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Evaluation of the Republican Party, 2023

Evaluation of the Republican Party, 2023

Note:   This article is not complete and over time more information may be provided because this subject is huge and changing.

  • Republicans seem to fail to appreciate how much better democracy is than any other form of government.  Quite a few are willing to embrace Fascism. 
  • Conservatives seem to lack having a good education because they have some pretty unhinged political beliefs that point back to them making well unreasoned political decisions.

“Highly-educated people increasingly identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.”

  • If Republicans had a good education, they seem to lack the ability to put it to work by organizing what is important and what does not matter much.  History is full of teaching relationships which seem lost with much of the Republican Party.

“Results confirm that conservatives have lower sensitivity than liberals, performing worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods.”

 “American conservatives are more likely than liberals to hold misperceptions.”

  • Conservatives have difficulty accepting anyone who looks different then themselves when measured by looking in the mirror.  Quite a few Republicans live in white only communities and these conservatives do not feel comfortable around anyone who does not look and talk like themselves.  This is one reason for their bias against immigration and minority aid.

“Research has shown that voters who favor Republicans are more likely to hold racial biases against people of color.”

  • The rich have learned how to not pay taxes thus getting more wealthy.  One reason for this is the tax code is somewhat flawed.  Gains from long-term investments, such as from stock sales, are taxed at a lower rate.  The rich then use their wealth to pay politicians for tax lowering favors.  Democrats were the ones who were most interested in a higher tax burden for the wealthy.
  • For some rather stupid reason Republicans think that there should be a smaller role for the federal government.  A huge county like the United States requires a lot of government administration and support for it’s citizens.   Larger government costs more and the wealthy class of Republicans want to pay as little in taxes as possible.  But they utterly fail to realize that every citizen pays taxes (they pay less) and government is in business of serving the needs of all citizens as equally as possible and differentiating some services according to need. 

“According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.”

  • They think government should function for the betterment of the rich class of people and not spend money for the general population by paying for Medicare and Social Security.

Republicans keep asking that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid be funded less or done away with.  Problem is that the citizens of the United States have already paid into those three insurance plans:

Social Security Disability Insurance is a payroll tax-funded federal insurance program of the United States government.

Medicare Insurance is a government national health insurance program in the United States.  Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration. Which means it’s funded by taxpayers.

Medicaid Insurance is a federal and state program that helps with healthcare costs for some people with limited income and resources. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government.



Posted 1-29-2023

2021 US Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Highlights.

2021 US Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Highlights.

Following is a bullet list of main aspects of the bipartisan infrastructure bill.  Please be advised that this list does not go into detail but offers you a quick look at what the government wishes to achieve broadly for it’s citizens.

$110 billion for roads and bridges

$40 billion specifically for the replacement, repair, and rehabilitation of bridges.

There are more than 617,000 bridges across the United States. Currently, 42% of all bridges are at least 50 years old, and 46,154, or 7.5% of the nation’s bridges, are considered structurally deficient, meaning they are in “poor” condition. 

$17.5 billion will go toward other major projects that are too large for standard funding programs.

$1 billion toward reconnecting communities that were divided by transportation projects.

The Reconnecting Communities Initiative aims to create a fund that would help cities and states rectify the damage caused by the hundreds of highways built through minority neighborhoods across the country during the middle of the 20th century.  The bipartisan infrastructure bill cut it by 95 percent.

$11 billion for traffic safety programs.  Safe Streets for All” program to help decrease the number of crashes and deaths associated with roadways and driving, particularly those involving pedestrians and cyclists.

Every year, more than 38,000 Americans die in road crashes, the leading cause of death in the US for people younger than 55. And the past four years for which records exist (2016–19) have been the deadliest for pedestrians since 1990.

$39 billion for public transit.  “repair and upgrade aging infrastructure, modernize bus and rail fleets, make stations accessible to all users, and bring transit service to new communities.”

 Its goal is to fight the vicious cycle wherein the poor quality of facilities, stations, trains, and buses causes delays, creating an unreliable transit experience that leads to declines in ridership. When ridership declines, transit agencies generate less revenue through fares, meaning they lack the funds to take on the repair and maintenance problems that led to decreased ridership in the first place.


$66 billion for railroads.

That will mean better Amtrak service on existing high-traffic routes (relatively speaking) like Portland–Seattle, Richmond–D.C., and Chicago–Milwaukee. It might mean new service in fast-growing regions, like between Charlotte and Atlanta or Atlanta and Nashville.

$22 billion in grants to Amtrak.

$24 billion toward modernizing the Northeast Corridor.  

$12 billion in federal-state partnership grants for intercity rail including high-speed rail.  

$5 billion for rail improvement.

$3 billion to improvements in grade crossing safety.


$7.5 billion for electric vehicle infrastructure.  Creates a nationwide network of chargers for electric vehicles, both along highways and within local communities.

Such a buildout potentially represents more than triple the number of charging stations in the nation at present. According to the U.S. Department of Energy there are currently about 122,000 charging ports—Level 2 and DC fast-charging connectors that could be used to charge EVs simultaneously. That’s at more than 48,000 station locations.

$2.5 billion for zero-emission buses

$2.5 billion for low-emission buses

$2.5 billion for ferries.


$17 billion for ports and $25 billion for airports.  This will help address backlogs for repairs, reduce the level of emissions and congestion near these areas, and help pursue low-carbon and electric technologies.

“Our ports and waterways need repair and reimagination…Modern, resilient, and sustainable port, airport, and freight infrastructure will support U.S. competitiveness by removing bottlenecks and expediting commerce and reduce the environmental impact on neighbouring communities,” 


$50 billion for water infrastructure.  This should make the country’s water infrastructure more resilient against the effects of climate change, such as droughts and floods, and also cyberattacks.

This is a much-needed step forward in addressing our region’s failing water infrastructure that is threatening the health of our communities,”


$55 billion toward clean drinking water by replacing all of the country’s lead pipes and services lines.

When a person swallows or breathes in lead particles, the body stores the toxin in the blood, bones, and tissues, where it accumulates over time. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is no safe level of lead exposure. Lead is particularly harmful to children, causing reduced IQ, language development, and attention span, and increased aggression and impulsivity. In addition, prolonged exposure for both children and adults can damage the brain and nervous system, reduce fertility, and increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and likely even cancer.


$65 billion for the power grid.  This will upgrade the electrical grid, including miles of new transmission lines and investments into clean-energy projects. 

The nation’s aging transmission and distribution system needs a significant overhaul. Recent events show that the U.S. grid is woefully unprepared to handle cyberthreats and extreme weather events like heat waves or winter storms.


$65 billion for broadband Internet.   This will increase needed broadband access across the country by building new infrastructure. It will also support efforts to fund lower cost broadband by “requiring funding recipients to offer a low-cost affordable plan,” and create a permanent program to help low-income households have better access to broadband internet.

The “digital divide” – the persistent U.S. gap between the broadband haves and have-nots – became glaringly obvious during the pandemic as school, work and health care shifted online. Tens of millions either don’t have internet access or, if they do have access to a phone or cable company, can’t afford to pay for it.


$21 billion for environmental remediation.  This expenditure will clean up of brownfield and Superfund sites in communities, as well as capping orphaned gas wells and reclaiming abandoned mines.

$21 billion in funds for environmental remediation, including funds to clean up Superfund and brownfield sites, reclaim abandoned mine land, and cap orphaned gas wells. The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative—a successful program that fights invasive species, cleans up pollution, and protects the Great Lakes for future generations—will receive $1 billion in funding. The bill aims to create jobs in rural communities that have experienced underdevelopment and remediate sites that have historically affected communities of color at higher rates.


This investments will add, on average, about 2 million jobs per year over the coming decade.

Note:  Some politicians claim that this rather large expenditure of money is way too much.  A problem with this viewpoint is comparing this national infrastructure improvement expenditure against what the citizens of this country pay for national defense.   The 2020 national defense expenditure was $778 billion dollars.  The national infrastructure improvement money goes into making the United States a better operational business which we all live for.  We are improving where the people live, the peoples country house.  National defense is the product you think of when you wish to protect the national house.  National defense is similar to buying any home protection plan.  The USA’s importance sort of depends upon the value of the nation’s home.  Not taking care of the United States infrastructure properly, the nation house, may diminish the property value to the  citizens, as we see in many other countries typically led by authoritarian leaders who care about themselves and not the house.   We need to continually conduct home maintenance and upkeep.  National defense expenditures follows, trails, the need to maintain a properly functioning peoples’s house.







Posted:  November 7, 2021
Updated:  November 9, 2021

Empirical Indicator Seems To Reveal Minnesota Politics Has Major Problems

Empirical Indicator Seems To Reveal Minnesota Politics Has Major Problems

One of the major take away lessons from being a sociology major was the concept of “empirical Indicator” which means that some real life items we view in life stand for something else which often times is way more important.  Another aspect for finding an empirical indicator is it frequently stands true for other similar situations.  So, you can often times make a collection of these indicators to carry with you for future encounters.  Often times they help you to look behind the facade of life for a deeper understanding of more important issues.

The use of lethal force upon a black man by multiple police officers, killing him slowly and with way less regard for his existence due to his skin color is an empirical indicator for the obvious bigotry of that police department.  It was multiple officers that killed the man so this indicator stands to be broad, not specific to one person.  This indicator of bigotry in the Minneapolis police department also probably stands for multiple significant other factors such as that government’s alleged endorsement of racial inequality for putting that police force in power and to exist.  You might even examine the possibility that county and state politicians also support this racial inequity in other more distant areas of the state’s operation.

The empirical indicator we come away with in this instance is the killing of person of color who was treated differently.  This incident is the indicator; it reveals what is more important which is a high level of believing, viewing and treating people who are different.  It indicates that there is inequality in this portion of that city’s government.

Taking this empirical view as a possible core take away for the more hidden meaning of bigotry in this one government agency we can then sit back and witness how the politicians react to this event and measure if they get the reality of what is going on.  They do not for these reasons:

  • No mention of reforming the Minneapolis police department.
  • Attacking the protesters for their riotous behavior, which is ok but never a follow up of we need to reform our own government attitudes and operations.
  • Telling the public that all the people who were arrested for rioting came from out of state may be true but is a deliberate diversion of attention away from what is going on.

Using the empirical indicator that we found significant alleged bigotry in the Minneapolis Police Department, we can then use that “fact” as a possible measuring tool.  And, so far, the results are quite awful.  No politician seems to understand the underlying message that the empirical indicator revealed. 


Further Reading:

Violent protests are not the story.  Police violence is.
ACLU Finds Severe Racial Disparities In Low-Level Arrests By Minneapolis Police



Posted May 31, 2020
Updated June 1, 2020

City Electrical Inspection Incident.

City Electrical Inspection Incident.

I am paying to own my own home.  Over time, I have come to realize the deficiencies our house offers  because builder took shortcuts or was stupid.  One issue is that our front hall closet has no light.  When we open the closet we almost need a flashlight to see what is inside.  Why not install a light?  I have tried placing battery wall lights but they did not work out.  The best option is to install a new electrical fixture.  But what if the a hall closet light is left on with the door closed?  Might that cause a fire?  With the new LED lights, there is almost no heat generated that can cause a fire.

I do my own electrical work.  My wife and daughter went on a week’s vacation and I thought it a good time to rectify this particular builder not doing a good enough job of making our home.

From pulling prior city permits, I know that current load is a big deal.  I got a prior permit held up until I showed up with a database listing all the outlets in our house and which phase they used.  You can not just add an electrical outlet and not take into consideration the current load and how balanced the load is on the two 120 volt circuits.  Our house has one 120 volt circuit for all the first floor lights and a second circuit for all the second floor lights, which makes a lot of sense.  I was adding 10.88 watts by using GE, 24 inch LED, 961 lumens (30878 26742), under cabinet light.  I was attaching it to the inside, over the door part of the wall but screwed into the ceiling.

I sent the following e-mail to a friend in our city government:

I called this morning to find out when the city inspector would show up to do my first or rough electrical inspection.  It is just a simple electrical wiring to a switch and then a hall closet light.  I was told the inspector would show up any time after 12 noon.  It took me hours to get things ready for the inspector:

  • I unscrewed a drywall temporary opening under our stairs leading up to the second floor to show the inspector where I tapped off juice from an existing hallway switch.
  • I placed a construction light into the dark room like space to show my electrical work.  You can craw into this enclosed room only with some difficulty and it is pitch black inside.  I had to run a long electrical line to feed our hall light from this point.
  • I opened the hall way switch which now has the new ROMEX wire used to feed the new light and pull the wires out so the inspector could view all the existing and new wires.
  • I placed a light into the hallway closet to properly illuminate the electrical work that I completed.

I went down for a nap at 11am and woke up just before noon.  I went to the front door to find a note saying that the inspector showed up before the time I was told over the phone, at 11:30.  I was at home.  I never heard anyone knock.  No one called to alert me that they arrived.  I quickly called and the lady at  city hall and  tried to get the inspector to come back but his schedule was full and i have to wait until Tuesday for him to come back.

I have a couple of points to make:

  • I was given a window of 5 hours where I was required to say at home and pay attention to anyone arriving.
  • I was given incorrect information as to when the inspector would show up.  This wastes the time for your inspectors and the customer.
  • It takes me time to make the inspection a quick process by providing illumination and opening up spaces.  I now have to go through this process again?

After fuming for about one hour I thought it smart to try communicating to the city and let them know my viewpoint.  I sent an e-mail to the Director of Administrative Services at about 1:22pm, same day:

I called this morning to find out when the city inspector would show up to do my first or rough electrical inspection.  It is just a simple electrical wiring to a switch and then a hall closet light.  I was told the inspector would show up any time after 12 noon.  It took me hours to get things ready for the inspector:
  • I unscrewed a drywall temporary opening under our stairs leading up to the second floor to show the inspector where I tapped off juice from an existing hallway switch.
  • I placed a construction light into the dark room like space to show my electrical work.  You can craw into this enclosed room only with some difficulty and it is pitch black inside.  I had to run a long electrical line to feed our hall light from this point.
  • I opened the hall way switch which now has the new ROMEX wire used to feed the new light and pull the wires out so the inspector could view all the existing and new wires.
  • I placed a light into the hallway closet to properly illuminate the electrical work that I completed.
I have a rare form of blood cancer called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia disease.  I have to take at least two naps a day as I get tired.  I went down for a nap at 11am and woke up just before noon.  I went to the front door to find a note saying that the inspector showed up before the time I was told over the phone, at 11:30.  I was at home.  I never heard anyone knock.  No one called to alert me that they arrived.  I quickly called and the lady at City Hall  and  tried to get the inspector to come back but his schedule was full and I have to wait until Tuesday for him to come back.
I have a couple of points to make:
  • I was given incorrect information as to when the inspector would show up.  This wastes the time for your inspectors and the customer.

  • It takes me time to make the inspection a quick process by providing illumination and opening up spaces.  I now have to go through this process again.

  • You better believe that I have told my friends about this which does not enhance the city’s reputation.

The Director of Administrative Services responded quickly at 2:11 pm, same day with this e-mail:

Hi (Score Card). What is your address?
Thank you.

Then at 3:15pm, same day the Director of Administrative Services sent me this e-mail

The inspector is on his way now.   Thank you.

The city inspector showed up and passed both my rough and final!  I sent this to the Director of Administrative Services at 3:18, same day:

The city inspector just showed up and passed me for BOTH rough and final!  I owe you! What is your favorite drink?  I will buy you a bottle – not kidding.

Then at 4:05, same day, I got this response:

Not me sir.  The Development Services Team jumped right on it.  They are a great staff and wanted to deliver the highest quality service to one of our fine residents!
Thank you for your support over these many years.
Best wishes.

Maybe the reason I got such spectacular response is that I volunteered for the city CERT program and I am a current member of RACES.  The RACES meetings are at city hall and the Director of Administrative Services would sit in, some times, for our meetings.

When you give, you sometimes get.

Left & Right Wing U. S. Politics – Simplified

Left & Right Wing U. S. Politics – Simplified

For analysis to better understand the United States right and left wing political scene, I first propose that there are two types of individuals living in the United States and holding two different social and political outlooks.  These inherent views tends to move some individuals like magnets toward one and not another political party.   In some respects these individuals hold opposite views of the world and this directly effects their political attitudes.  For sake of analysis, let me attribute each different outlook as being in varying degree responsible for the person’s political view.

Let me start this proposal by stating that most children when they are growing up may seem to begin seeing themselves in singular terms.  The child thinks he or she is at the center of the universe and they are in many ways correct in this view when they are young children.  Over time the child may develop a belief that changes from  a self centered me to  more inclusive we, from singular to plural.  When a child is very young it naturally thinks it is the center of the universe because of all the attention they receive and it can really feel this way when family and friends spoil the child and shower praise upon the child.  Over time, this self contentedness is washed off or filed off to a varying degree by life experiences.  Other children may still cling to a more self centered outlook.  The more mature  child may begin to see themselves less as a thread but rather a component of the fabric.

A further, somewhat remarkable, development may take place beyond the us view.  An even more mature individual may realize that they gain pleasure by looking after other people.  Remarkably, these individuals just might act selfishly but do not seem so because they are seen as helping others and they must be altruistic.  This may not be the whole truth.  They may help others so they feel good about themselves.  Also, a lot of times, helping other people are rewarded by thank you statements. Beside the exact motive, looking to help others is the more mature stand to take because it works for the greater good.  The simple reason for this is that these efforts often times come back to reward those who worked for others.  Some times the payback is not direct, sometimes hard to see, and takes time to realize.  This attitude often times pays back to society in making for a more stronger social fabric in that the people involved in this type of society feel more welcome and included.

A good example of this can be seen in economics.  The economy of the United States has a lot going for it. One terrific singular aspect is the free and open market system.  The more people who have money to spend, the more the merchants profit and can pay their workers who in turn can buy more product and the economy spins forward on its own energy.  This is a continuous cycle that is positive.

There is another tactic that seems to derive from a more self centered reward system.  It is based upon a me system where I get more and I do not care if you get less.  Even the poor buy into this if they think there is another group less fortunate that might take away what little they have.  Its like watching crabs in a barrel trying to get out.  Crabs will pull down any that get close to the top of the barrel.

This economic and political system is easy to identify.  It denies higher wages, denies higher taxes, denies social programs, denies environmental protection, denies infrastructure improvements, denies infrastructure repairs, denies social programs denies oversight.  It works to diminish or do away totally with unions.  Often times it disenfranchises voters.  It may even deny free education.  So little money is spent with this system that the economy may stall.  This model typically serves the rich or oligarch class.  This rich class does want money to be spent on police and military to better protect the oligarchs assets and suppress any social uprisings from the have nots.

A me economy that follows a non positive cycle where the masses of people have less to spend and less rewards may stall and diminish the nation.


E-Mail Communicating With U.S. City Council Members May Be Flawed.

E-Mail Communicating With U.S. City Council Members May Be Flawed.

For the first time in my life, I had occasion to send all the city city council members an e-mail (April 2016) in one city.  I then had to send a single city council member in a different city a private e-mail.  I noticed that for the two separate cities, I was not allowed to send an e-mail to the council person of my choice.  Both cities offered a web page e-mail client and I would have to guess where the message is sent to some city clerk first and then distributed to the city council members.   I really do not like this arrangement.  I can think of a number of instances where a citizen might want to inform a particular council member.  I believe that each city council member should publish their own separate e-mail address.


The e-mail to a Placentia City council member sharing the find that someone had substituted a signature for the city attorney, April 5, 2016 agenda, twice, (3c & 3d) got no response back by e-mail or mentioned in the city council meeting.

The e-mail to all of the Fullerton City council members, April 3, 2016, resulted in no response.  I asked them to consider making the Meridian Club a community center.