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Tag: Target

Near Perfect Men’s Pajamas

Near Perfect Men’s Pajamas

For the longest time I have been annoyed with the pajamas I had and I had over five different ones. I put together a short list of features I was looking for on my cell phone to do list application.

No fly
Terrific waist band
Draw string

When went to a store that sold men’s pajamas I would check out their selection. At Target I finally found near perfect pajamas made by Hanesbrands. But, by fortunate mistake, they are not pajamas. It seemed someone at Target put a pair in the sleep wear section and that is how I discovered them.  Here is the formal description for the two pair I purchased:

Men’s Soft Touch Jogger Pants – C9 Champion®

Target Search by: 041-06-1693 (seems a bit thicker fabric for cooler weather.)
Target ?Search by: 041-06-1361 (seems a bit thinner fabric for warmer weather.)
My cost was $29.99 each.  September 2019.

Evaluation: The fabric is very soft. The waist band is near perfect for my 32 inch waist with a medium size so the draw string is not needed most of the time. The waist band is wide which improves it’s comfort upon my waist. The draw string is elastic and does not cut into my belly when tightened. The leg fabric is tapered and elastic around the ankles is so tight the fabric does not ride upward when in bed. I love the two front pockets because when I get out of bed, I slide my phone into one of the pockets. There is a zippered rear pocket which I have yet to use. Because these pants are considered jogger pants, I feel quite comfortable going out side to pick up my newspapers in the morning. In bed, these “pajamas” are near perfect for me.  Also, you could wear these pants to the gym or go out jogging.  Women should consider this option too.

Target Does Stupid

Target Does Stupid

Target had a sale where you buy two games and get one free about the time of Veterans Day 2014.  My daughter reserved one game by putting down $1 and came in a few days later to pick up all three games.  As part of the deal my daughter was given a card that proved that she had one game reserved to be picked up.  The card apparently had a redemption code that allowed the buyer to get a free weapon in one of the games.  Problem is that she had to hand over the card to the sales clerk to get her games when she came in a few days later. This was a big mistake by Target.  She was told that the store needed the cards to track pre orders.  Problem for my daughter is that the card had a scratch off one time code that she needed to gain the game reward  The customer allegedly should have retained the card to activate the code.  It took my daughter some time to realize that she needed the code to activate the reward.  She called the store and a clerk gave her a code over the phone which did not work.  She called the store manager and was told that they threw all the cards away and did not have access to the codes.  The store allegedly did two things wrong. They took the cards that should have been kept by the customer. Second mistake is they threw the cards away, which I frankly do not believe they did.  My guess is they did not want to  go through the verification process of who qualified for a code and come up with a code that works.  My daughter did get an apology from the store manager. My daughter works retail sales and accepted the apology because she sees really bad customer behavior.  I am much older and less wiling to accept stupid for an excuse.

2008 – Family and Friends Holiday Shopping Errors and Problems

2008 – Family and Friends Holiday Shopping Errors and Problems

(Previously posted on News page)

This is a personalized accounting of holiday purchases that did not go so well.  As time goes on and our family and friends encounter any shopping problems, they will be posted here.

  • 11/29/08: Daughter purchased a World of Warcraft Game Card at Target.  The game card pays for 60 days of WOW playing on the Internet, a subscription fee, and sells for $29.99.  The package was sealed properly but when she opened it up – no game card – empty!  We went back to Target to the returns desk and they told us to get another box.  We did but as soon as my daughter picked up the package she noticed the side had been cut.  We took the package back to the return desk and they apologized and this time a store security guard went with us to the shelf and the last package was also had a slit along the side and the card removed.  The guard apologized profusely and told us that this is a problem for the store.  He said they have security cameras that cover all shelving and he will go back into the recorded footage for that shelf and see who stole the cards.  Target had three box contents stolen that day. They did not have any more game card boxes so they gave us our money back.
  • 11/29/08: We love Borders Book Store.  I did not have my discount coupon with me when I was shopping this day, so I showed my cell phone with the e-mail from Borders giving me a 25% discount.  I had checked with a clerk working the help desk before and she said they allow this procedure all the time because customers claim their printers at home do not work for printing out the discount coupon.  The clerk, at check out, confirmed saying that would work but when I got home I noticed that I was not given the discount on a $29.95 book.  I lost $7.49.