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Category: TV Show

List Of Reasons Why Fox News Is So Bad For Us.

List Of Reasons Why Fox News Is So Bad For Us.

Health Information

“Fox News is leading viewers to take the COVID less seriously, to skip basic public health measures, to avoid vaccines and to greater illnesses and deaths. Fox News talking heads are not just asking questions, they are leading their viewers to their demise.”

Fear Mongering

“Fox’s approach to news dissemination is a particularly potent brand of political theater. The most common tactic the network employs is fear mongering, particularly against black and brown people, with countless stories on migrant caravans and inner city shootings.”

Bias Reporting

Fox News is “practicing biased reporting in favor of the Republican Party, its politicians, and conservative causes, while portraying the Democratic Party in a negative light.”

Misleading Science News

Fox News is “misleading their audience in relation to science, notably climate change.”


Summary:  There are many aspects to become an educated person.  Some items that stands out where Fox News fails cultivating the individual properly are practice respect, humility, tolerance and self-criticism, compassion and unbiased knowledge.

Posted: 8-26-2022

Dexter – Review of the TV show.

Dexter – Review of the TV show.

Members of my fitness trekking class, in a conversation about good TV shows to watch and movies to watch, it came up that the TV show Dexter was excellent viewing. I was able to watch the first episode in the first season and found the production values in almost all categories to be excellent except the main character role. My major complaint is that he portrays being a vigilante and evidently this is acceptable because we are being entertained. I draw the parallel of the Romans using the Coliseum for entertainment by providing murder and spectacle to an audience and the entertainment value is the reason it was accepted and continued to endure. The viewer knows the main Dexter character is killing people. Because the protagonist knows his victims to be killers, this seems acceptable because he works for the police and we are seeing the action from his point of view and he is carrying out his selfish justice. The show is so well done that the entertainment factor and darkness draws us in so people continue to watch. I found the show to be a bit sick because it places the audience in a position of accepting his behavior because we are entertained. How perverse it is when entertainment tramples what should be right. What message is being conveyed to the audience? Do we really know why Rome fell?