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Tag: PEG tube

Results of surgery, Chylothorax.

Results of surgery, Chylothorax.

May 9th we found out what surgery had determined. There is a duct that takes fatty material from the intestines and moves this fluid up to the heart. Some time this duct ruptures and the fluid does not make it successfully to the heart but dumps into the lungs. This is what happened to Whiskers.  Some cats are prone to this problem. The surgeons would expect to find one duct but Whiskers had multiple ducts which they cut off and evidently went with one passage way. They took some fatty tissue from the abdomen and moved it up into the duct to help mitigate the fluid reaching the lungs in some way; I was never clear as to what that part of the surgery was. They found out that he cat’s heart had a sack around it that constricted the heart. They cut the sack out. They determined that the cat had heart disease also.  When we arrived we were given instructions as to how to administer a shot into the top sholder and multiple medications for the cat. Whiskers had a PEG tube coming out of his stomach where I would send in food and medications.

Whiskers surgery – Peg tube problem 5-15-07

Whiskers surgery – Peg tube problem 5-15-07

This morning I could not get solids through the PEG tube.  I tied at least six times over two hours.  Out of frustration, I called the Critical Care facility and they suggested that I bring the cat in.   Once I arrived they took all the vital signs and found that the cat had lost one pound. They were concerned and gave me 8 cans of Eukanuba Veterinary Diet Maximum – Calorie food.  I was instructed to give 1 and 1/2 cans a day (before it was 2 and 1/2 cans).   I was told to mix about 1/2 cup of water to this new food as it had a runny consistency already.   They did find the PEG tube to be defective.   Whiskers respiration rate was just over 30 per minute.