Trails End Restaurant, Fort Wilderness, at Disney World, Florida.

Trails End Restaurant, Fort Wilderness, at Disney World, Florida.

Trails End Restaurant, Fort Wilderness, located in Disney World.

Our tour guide, Janice Edwards, took us for breakfast by bus and then boat to a resort for camping to have breakfast at a restaurant, which in her opinion was the best at Disney World for this meal. The restaurant is called Trails End and is one of many that offer buffet type of dining. This buffet was expected to be best for breakfast. Our tour guide said this place, was breakfast only recommended. (That is not to mean that one should avoid this place for the other meals, just that she thinks this place excels for this meal type).

Trails End Restaurant, Fort Wilderness, at Disney World, Florida.

As you approach this resort by boat it is quite obvious that it probably is a campground. The resort was in a forested area. I was struck by how many and how varied the water sport boats lined the docks. The outdoors type people do extend their activities to all forms of outdoor activity and Disney picked up on that for sure. Once off the boat it was a short hike up to a really large lodge type of building located in a forest. We got into and seated at a table quite close to the buffet right away, no wait. A waitress came over quite quickly and took our orders for drinks. The selection of drinks was quite extensive for juices. We ordered coffee, orange juice and tomato juice. The coffee came in a self-serving pot, which I appreciated, and a small cream pitcher. The coffee had a great flavor. I love good coffee and I was thinking of how I could find an excuse to return again later in the week for this brew. The orange juice had pulp and tasted fresh. Here is our review of the food:

Breakfast pizza, you have got to be kidding me. I did not know what to make of this item, a bit shocked, but I decided I had to try one. It was quite good. Funny thing, our two children would not eat the pizza. We had three adults at our table and all three had the pizza but not the children. Well that blew my preconceived idea that the pizza was targeted toward children. The pizza was ok, a bit of a shock to be eating one of these for breakfast.

Corn beef hash had an excellent flavor.
Bacon looked oily. What restaurant dries their bacon? It tasted ok.
Sticky buns, not sure that was the correct name, looked decadent by half and I am one for always going for self indigence items, so I tried one. Quite good, but as is often the case it looked more dangerous than it actually was.
Potatoes were ok. Janice Edwards told us that they are usually better than this.
Banana muffins were very good.
Fruit was offered and I was delighted that prunes were included. For vehicular travel fruit and especially prunes are welcome. All truck drivers should eat prunes.
Grits were on the buffet table but I tried them in the Navy and found no attraction. Grits are sort of like tofu for me; it is what you add that makes it palatable.
Oatmeal was also offered but not sampled. I eat oatmeal at home and when a wonderful buffet is before me I be darn if I will fill up on bland (but healthy) offerings.

The tables were arranged so there was enough space. The interior was log cabin motif. The place was neither crowded nor noisy. The sum of the dining experience was comfort. When I was told that I would have to go outside to find the restrooms, I envisioned an outhouse but was quickly reassured that this was not the case. The restrooms were, clean, and spacious. You could dance in the stalls. In the men’s room is a neat tile picture on the wall showing ten cowboys getting dressed which was mildly amusing.

Conclusion: Once again our tour guide did a very good job of scoping out just the right places to eat at. I totally support Janice Edward’s recommendation, in this case, and we all felt that Trails End Buffet is currently our recommendation for the best breakfast at Disney World, Florida.

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