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Continuum Of Treason

Continuum is a mental realization, a mental tool, that we use as a means to realize natural and man made things we view in life. It is a really interesting intellectual way that we can visualize, in our minds, some opposite situations that are related. We are, in effect, placing a mental ruler of varying length between two opposite situations that we see, when those situations lend themselves to be measured together.

For a continuum to work there should be two opposite extremes but they are connected typically by degree. We typically “see” or realize the connection of the two extremes because they shout at us that they are opposite and connected in some way. But, there should be a factor of degree or how much of one side or the opposite side we are looking at and set a value on that point. The word I used is “degree” and that is vitally important to appreciate because it is a concept that will link the two opposite extremes. Typically there is more or less degree of something. There are an incredible number of continuum’s.

Let me offer some simple continuum examples followed by how each can be measured:

  • Light to Dark (Light meter)
  • Happiness to Sadness (Expressions on a person’s face)
  • Dry to Wet (Rain gauge)
  • Still air to Hurricane (Anemometer)
  • Short to Tall (Ruler)

The word “to”, in the above examples means that there can be a transition or movement from one extreme to the opposite extreme or one side to the opposite side. This transition can be short or long or any length. It is up to the person telling or writing where on the continuum scale we are concerned.

A really good continuum is one where the two opposite extremes are far apart because we are more likely to notice the differences. A really good example is the change of seasons. When this takes place in the northern hemisphere where the trees change color and plants go dormant the continuum process is very slow but unmistakable.

Some continuum’s lend themselves to be shown in graphic form.  When showing a continuum graphic, there are some common standards that some people use. Usually a line is used and the end points are labeled as to the minimum at one end and maximum at the other end. Typically the graphic continuum line is horizontal but for some measurements like height it is usually vertical. Let me show you a continuum line for treason (see below).

Accident        Collude        Coordinate         Conspire         Treason

In the Mueller Report there is a continuum that is revealed in the Introduction To Volume I. This continuum is explained as the degree that the Trump administration worked hand in hand with the Russians. At one end of the continuum is low criminal level called helping, which might be done by “accident”. Next serious might be helping Russia on purpose, called “collusion”, for some implied gain by one or both parties. The next, more serious degree is to “coordinate” with Russia. This third to last degree, coordinate, is considered illegal in the United States. The Mueller Report hones into two points on the continuum, collude and coordinate. For some reason collude is not illegal. Obviously coordinate is illegal because it implies BOTH parties are working together for a single purpose. But, I propose that coordinate might also mean that BOTH parties were working together but avoided detection.

Conspire, second to the last right side continuum point, is definitely a crime.  The Mueller Report failed to establish this activity took place by the Trump administration.

The last, far right, point on the continuum is treason and this is definitely illegal. It is a bit different in that it specifies that individuals actually work against the interests of the country.  The Mueller Report did not show examples of this continuum extreme by the Trump administration.

Let me state this again. In the Mueller continuum he talks about three out of the five main continuum measure points:  collude,  coordinate and conspire. The continuum begins with less formal and works toward more formal working together between Trump administration and Russia. Let’s read the definition of all five continuum points:

Accident: “an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause”. Obviously we have no concern for individuals in the Trump administration helping Russia by accident.  This is the low end of the continuum, non criminal.

Collude: “cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others”.  This sure sounds like we are getting close to criminal activity.

Coordinate: “negotiate with others in order to work together effectively” implying, in this case, that the Trump administration was working with Russia toward some nefarious end.  But, “”coordination” does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law”.  The Mueller Report states that coordination requires an agreement – tacit or expressed – between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.  The Mueller Report failed to support the view that the Trump administration came to this level on the continuum.  (The Mueller Report goes on to state “That requires more than the two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other’s actions”.  I think this is a mistake in the report because it states “more than the two parties”.  Coordination typically implies two or more parties.  Two is enough to make coordination!)

Conspire:  To make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.  The Mueller team used this threshold on the continuum to trigger a response that the Trump administration broke the law which they did not reach.

Treason: the action of betraying one’s country, the United States.  There are no reports that the Trump administration approached this level on the continuum.

One definition of treason uses the word “betray’ which has further meaning of “expose one’s country to danger by treacherously by giving information to an enemy.” Think of the number of times Donald Trump had private consultations with the ruler of Russia and no one was allowed to record what took place.

Looking at the above continuum points, I find it impossible not to categorize “collude” as a crime. But, collusion, itself, is not a specific federal crime. The dictionary definition comes close to saying that the Trump administration did commit a crime. The Trump administration did collude with the enemy of the Untied States, Russia, as outlined in the Mueller Report. Russia wants a weak United States and Putin viewed Trump as acting toward that end. Donald Trump received help in getting elected and possibly received more secret benefits from Russia. That should be illegal and a punishment should be handed out to those who participated in those acts..


Posted: May 14, 2019

Cruise To Alaska and Canada Technology Problems

Cruise Line: Princess Cruises
Cruise Ship:
Island Princess
7 Day Alaska – Inside Passage
Cell Phone Service Provider:
Phone: LG-V30
Date: May 1 to May 8, 2019

I do recommend Princess Cruise 7 Day Alaska – Inside Passage.  This blog post only criticizes some external factors that were a surprise to me.

Our cruse ship does offer Internet service for a fee that I think is quite high.  We decided not to pay for that service.

I am a bit of a news and weather interested person.  At home, I check both news and weather frequently.  The trip to Alaska was wonderful in many ways except for receiving news back in the main states and weather around me and for my next destination.  Weather in Alaska can change quickly and it would be nice to plan how to dress for the day before leaving my cabin.

None of my cell phone weather applications would show up to date weather during our stay in Alaska and Canada.  No weather applications worked while in Vancouver Princess Cruises dock, over 4 hours duration at dock.

None of my cell phone news applications would update and store more current news for most of the trip.  Even when arriving at Vancouver and docked better part of a day my news applications failed.

The Weather Underground application would fail to open and update way more frequently than Yahoo Weather even when back home where there is rock solid Internet.

For most of the trip, lousy e-mail into my cell phone. T-Mobile’s coverage map for Alaska and Canada is way less than the main part of the United States but it does show some coverage in places we traveled. Why then this failure?

For some reason, text messages did work at times.  At the end of the trip I traded texts with friends on board ship while in Vancouver.

Odd:  Starbucks cell phone application did work in Vancouver while weather applications failed.

In Vancouver, about a 15 minutes bus drive from boat dock to airport, I got weather application to work but frequent signal dropouts.

At Vancouver Airport Terminal. Weather applications did function.  But, not NEWS!

Our cruse ship TV failed to provide any weather channel. The only option we could find was to watch the BBC because they show the world weather as part of their news but it is a large over view lacking any detail. There was a channel dedicated to the ship’s course on a map including the current outdoor temperature only at the ship’s current location.

The AP News application updated very slowly.  I must keep the application open for AP to receive updates, it seems.  When in the air and no Internet, the full story text is missing.  This application sucks for later reading almost as bad as all the other news applications.  The New York Times would still not updating, a near total waste.

Weather Underground application started showing temperatures for locations but no expanded weather information.

The New York Times cell phone application fails to show last stories but shows white screen.  Once it updated with few days old stories and then removed them for much older stories.  Really weird and stupid.

At the end of our trip and at the Portland Oregon Airport, I was finally able to sync my Fitbit Ionic to my cell phone Fitbit application and then the Ionic now showed the correct time!!!  So for most of the trip, my Fitbit Ionic showed the incorrect time by one hour because we moved into another time zone. Why the Ionic fails to synchronize to the cell phone application time by Bluetooth is really stupid.

Portland Oregon Airport provided good cell phone connectivity.

Note:  The cruse ships are made of thick steel and as such are really shielded from cell tower signals.  The further inside you go into the ship the chance of receiving any cell phone signal is minute.   It is my guess that one may need to go outside those shield confines to increase your chance to get good phone service.  We did, at times, walk on outside decks but it was very, very, cold to do so.

Solution:  Because the weather in Alaska can change and my cell phone weather applications failed me and day trips are away from getting to needed change of clothing, I decided to take along a comfortable, rather small, back pack made by Eagle Creek (no longer made).  It has enough space for a rain jacket or pack able jacket and two side pouches for umbrellas and water bottles and a back pouch for snacks and first aid kit.

Summary: Once home I realized that not much had taken place in the United States for the week we were out of touch with the news. The ship did provide free TV in our rooms with a good selection of news channels. Problem is, I spend so little time in my cabin. I rather read the news in the dinning rooms. As for weather, absolutely no provided information from the ship and my cell phone.  My cell phone, T-Moblie service provider, really was quite awful in Alaska and even in larger cities of Canada, such as Vancouver. It was not until I got into Washington and Oregon that it provided good service.

Global Warming Is The Most Important Threat to Our Country and Our Near Future Existence.

Earth is being destroyed by some of us. Because of the actions or lack of action of a few individuals, global warming will cause close to 8 billion people to die.  Life on planet Earth may die off due to the actions of some humane beings.  Such a horrendous crime against civilization calls for new penalties. A new top legal level needs to be added to our world legal system which is applied to all nations and all people.  The purpose of this change to our legal system is to help the future survival of Earth, if it is not too late.

The people of the United States and the United Nations should consider penalties for those individuals, businesses, corporations and groups participating in the endangerment of the United States and planet Earth to the extent that it is determined that either or both will cease to survive in the future. If it is determined that such activities of those individuals  includes working toward exacerbating climate change to any significant degree, determined by scientists, the following actor activities shall be penalized for those efforts:

Actor Activities:

  • Direct or indirect owner or anyone having any control interest in any business that creates product or activities that enhances endangerment to the future of Earth’s future survival.
  • Any individual who is solely or part of a larger lobby group who’s effort is to impede the efforts of stopping climate change.
  • All politicians and judges who make legal rulings that are found to allow other actors to move their activities forward to damage Earth.
  • Any person’s activity that is deemed meeting the level, set by a ruling body of scientists, of being significant enough to contribute to damaging Earth.

Criminals Defined:

  • Any individual or group that directly or indirectly is involved in harming Earth’s climate to a significant degree determined by scientist and the courts.
  • Any individual that holds control over any other person, agency, business and/or corporation which has significantly contributed in the expected future extinction of any portions of Earth.

Significant penalties shall follow after the courts have made the determination that those individuals have significantly participated in the criminal act shall incur the following penalties.


  • Removal of all current and future assets from those individuals and their value is transferred to the state.
  • Removal of all control including stock price benefits and their value is transferred to the government.
  • Confiscation of all tangible assets including past and future family and business inheritance.
  • Removal of all personal stock sale benefits now and in the future.
  • Seizure of all property owned by the individual.
  • Removal of all personal inheritance and inheritance of any wealth or value component given to family members prior to being charged with this crime in an effort to hide those assets.
  • Seizure of any gifts given to family or friends, prior to being charged with this crime, in an effort to hide those assets.
  • If the activity of individuals reaches a high enough level, determined by the courts with the advice of scientist as to the level of involvement in propelling climate change, either of two penalties will be applied. If a low level of criminal activity, incarceration for life. If the criminal level is high, termination of those people from living by the act of a public execution shall take place.

Twenty percent of all seized assets will go to government administration for this program and the remainder assets will be distributed to agencies working toward stemming climate change.

A Convincing Belief That Figi Water Helps My Knee Pain

About six months ago, I went to my Kaiser doctor complaining of knee pain. My doctor took X-Rays and found mild arthritis.  She prescribed a cream Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel.  You squeeze this like toothpaste on to a plastic scale to help measure the correct dose.  I spread it upon my knees and it was a near perfect solution.  I was amazed that a product applied to the skin could provide such relief.

Totally unrelated in any way to the knee problem was my quest to find a better bottled water.  I did the usual Internet search and a number of web sites offered suggestions.  What convinced me to try Figi water was an Internet story about how NBA players really needed this water because they felt their basketball playing was improved.

The Bottled Water Obsession Taking over NBA Locker Rooms

How can water improve your athletic skills, I asked myself.  Well, I tried it out.  I could not detect any different flavor from the cheaper bottled water I was buying in the super market.

But, over a rather short time, a few weeks maybe, I found that my knees were feeling better, less pain.  Could this be the Fiji water?  I looked at the label and it showed the following:

  • Silica 93mg/L
  • Calcium 18mg/L
  • Magnesium 15mg/L
  • pH  7.7

My Internet research findings really supports the importance of taking silica, calcium and magnesium!  I recommend that you take the time and look for the health benefits of each.  I found the results to be astonishing.

Experiment followed:  I decided to stop applying the diclofenac sodium gel when I looked at it’s side effects.  Since stopping applying the gel, I have not noticed any knee pain increase.  In fact, my knees feel pretty darn normal except I can not put my knees to the ground and then try to stand up without some pain and struggle.

Let me warn you that this water is typically more expensive.  I go to COSTCO to get it cheaper.  I recommend that you shop around for the best price.  There are different water bottle sizes.  I love using the 500 ml because this size bottle fits into our car door side pockets.  This size is also perfect for  taking to the gym.


#1:  Prior to my discovery of Figi water I was prescribed with diclofenac sodium gel for my knee arthritis problem.  Here are the side effects:

“Stop using diclofenac and seek emergency medical attention if you have signs of a heart attack or stroke: chest pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, feeling short of breath.”

Also call your doctor at once if you have:

  • the first sign of any skin rash, no matter how mild;
  • swelling, rapid weight gain;
  • severe headache, blurred vision, pounding in your neck or ears;
  • little or no urination;
  • liver problems–nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain (upper right side), tiredness, itching, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
  • low red blood cells (anemia)pale skin, unusual tiredness, feeling light-headed or short of breath, cold hands and feet; or
  • signs of stomach bleeding–bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds.

Common side effects may include:

  • heartburn, gas, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • headache, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • stuffy nose;
  • itching, increased sweating;
  • increased blood pressure; or
  • skin redness, itching, dryness, scaling, or peeling where the medicine was applied.


I have quit applying diclofenac sodium gel to my knees since using Fiji water.

#2  After, I discovered Figi water, I made the mistake of trying to improve my knee conditions prior to a trip to Alaska.  I was given Kenalog-40 by orthopedic surgery at Kaiser.

Side effects of Kenalog-40 include:

        • allergic reactions,
        • sleep problems (insomnia),
        • mood swings,
        • headache,
        • euphoria,
        • spinning sensation (vertigo),
        • dizziness,
        • nausea,
        • bloating,
        • appetite changes,
        • stomach or side pain,
        • stomach upset,
        • acne,
        • scaling or other skin changes,
        • a wound that is slow to heal,
        • thinning hair,
        • bruising or swelling,
        • sweating more than usual,
        • irregular menstrual periods,
        • redness or pain at the injection site, or
        • weight gain.


My dilemma is that Figi water comes with health enhancements while the pharmacy solutions come with pure scary warnings  that might make one’s health condition worse (see lists above).

Update for using Kenalog-40:  I go to a gym every day and I can only do 100 lbs on a leg press.  The day after receiving Kenalog-4o I was able to go up to 130 lbs with almost no knee pain and 140 lbs the second day!  A down side with Kenalog-40 is uncontrolled  hiccups which lasted two days.  It is not common to have hiccups.  It started just after the injection.

Disclaimer:  The above health situation is singular, in that the test was not scientific.  There was no control group and only one sample, me.  I share this story because it just might help some one else.  Each person is different and your experience might not be the same as mine with this product.  The cost, to see if this works for you, is the cost of buying a pretty good water.  The cost of this water should be higher than the pharmacy approach.

By the way,  I found out that my Kaiser Orthopedic surgery doctor only buys Figi water.  He does not recognize any connection between drinking Figi water and improved health.

I have absolutely no connection to any product listed in this blog piece.  I get no benefit, in any way, from this recommendation except the satisfaction that I just might be successful in helping someone else.


Save the United States.  Buy American products.


The owner of this blog copyrights all content. 2018.

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