Two Starbucks Products You Might Want To Try – Double Cooked.

Two Starbucks Products You Might Want To Try – Double Cooked.

It started for me a few years ago when one of the Starbucks Barista’s recommended they double cook the Bacon Egg Bites, which I really enjoy from time to time for breakfast.  The Bites were way better tasting and felt better eating them double cooked.  I recommend that you try this and see for yourself.


Just a few weeks ago one of the Starbucks Baristas mistakenly double cooked my favorite snack, cheese danish.  I was asked if I wanted to try it out and when I did, it was a vast improvement!  I was sold!  The crunchiness and flavor were really improved.



Posted 6-16-2024
Posted by: Score Card





In past years, in the hot summer months, we would place fans in the windows of many of our rooms to blow cool to cold outside air into the rooms.  This year I decided to try a new technique.  This method only works when your immediate geogrpahical area naturally cools down at night so the morning temperatures are very cool.  My early morning temperatures go down to about 60 degrees F.

First, let me explain the layout of the rooms that I am trying to cool.  The bottom list of rooms each has a window and are just a part of the second floor and separated from the rest of the house with a hallway door.  It is only this list of rooms that I have cooled using just one window fan!

  • South large office.  This room faces south toward the ocean and thus has a natural breeze from the ocean.  This room has two windows.
  • East side Bathroom.  Not often but sometimes there is a natural breeze from the east.  Has a medium size window.
  • North west small bedroom.  Almost never any outside air comes naturally into this room.  It has a large sliding glass window.
  • North east small bedroom has a large sliding glass window.
  • Center hallway connecting each room.

I tried out a new idea to see if it would work.  It did!  I was really surprised.

The solution was to put a window fan into the north east bedroom, my bedroom, and blow the air OUT the window!  The reason is to see if this would draw air into the other rooms by suction and thus exit my bedroom.  IT WORKED!

You would think that this window fan would keep me awake.  I ran it at it’s lowest speed and it was quiet.  If I had turned the fan around to direct the airflow toward me, it would be bad.

Apparent disadvantage, but not, with this method.  Because I put the exhaust fan into my bedroom all the air from the other rooms flowed into my room thus keeping my bedroom warmer for a bit longer.  As the outer rooms received outside cool air that air then cycled into my bedroom.  Thus, my bedroom took a bit longer to cool down, after the other rooms did.  I did not find this a problem when sleeping.

NOTE:  This cooling method takes time to achieve results.  Here is a sample of my recording this on my cell phone:

Today was hot, 80 degrees.
The rest of the house is 80 degrees.
My room is 76.
Wife’s bedroom is 80
Fan set to mid speed to make up for late start (normally set to low).
Started cooling process late.
Time: 8:30 opened windows
Wind 3.4
Outside temp 66.0
My room 76
Office 74.5
Bathroom 73.9

Fan now set to low speed.
Time 9:50
Wind 0.8
Outside temp 63.1
My room 73
Office 69.9
Bathroom 72,3

Time 12:46
Wind 0 – 2.0
Outside temp 61.5
My room 71
Office. 67.6
Bathroom 70.0

Time 3;53
Wind. 0.9
Outside temp 61,2
My room. 69
Office. 65.8
Bathroom 68.2

Time 5:12 am. AWAKE
Wind. O –
Outside temp 61.5
My room. 68. (notice that this room is a bit warmer because it is the exhaust room.)
Office. 65.5
Bathroom 67.8


  • You use less power, one fan instead of 3 or more.
  • You use less power running only one fan.
  • I really felt much safer being in the same room with the fan, in case something would go wrong with the fan.

Note that this suction house cooling, worked with just a few rooms.  I have no idea how this might work for your house.



Posted:  6-12-2024

Posted by: Score Card


Recommended Men’s Long Pants.

Recommended Men’s Long Pants.

For years I have been shopping trying to find a near perfect men’s long leg pants. I have been so disappointed over past years not finding a good solution.  I finally found one. It is a Stylus “5 pocket pant”, slim fit at JC Penney.  I was very careful at first, just buying one and trying it out for months.  I just could not find anything wrong.  Then I purchased more.
Here is why I really like these pants:

  • The fit to my body is perfect.  I buy “slim fit”.   These pants fit perfectly.  Make sure you try out the correct fit for your body.
  • The fabric is excellent:
    • Fabric is tight.
    • Fabric is smooth.  I can wear a single pair of these pants for a week and it does not show any indication that they should be laundered!
    • Fabric is light weight.  I never feel these pants tugging any part of my body.
    • I love black color because it is neutral.  Almost all my pants are black.  These pants are a terrific black!
  • I demand at lease 4 pockets.  These pants have 5 pockets!  The 5th pocket is a rather small pocket on the front right side just in front of the main large right pocket.  This “small” pocket is large.  I use is to slide in my car and house keys.   For me, this was just one more positive point.
  • A very common problem with almost every other men’s pants is the top of the pants belt type lock, typically a slit hole on the left top at belt level followed by a large pin on the right side.  Another option is to see the two sides of the pants top snap together.  I refuse to buy the snap fastener because I have seen too many fail.


CAUTION:  I have the impression that JC Penney has no idea that they have a winner, near perfect product.  I can not find this pant in my size in the local stores.  I have to order it to be delivered to a local JC Penney store.

NOTE:  JC Penney has a good return policy.

Stylus 5 Pocket Mens Slim Fit Flat Front Pant


Posted: 6-12-2024
Posted by:  Score Card


Found US quarter coin revealed it’s secret.

Found US quarter coin revealed it’s secret.

While walking along a city sidewalk, very close to the street, I looked down into the street gutter and spotted what looked like a quarter.  I picked it up and was shocked to see one side of the quarter lost part of it’s covering.  I could not believe what I was holding.  I assumed that our US coins are solid, not coated.  My research shows the following:

“US quarters are “clad,” which means they are coated with multiple layers of different metals. The inner core of a quarter is pure copper, and the outer layer is a 75% copper, 25% nickel alloy that has a silver color. The layers of metal help the coin last longer.”

Bottom image is the front picture of the coin.













June 10, 2024
Posted by Score Card



This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Donald Trump

Following is a list of how I felt hearing Thursday May 30, 2024 that Donald trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the New York hush money trial:

  • I totally did not expect the outcome!  I was incredibly surprised!
  • I was really surprised that all 34 counts were voted against Trump.
  • I expected at least one juror to find him not guilty.  I was truly respectful for each juror for coming up with this terrific surprise outcome!
  • I had expected Trump to win acquittal, in total.
  • I was really impressed with the New York trial process.  It is really comforting to see a legal system someplace working in the United States!  In contrast, in my mind, the  U.S. “Supreme” Court is a disaster and it’s participants should be removed!
  • After viewing news reports of his many goose stepping followers using Trump techniques such as listed below that the United States just might be on the road of becoming a diminished Democracy.  Here is my list of scenes that Trump uses to gain some support for himself and also used by his followers, that now proved to not work (thank God):
    • Lies.
    • Fabrications.
    • Embellishments of his accomplishments.
    • Attacking opponents to build a wall to protect himself.
    • Blame others to deflect self incrimination.
    • Promoting fear against minorities which is a typically used tool by terrible politicians to split society apart.
    • Using black or white outcomes (lies) to describe current social situations (some times works in favor of the dictator).  A lot of our life situations lie in the gray area or the in-between.  It is up to each of us to discern the importance of where the truth and facts reside.
    • Trump tried to build a cult like following and to some degree it worked with the stupid.
    • Trump is a real life entertainer who writes his own scripts to enhance himself.


I have not remember how I heard about Taurine vitamin but it seemed to have some attributes that I wanted to try out.

Taurine has a long list of beneficial aspects for the humane body; way more than listed here.  My personal experience was that the listed body changes found in the Internet websites were mostly unnoticeable to me except one – my dreams during night sleep were off the charts!  I have participated in my dreams of major movie like experiences!  Not all my past dreams were good, just most.  Taking Taurine now, for me, is to enjoy some exciting dreams while sleeping at night!    A friend of mine told me that Melatonin is reported to possibly provide vivid dreams.  I had been taking Melatonin for years with no such episodes of vivid dreams until I started taking Taurine.  It just might be the case that taking both Melatonin and Taurine together really makes a change in some people for providing exiting dreams.

NOTE:  This dream enhancement of Taurine is not supported in any other web site that I can find!  

  • Taurine might lower blood pressure but be careful and monitor your pressure!
  • Taking taurine by mouth seems to improve heart function.
  • Helps with sleep.  I did not find this helped me.
  • MOST SURPRISING AND NOT ADVERTISED:  The most shocking result for me taking Taurine is that I have vivid and some times epic and near fantastic dreams.
  • The list of Taurine benefits is way longer than I can list here!  Do be careful that taking it does not diminish our current level of health.



MORE INFORMATION: Taurine: What Is It?


POSTED:  5/25/2024
Updated:  6/1/2024

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