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Reasons To NOT Vote For The Republican Party

Reasons To NOT Vote For The Republican Party

One of the primary, somewhat secret, obligation of the Republican Party is that it functions to enhance the rich class of people, the plutocracy class and not, you, the general population.  

“The main reason Billionaires practice stealth politics, Page says, is that taken collectively, their political preferences do not align with what a majority of Americans want.  Their near total silence on issues like taxes and Social Security is “almost certainly deliberate — probably caused mainly by a desire to avoid offense concerning their unpopular political opinions.” This makes it easier for them to avoid being held accountable.”
(Copied from 
The New York Times Magazine, With ‘Stealth Politics,’ Billionaires Make Sure Their Money Talks, Published April 6, 2022)

There are reasons why anyone might support a political party which works against the people of the United States.  Let me list a few reasons from the viewpoint of a corrupt politician:

  • Vast amounts of money is offered by the plutocrats to help fund a GOP political campaign.
  • Alleged secret payments of money could be made to be an added incentive.
  • The plutocrats most often possess significant political power, other than money, to help their candidate get elected.
  • Plutocracy philosophy can attract some individuals to follow their mission.

There are a lot of factors that result out of this belief system.  For the reasons listed below, do not vote Republican because that political party mainly works for the betterment of the small group of wealthy individuals and they do not care for what is best for the whole American nation.  

The GOP politicians usually receive large donations from their benefactors.  One example is a contrived political action group called the Federalist Society headed by Leonard A. Leo.  

The Supreme Court is a big part of this alleged corruption exemplified with the ruling in Citizens United which allows money that is not recorded, thus secretly used, so as to rig the political system in the favor of the rich.  

The GOP has become a rather despicable self serving party by working to serve the needs of the plutocracy who, most of the times, works against the best interests of the nation.  Here are just some of the examples of it’s corrupt ideology actions:


“The Republican Party opposes government run welfare programs for the poor, believing it encourages laziness and dependence on the government.”


Republican attitude toward some segments of the new American population is that those segments are perceived to be below expected normal standards by some minority of individuals.  

  1. Immigrants and minorities typically have lower financial success because they are newly arrived and it can take a long time for anyone new to this country to achieve parity.  Immigrants often live quite a distance from the middle and upper class which adds to feelings of distance.  
  2. Immigrants and minorities often look a bit different, may speak differently, might dress differently which adds a small perceived factor of fear in the minds of some people.  
  3. Group membership within the broad electorate should not be added to by these new “strange” individuals who do not fit perfectly with what the GOP think their group should look like.  This feeling of not connecting, may lead to opinions of bigotry.
  4. Some GOP individuals may be concerned that “my nation” might change from their perceived current norm.  This change comes about by allowing too many of other type individuals to change the current group image in some way.  A small sense of fear that “my country” will change can promote a belief in bigotry.


The existence of men and women, most of the time, appears to be equal and deemed necessary for the continuation of the humane race.  But women are so different from men in so many ways which can lead to some male sexism, a mild form of bigotry.   It seems that child birth is rather unusual because the birth process is mainly an all women effort and men are just witnesses to the process.  But, for some rather stupid reason, men seem to hold a bigotry belief that they can decide when and how a women can bear a child.  Because a man is a partner with a wife, men do have a voice but for child birth, a husband should realize that he must bow to the needs of his spouse.  Politicians therefore, must allow a women to have an abortion and stay away from this decision process.  Women were created free and should be free to decide their own future.  More Republicans push for abortion bans without rape, incest exceptions.


Republicans feel that white men are supreme to non whites.  This typically comes from fear of anyone not possessing the same skin color as themselves.  Because the United States population mainly has white skin, silliness sets in over any perceived difference from white.

Republicans some times work to minimize the voting power of minorities in an effort to suppress those who it feels do not fit the perceived mold of what is akin to themselves.  This is rather silly because how a person votes is believed to stem from skin color?


Republicans seemingly most important self serving issue is to lower what the wealthy have to pay in taxes.  In part this is because the super wealthy do have to pay a lot of money out of their vast wealth.  This is a huge concern for the wealthy.  Because the plutocracy seems to work hard to take over the United States from being a democracy and move it to being a fascist state, we should gain control over these pending fascists and raise their taxes so they can no longer use money to overturn our form of government.


Republicans believe that there should not be any large government programs such as Social Security and Medicare which helps the general population of  citizens but that such programs should be privatized so that some plutocracy business can make a profit for performing that social program. This is just another example of corporate and plutocracy greed.


Republicans work to rid and diminish the power of unions because unions work for the interests of the workers and not always for the interests of the business owner.  Unions are viewed, by some plutocrats, as working against the interests of the rich.  A good business person should always examine all aspects of their business to maximize profits.  Working against unions should NOT be one of those efforts because the worker is an integral part of any business and is as important as the owners and managers.


Republicans seem to show a disdain for higher education administered at the federal level. 

The GOP reasons that education should be run by each  state not federal administered.  Problem with this is that this avoids a national standard that all education systems must adhere too.  Too many states seem to be corrupted by the GOP, which is why a national standard is necessary.


Health Care

Gun Control

“The share of voters who support stricter gun control laws has reached a new high, with more than two-thirds of Americans backing them, a new Morning Consult/Politico poll finds.”


GOP Attempts To Control State Elections

The pervasive myths of a stolen 2020 presidential election and widespread voter fraud are still dominant in many state legislatures, as Republican policymakers call for more investigations and reshape election administration in a way that could give them a partisan advantage.


Some Concern That Fascism Is Part Of Republican Party 

 The actions of some Republicans allied to former President Donald Trump fit the definition of fascism, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Friday, a day after President Joe Biden said they edged toward “semi-fascism.”



Do not vote for the Republican Party because they work for and support the plutocracy.   Vote GOP is a vote for fascism.  Please save this nation by moving it back toward being a true Democracy again.  Vote for Democratic candidates.  And stay informed.  


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Some States Pay More. Some Get Less.

Some States Pay More. Some Get Less.

There appears to be another stark division between Republican and Democrat states that few people seem to realize or understand.  

The Basics:

  • The amount of money going into the national treasury from each state is NOT equal to the amount of money sent back to each state.
  • The reason is the people living in some states have very high income.  The state these people live in becomes a donor state because the occupants of that state are taxed more because their total yearly income is high.
  • The Democratic states seem to have high income earners, for some reason, and thus are taxed more and more money from that state goes into the national treasury which explains why some states are considered donor states.
  • The money in the national treasury is then withdrawn in uneven portions and given back to each state due to federal programs.
    • Individual Social Security
    • Medicare
    • Highway spending
    • Education
    • Federal wages
    • Federal contracts
  • Each state thus receives a sizable amount of assistance money each year but the amounts vary by state.

“Federal aid is allocated to states for a variety of purposes, primarily to supplement state funding for programs or projects deemed to be of national interest, such as Medicaid payments, education funding assistance, infrastructure assistance, and more. Some federal aid is awarded in the form of competitive grants, while other federal funding is given according to formulas established by law. Formula grants usually incorporate factors like population size, poverty statistics, and state matching dollars for distributing federal aid among states. Competitive grants are awarded on a discretionary basis and are more likely to fluctuate from year to year.”

  • There is not a balance of payments to each state.  What a state pays to the federal treasury and what it gets back is not the same.  Here is a partial list of the results:
    • New York is a big giver.
    • New Jersey is a big giver.
    • Massachusetts is a big giver.
    • Connecticut is a big giver.
    • Kentucky is a big recipient.
    • West Virginia is a big recipient.
    • Mississippi is a big recipient.
    • Alabama is a big recipient.

        Note that the giver states seem to be Democratic while the recipient states appear to be Republican.  




Posted July 13, 2021