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Some Ideas For Keeping Your House Cool.

Some Ideas For Keeping Your House Cool.

I wish to share with you some ideas on how to help keep your house stay cool.  These ideas have come from years of trying different actions and techniques.

  • A real important factor that you should try to achieve is to cool your house the best way you can so as to deeply cool the house structure as possible.  Think of these factors:
    • Cool the core portion of your house for as long as possible.  The cooling concept here is time.  It takes a long time to get the behind the walls to cool down.  Once these areas are cool they then act as sources for cooling.  Reasoning behind this method is if it takes a long time to cool the inner walls of your house then those areas should still be cool the next day when the temperature rises.  Those inner walls should be a cooling source!  So, consider start cooling when the outside temperature drops below your current house temperature.  This may be very late afternoon or early evening.  I have a very good inside the house thermometer (NEST), which I can view on my cell phone.  I compare that temperature with a good reliable Internet service provider web site.  I like The Weather Channel as I have found it to be reliable for my location.  Just a suggestion, you might consider buying a good outside thermometer that is WiFi capable so you can double check what The Weather Channel shows.
    • CAUTION:  Do not think you know the outside and inside temperature by how it feels on your body. Use science by looking at a temperature gauge.
      • Open windows when it gets cooler outside than in your house.
      • Close windows when the outside air gets within one degree of the pending outside temperature rising.
    • If you use any kind of window dressing such as sheer curtains, be aware that they will impede the free flow of air.  I do not like sheer curtains covering any window that I might want to open when it is cool outside.  I typically slide the sheer curtains open and closed as I think best.  If y0u think you need to keep a sheer curtain in place to maintain privacy, consider placing one or two ends of the curtains in line with the window opening so that, if there is a breeze, the curtains will be blown out of the way with the breeze or wind.  You will loose privacy when this happens but the curtains flapping back and forth might meet your requirements for some privacy.
  • Please be aware that turning on lights in a room will add heat into that room.  Tungsten light bulbs typically generate more heat than florescent bulbs but florescent bulbs do add some heat, just less than tungsten.  Compact Florescent Lights (CFL) and LED bulbs emit way less heat.  LED bulbs are the coolest because they emit very little heat.  Reference:
  • Another option to consider is to install window awnings where sunlight can pass into a window typically from the south, east and west.  Sun light passing into a window will heat the inside of that room.  I do not yet have these installed but I hope to soon.  A small rather nifty advantage is that you might be able to keep a window open when it rains if it has an awning.  Awnings are reported to increase the value of a home some times.


Posted:  June 19, 2024
Updated: June 20, 2024
Posted by: Score Card

Ambient Weather Station WS2000 Failed To Send Data To A Web Site. SOLVED.!

Ambient Weather Station WS2000 Failed To Send Data To A Web Site. SOLVED.!

I currently have a WS2000 weather station (highly recommend) which sends it’s readings to a terrific desktop terminal and if you want also to a web site.  This whole system functioned perfectly until I decided to install a better WiFi router, Archer AX75 (highly recommend).  I obviously have to reconnect the weather station system to the new router.  The weather display console does show my router and I ask the display to connect but I never see a “Connected” response.  The weather display was located quit a distance from the router but half the distance between router and the weather station device.  I reasoned that the display was picking up the weather station readings.  I wanted the display to work with both router and weather station and should be close to both.  Problem at my home is the router is at one end of the house and the weather station is at the other end of our back yard.  I also removed an old router that was very close to the weather display.  The web site displaying the WS2000 station results were not updating.  What a pain.  It took hours to solve this problem.   I finally went into my iPhone cell phone application for my router called Tether and found QoS (Quality of Service) setting under Tools and added my WS2000 to receive priority connection to the Archer AX75 router.  The router lists all the devices connected.  I found the weather display address behind the plastic hinge allowing the display to stand vertical.  It is this single address that I selected from a long list of devices shown as router clients.


Now when I go to the website where I inserted the the WS2000 weather results, I now see current updates!  

HURRAY!  (What a mysterious pain.)




Posted:  March 14, 2023

Observations For Keeping A House Cool

Observations For Keeping A House Cool

The following list comes from my impressions of what I have tried and think works or not for keeping a house cool.  None of these views are based on exacting research.  This is just my casual observations and thus I can be incredibly wrong or not.  These are some ideas for you to consider.

Local Geography

I live near an ocean coast and thus the water temperature most of the year is much cooler than inland.  Further inland there is a desert and these two geographical bodies sort of come into conflict.  When the sun rises in the East, where the desert is for us, the desert earth warms up causing an updraft because heat raises from barren soil, very little vegetation.  The cooler air over the ocean moves across the land to make up for the rising air deeper inland but heats up the more it travels from ocean inland.  This local air movement is called an ocean breeze.  My house has south facing windows which face this breeze and this is a terrific solution for us to cool our house when the sun goes down.

Temperature Reading Location

I frequently check the outside temperature using thermometers mounted in shady spots, front and back of the house.  The back or north side of the house is enclosed by high cement block walls which stagnates the air a bit from the ocean breeze. The North side of the house also has a pool is almost always 5 degrees hotter than the South side because the water stores the heat for a long time.

I have noticed that the thermometers mounted just outside our north and south windows really are in error.  The pool and stagnate air around it due to the high walls makes for about a 5 degree increase in temperature.

The South side temperature gauge is also a bit wrong because the house and ground near the gauge radiates heat from soil and building.  The whole house acts like a stored heat source for quite some time.  We have a wide driveway on the South side of the house which really stores heat for a long time.  The point I am trying to make is to be aware of your surroundings when placing a temperature gauge and always keep it out of direct sun light.

I have discovered that I must walk more than 20 feet south of the house to gain a more realistic feel for how hot or cold the ambient outside temperature is.   The house and all the cement driveway, sidewalk, stone work planters and any standing water store heat.  The outside temperature is definitely hotter closer to my house.  This became apparent when I checked my cell phone to see if it was cool enough to open the South windows and allow the ocean breeze to flow into the house.  The cell phone weather applications would show for example 76 degrees but the temperature gauge would be close to 80.  When I walked away from my house, the ambient temperature seemed to more closely match the weather application on my cell phone.

Cell Phone and Computer Weather Applications

I am quite annoyed with my cell phone weather applications reporting accurate up to date temperature readings.  I use Yahoo Weather, AccuWeather and The Weather Channel cell phone applications.  Readings can differ between products by as much as 7 degrees.  Readings can lag real time by as much as 15 minutes.  This may depend upon how you set up your cell phone for how quickly it receives updates.  Most applications allow you to force a weather update.  I recommend that you use different methods and try to get a consensus.  I recommend at least two weather applications, look at your outside temperature gauges and you might even walk outside away from your house to “feel” the temperature as a final check.

Air Flow

A very, very, important factor to consider is air flow, direction and intensity.  Almost always our house has a flow from the southern direction and almost no air flow from the North. For this reason, we put fans into the North facing windows to bring the cool outside air into the house in rooms where we get no south to north air flow.  I discovered that rooms with only North facing windows seem to never change inside temperature.   I have to use window fans.  We do not need to put fans in the other half of the house because we have South facing window rooms and if we open the bedroom windows on the South and North side of the hose, the air from the South rooms will flow right through the North bedrooms.  If privacy is an issue and someone closes their bedroom door this whole airflow cycle stops and we resort to window fans.

A real annoying science fact that throws a lot of people off is that a breeze will feel cool but you should never use a breeze to decide when to open windows of a house.  Always depend upon a temperature gauge and not how cool the air feels.  Example: if you are outside and feel a cool breeze and then open the house windows you must realize that that cool air flow typically will not be felt inside the house.  The cooling effect takes place when you receive the breeze upon your body directly.  You may be letting in hot breezy air into a cooler house if you do not follow this advice.  It is way better to look at the outside thermometer first to “see” what the temperature actually is.  Try to use science.  If the thermometer shows a higher temperature outside than inside your house, just park yourself outside the house, in the shade, in a comfortable chair, to enjoy the apparent cooler air flow experience.

A nifty trick is to put a fan in a room to get the internal air to circulate.  We love to use the vertical fans that cycle back and forth.  The room will feel less stuffy and the air flow across your body will provide a cooling effect.

Temperature Difference

Another important factor to consider is temperature difference.  If the outside air is just a few degrees cooler than the inside of our house, I tend to not turn on fans to get that cooler air into the house.  I am way more willing to turn on a fan if the temperature difference is more significant.  By this, I mean that if the inside air temperature match, lets say at 77 degrees and I had the air conditioner on set for 77, I will turn the AC off but not open windows. The reason is outside air close to the coast is typically moist but air inside the house has had the moisture removed by the air conditioning process.  You may reason that there is no reason not to open the windows and shut the AC off at 77 but I think you would be wrong.  Instead, I coast what the AC provided by turning off the AC and keep the windows closed until the outside temperature drops a few degrees more, typically fifteen minutes to a half hour.  Reason?  Moist air will feel hotter.  If I open the windows too soon we feel hotter due to the rise in moisture.


Updated:  3-6-19 because AccuWeather link time out thus removed.