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Fast And Easy Way To Present File Maker Pro Database Into WordPress.

Fast And Easy Way To Present File Maker Pro Database Into WordPress.

I had a customer WordPress web site where I needed to share a File Maker Pro Advanced database.  I wanted the data to appear in the web site.  My Internet search sort of painted a rather dark picture in that I would have to deal with database migration tasks that I was unfamiliar.  Suddenly I found a solution that was quick and rather elegant.  Here are the steps:

  • Take FileMaker Pro database and go to File > Save/Send Records As > PDF.
  • Save the file where you can easily find it.
  • Open your web site and go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Do a search for “PDF Embedder” and install it.
  • While in your web site change to the menu Posts > Add New and make a new post where the database will be shown.  Add a good post header title.  Next put a short paragraph explaining the database into the text portion of the post.
  • After you make a new post, go near the top of the post page and click on “Add Media”.
  • Add Media will show on your computer and then upload the PDF file in your computer.
  • Once the media has completely uploaded into your web site host, then add that PDF to your web page.

Caution:  I could NOT get Safari web browser to display the database (PDF) content.

PDF Embedder has made this process work rather well.