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Category: Iran

Possible Expectations From Attacks On Saudi Arabia

Possible Expectations From Attacks On Saudi Arabia

Prediction based on past history:

Possible prediction from attacks on the Saudi Arabia oil fields with drones September 14 and 15, 2019:

We should expect that the Untied States to rather quickly get involved in possible attacks against Iran because Saudi Arabia has significant control over the US Congress from the huge payments made to members of Congress and underlying ownership of the US economy. One can easily say that the Saudi Arabia owns a good portion of the US government. Possibly expect United States military to fight and die in the coming months. Iran is not a push over enemy. Iran has significant land mass and military capability as well as secondary hidden assets. Saudi Arabia may expect that the United States to fight this next war to the last American soldier.

Also, why would the United States get involved in a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran?  For what possible reason?  Let these two countries, where the rulers enrich themselves where they suppress freedom and are vastly corrupt, fight each other.

Let us hope that the citizens of both Saudi Arabia and Iran rise up and overthrow their scum sucking political systems and problematic religious influences to form better living standards form of governing that works best for all citizens.


Published September 15, 2019
Updated September 18, 2019

Why Are Iranian Women Treated Unfairly In Iran?

Why Are Iranian Women Treated Unfairly In Iran?


I have spent hours trying to research why Iranian women are not treated as equals to men in their country. The only information I can find is that the Iranian society has always been male dominated. It has been this way and it must remain this way, is the idea I came away with. Just because something has been this way, in the past, does not make it intellectually correct and honorable now. I contend that the Iranian treatment of women has been criminal in the past and is still criminal and I expect it to remain a crime for the future.

Treating women with discrimination is only correct in the minds of ignorant male Iranians for their self serving ego reasons. It seems that this Iranian male problem, with their women, may stem from their insecurity that a women might attain being their equal or, heaven forbid, surpass the attainment of a man’s status.

I thus think Iranian men are afraid of their women, which nicely explains why they must keep them down and in their subordinate place with requirements that each women can not flourish to her potential.

I personally look down upon the ruler’s of Iran for not allowing Iranian women to attain the equality of a man. I look down upon a country that fails the tests of equality.



Posted May 21, 2019
Updated: 12/20/2022
The Murder Of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

The Murder Of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

January 2, 2016 the Saudi Government executed a very prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.  From my research it seems this cleric only offense was verbal opposition to the Saudi government and for this he was killed.   The Saudi Arabia is ruled now by a young “royal” family member who from his behavior should have been put back into a crib.

So if one uses the “wrong” words in Saudi Arabia the punishment is to be killed?  How utterly retarded to the point of being brain dead because words should not meet death in a civilized country but it would seem that Saudi Arabia is an uncivilized nation.  A true civilized concept is to show concern for others but there seems to be a rather broad pattern in the Arab world where this is not practiced.   Bashar Hafez al-Assad, dictator of Syria, is the poster pig for the view that it is my family first and foremost.  A conclusion might be drawn that the current pig in charge of Saudi Arabia appears also to be an unsophisticated idiot.  And what about the lemmings that carried out this despicable act?   They are no better for their blind obedience to a stupid degenerate leader.  I find it amazing that country administrators  will follow such obvious criminal orders.

It is despicable, even criminal that this man would be put to death for voicing his opinion.  But we in the more civilized world have come to expect such barbarian behavior from pig headed Arab amateur leaders who follow the pig like behavior of only looking for self interests first and forever.  They all seem to lack classical virtue, that being to sacrifice one’s personal and private interests for the greater good of the nation.  They think they own the county and appear to give little concern for the real owners – the people.

Iran used the death of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr to try and gain some political capitol.  The similarities shared by the Saudi Arabian and Iranian leadership appears to be strikingly similar. Each separate country leadership demands blind obedience and if you do not comply, you can expect dire consequences such as jail, beatings, torture and death.  It is comical hypocrisy that Iran should take offense to the killing of  Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr as this is a common method typical of almost all Arab leaders to squash any opposition.  The utter lack of government leadership and individual intellect exhibited within the Arab nations is one of the major reasons these nations are so lagging now and into the future.