend this issue for you to read.  The article is well written and makes a lot of very interesting points.

Here are some, not all, of the key points that I found interesting.  I am drawn in these points because I am currently writing about why there are terrorists coming out of the Middle East and these points seem to explain part of that problem:

  • Personal experience trumps the facts.  My friend, who refuses to accept global warming, had a father that hated unions because the union bosses were crooks.  His father’s attitude toward politics may have tainted the son’s views.  Thus, his father’s experience may have became his.  Parents have a tremendous influence upon their children.
  • We look for evidence that confirms what we already believe. My friend would peruse the Internet trying to find justification for his preconceived notions about global warming.  I found it quite amusing at his resourcefulness at finding “facts” that supported his beliefs.
  • “Our beliefs are motivated largely by emotion and the biggest motivation is remaining tight with your peers”.  Wow.  That was a surprise for me to take in.  The author seems to extrapolate this premise  from a study by Dan Kahan of Yale University.   This sort of makes sense because I am really struck by reading the importance of tribalism in the Middle East.  Tribalism appears to be one principal factor holding a whole host of nations backward and this is why this article seems important to my understanding of the Middle East problem.

In summary, the article tells us that reason and truth is secondary to our emotions, how we feel about a subject.   It may seem that global warming denial and Middle East terrorism may have similar roots because both go against well thought out inspection and arguments.  Stupid does rule for some people.


Updated: 3-6-19.  National Geographic Magazine link removed due to time out error.
Solar system loosing protective shield

Solar system loosing protective shield

Our Earth is one of the planets rotating around the sun but a little known fact is that the sun has protected our solar system through its internal spewing of a solar wind outward to form an invisible bubble called the heliosphere.  The sun is a gigantic fire hose spewing all kinds of particles in all directions.  At the point which the wind slows down to a stop is called the “termination shock”.   Where the stuff from the sun balances with the stuff from outside our galaxy is called the heliopause, just beyond the outer limits of our solar system.  Problem is this.  Over time, the wind jetting outward from the sun has coled a bit decreased in pressure and density.  This is sort of like blowing up a balloon but you can no longer push air into the balloon and it collapses a bit.  More bad stuff is getting in, past the shield.  So this bubble protects us from what?  Cosmic rays coming at us from all those other stars and black holes.  But wait, Earth seem to have a second protective barrier, Earth’s magnetic field. Wait again, some scientists think that more cosmic rays entering our atmosphere, due to the heliosphere break down, might make for more clouds and climate change.  Is it global warming created by man that is responsible for the North Pole ice fields to receed or the sun going through a cycle or unending diminishing of solar wind leading that allows cosmic rays to penetrate deeper into our skys?  Scientists have for the past 50 years been measuring and trying to understand this rather complicated process.  You might want to be aware of this development and look out for further research findings in the future in your news papers, magazines and scientific web sites.