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Tag: Iranian society

Why Are Iranian Women Treated Unfairly In Iran?

Why Are Iranian Women Treated Unfairly In Iran?


I have spent hours trying to research why Iranian women are not treated as equals to men in their country. The only information I can find is that the Iranian society has always been male dominated. It has been this way and it must remain this way, is the idea I came away with. Just because something has been this way, in the past, does not make it intellectually correct and honorable now. I contend that the Iranian treatment of women has been criminal in the past and is still criminal and I expect it to remain a crime for the future.

Treating women with discrimination is only correct in the minds of ignorant male Iranians for their self serving ego reasons. It seems that this Iranian male problem, with their women, may stem from their insecurity that a women might attain being their equal or, heaven forbid, surpass the attainment of a man’s status.

I thus think Iranian men are afraid of their women, which nicely explains why they must keep them down and in their subordinate place with requirements that each women can not flourish to her potential.

I personally look down upon the ruler’s of Iran for not allowing Iranian women to attain the equality of a man. I look down upon a country that fails the tests of equality.



Posted May 21, 2019
Updated: 12/20/2022