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Abortion Subject Explored And Evaluated.

Abortion Subject Explored And Evaluated.

Let’s evaluate the arguments.

A human embryo becomes a fetus at the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, or the 8th week after fertilization. The fetal stage lasts until birth, and during this time, the fetus’s major organs and body systems continue to grow and mature.

According to PubMed, a fetus may become conscious between 30 and 35 weeks after conception, based on EEG readings. However, other sources suggest that consciousness may emerge as early as the first trimester, or at least three to four months into pregnancy.

Babies can show signs of self-awareness as early as four months old, but most infants develop reflective self-awareness between 15 and 18 months of age.

It should stand to reason that choosing to having an abortion might diminish with time for the above reasons.   This strongly supports the view that the decision still is up to the women because if she suffers from some severe medical problem than someone needs to weigh which has the more important reason and possibility for survival.

Positive Elements

  • Better ensures the health of the mother.

Negative Elements

  • Depending upon how developed the embryo has developed.

This Blog:

Each individual women, for a list of important reasons, must have absolute decision to decide whether they can have an abortion. This absolutely extends to every part of their body. No other person should be allowed to impinge in any way upon a woman’s decision as to any medical treatment. A women obviously can listen to a doctor’s advice because some situations may need calculating outcomes.
There is no other acceptable view than to accept the decision of the women! Any political or religious view that conflicts with the women’s decision is obviously suspicious for being stupid, selfish and probably self serving resulting in being dumb!

Why You Should Consider Not Going To A Resort Prior To Christmas

Why You Should Consider Not Going To A Resort Prior To Christmas

Let me share with you a view that I utterly failed to appreciate until it took place.  My wife joined 6 other women for a week long vacation visit to the Disney resort located in Florida.  This vacation took place toward the middle of December.

  • Within Florida, COVID-19 related restrictions have been lifted.
  • There is no requirement to quarantine when traveling to Florida.

Florida is not near the top of a list for vacation destinations that help control and fight COVID.

My wife returned about the middle of December 2022 from her vacation.  A few days later, she tested positive for COVID as well as some of the other women in her group.  It appears that some of the ladies in the group came down with COVID while in Florida.  Because typically a full recovery takes about 10 days, doing the math, this means that my wife needs to stay home and we can not entertain visitors until December 23.  This comes very close to Christmas on December 25.  Another rather shocking result is that my wife gave me COVID.  I tested positive  a few days later after she came home.  I tested the day before she arrived back home and did not have COVID which points a clear finger of blame.  Doing the math and adding 10 days to December 19 means that we have to postpone Christmas until December 29 or maybe even later!  Our family agreed to postpone our celebration of Christmas.  What a shock!  My point in telling you this short story is that you might want to consider NOT taking a vacation at least 10 days or more before any important family get together such as Christmas, birthdays, religious events, etc.  Because, you just might have enough days to recover in time to celebrate such an important day of celebration.

I recommend further actions for you to consider to prepare for coming down with COVID and having to self isolate.

Have enough of the following items that you might use every day at your residence that you can use for the next two weeks or more because, for many people, you should not go out and shop for anything.  Here is a list to consider for items to stock up:

  • Food
  • Snacks
  • Deserts
  • Water and non alcoholic drinks.  Due to having COVID, I needed to drink water all the time so I was glad that I had stocked up with three boxes of Figi water (24 carton 16.9 fl oz).  I will not drink tap water.
  • Pet food.  One option for you to consider if you can not get out to buy animal food is to oder from Chewey.  Their order and delivery service is fast.
  • Animal litter along with animal litter disposable bags.
  • Laundry cleaning items such as soap, conditioner and fabric softener.
  • Covid test kits.
  • Covid medication. (Even though I had COVID, my doctor said it was ok to travel to the hospital pharmacy and pick up COVID medication. I just had to be sure to wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from every person.)

Summary:  I personally am quite upset with the group of women who decided to go on vacation right before Christmas.  Tomorrow, the time I am posting this blog, is Christmas and I will not be celebrating it.  Note that we have two children and they will not celebrate Christmas also because of the mistake the women made in going to Florida Walt Disney World so close to Christmas.


Posted: 12/24/2022

Kaiser May Be Out Of Touch With Recent Alzheimers Research

Kaiser May Be Out Of Touch With Recent Alzheimers Research

My mother suffered for years from having Alzheimers Disease.  The disease is simply awful and I do not want to get it.  I found that taking Viagra (sildenafil) can help protect men from getting this disease.

“Because our findings only establish an association between sildenafil use and reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, we are now planning a mechanistic trial and a phase II randomized clinical trial to test causality and confirm sildenafil’s clinical benefits for Alzheimer’s patients,” Cheng explains.

  But, you need a prescription to take Viagra.  I sent my Kaiser doctor a message asking that I get a prescription.  This is the doctor’s reply:

“I asked our neurologist and he is not aware of any indication for sildenafil (Viagra) use for prevention of alzheimer’s.”

Next I discovered that coffee might help to ward off alzheimers:

Other observational studies have been conducted with healthy volunteers and the results have been mixed. Some have shown a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease, some have shown a protective effect only in women, while others have shown no effect at all.

I am now trying to drink more coffee every day.





Posted:   February 17, 2022

Possible Reason Why Retail Stores Do So Poorly Against The Internet

Possible Reason Why Retail Stores Do So Poorly Against The Internet

It has been long held belief that local retail stores that do poorly is partially due to stocking the wrong product. I much rather shop at a local store than on the Internet for some products, like clothing and shoes. Here is a prime example. As the winter of 2018 and 2019 gets colder I start to reach for my pull over long sleeve shirts that partially button down in the front, typically 3 or 4 buttons. I require a typical shirt collar that lays flat. I do not like knit shirts. I had tossed out about 10 shirts for donations as they no longer pleased me or they showed wear. Here are my results from shopping locally for replacement shirts. I list each store I visited followed by the total shirts I found:

Ross Dress For Less = 0 Brea Calif.  The only Ross Dress For Less that I found amazing was in Santa Barbara – huge selection at great prices.
Nordstrom Rack = 0  Most of their stock is expensive.  Their discount racks did not work for me.  Their selection of varied items was limited.
J.C. Penney = 0  I found no shirts that even came close to what I needed. They did not carry a varied selection.
Kohl’s = 3 separate recent purchases. (they had only one shirt in the store and I liked it and purchased 2 more of different colors, from their web site.  I went back a few days later and found a terrific heavy long sleeve shirt. They only had one so I ordered 2 more from their web site.  A few weeks later, my daughter needed to buy black work pants.  She found those pants at Kohl’s).
Burlington Coat Factory = 5 (They sell overstock clothing like Ross. They sell coats only in the cold season I was told.) I purchased 2 shirts here but I got screwed because one casual shirt needed to be dry cleaned.
Walmart = 0  Selection was simple, typical, uninspiring and very limited styles.
Nordstrom = 1 for over $100 (I did not buy any product here.)
Banana Republic = 0
Macy’s = 2  I had to go to my local Macy’s because their web site showed a pack-able Hawke & Co. men’s vest.  I was so impressed with this vest that I purchased a pack-able coat which I LOVE!.  I have to admit that I almost never shop at Macy’s thinking they are expensive.  I think I will give this store future visits.  Their stock does seem quite varied in styles.

In summary, I did find a lot of shirts that were short sleeve. Excuse me but winter is upon us. I want long sleeve. I found a lot of shirts had partial zippers, which I have too many of and I have no use for. I have found that my knit shirts collars fails to lay flat easily if there is a partial zipper and the I slide the zipper up closer to the head. I much prefer solid fabric and not knit shirts for this reason. I really do think the store buyers for many if not most of these stores, are not doing a very good job of buying what the public wants. I have seen more crap garments hanging on the clothing store racks in my opinion.
So far, Kohl’s is a surprise solution for me.  It seems their buyers offer a more varied selection. 

A new, rather radical, solution for local stores, that also have Internet sales, is to offer items in the store for people to try on but don’t sell the remaining single items in each size unless the item is being deleted from being offered in the future.  While the item is current, do not sell the last small, medium and large sizes but instead offer the customer to see if it fits and if they like it enough to buy it and would pay to have it delivered.  The store could even offer a discount for any delivered item.  This would drastically cut down store inventory but hopefully not sales.   The store could then expand in store product for the customer to try on.  From my experience at Kohl’s, this worked perfectly for me.


Posted Jan 2, 2019.
Updated Jan 24, 2019
Updated March 9, 2019 when links to this failed: pack-able Hawke & Co. men’s vest.  I was so impressed with this vest that I purchased a pack-able coat which I LOVE!.




The Cuts In Education Spending.

The Cuts In Education Spending.

Some of the rust belt states, controlled by Republican governors, have cut the money spent on junior colleges and universities.   The last presidential election really drove home that the rust belt states are struggling.  A lot of people are out of work across the United States.  The prior job base occupations have disappeared for blue collar workers.  The new reality is people may need to be retrained.  The businesses that once populated the rust belt are gone.  More technical skilled workers are required as our economy moves away from a blue collar work force and toward technical skilled jobs.  Current workers in the rust belt may need to be retrained.  To place reeducation out of the economic reach of these workers is simply awful.