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Tag: Net Neutrality

Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Brett Kavanaugh appears to favor the interests of large corporations over the interests of the common man and women. He appears to not support the definition of democracy, the interests of the whole population over the interests of large corporations.  This fact can be found in his decision against net neutrality where he stated that net neutrality regulations were unlawful and infringes on the Internet service providers.

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers treat all data on the Internet equally, and not discriminate or charge differently.

Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

The United States is not a Democracy. Brett Kavanaugh appointment to the “supreme” court would further the United States move away from the rule of all the people.

Posted: September 26, 2018
The Battle For Net Neutrality

The Battle For Net Neutrality

My son, daughter and I are very upset that there is a movement by the FCC and the US Congress to violate Internet neutrality.  My son suggested that I contact the following web site:

I did and found that this website can connect my cell phone to my local House of Representative member, which is Republican Ed Royce.  It is all automated.  Once you enter your home or cell phone number an automated voice prompts you what to do.  They even provide a suggested script for you to use, so have a pen and paper handy.  This process can be continue to the next politician and the next.  You can stop any time.  Problem for me is Ed Royce’s phone never picked up.  My guess is he might not want to receive these calls.  So, let me send the current member of the United States House of Representatives for the 39th District of California my message in this post:

I vigorously support net neutrality which is the reason for this call.  In addition, I despise the FCC individuals that are working for corporate gain at the expense of free and fair Internet access for the businesses and individuals of this country.  I also, loath the US congress members that work, some times secretly, against what is best for the citizens of this country.

How Good Is Your Internet Provider?

How Good Is Your Internet Provider?

Internet Health Test

This test measures whether interconnection points are experiencing problems. It runs speed measurements from your (the test user’s) ISP, across multiple interconnection points, thus detecting any degraded performance.  This test also, over time, will tell you how good or bad your Internet company is performing.

The more data that is gathered from these tests (the more times you and your friends run the test) the more Battle For the Net and other Net Neutrality advocates will be able to identify interconnection congestion, and work to stop your ISP from throttling your access to content and services hosted off of their network.

Updated April 7, 2018