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Category: Business

COSTCO Return Policy Is Very Impressive 

COSTCO Return Policy Is Very Impressive 

A long time ago, I came into contact with an older women fitness trainer at a local gym that I attended.  I never use trainers but we had just a few casual conversations at the gym. She specialized in helping the older clients.   I only had a very casual acquaintance with her.  I left the fitness club a long time ago.  About a year ago I met her at the same post office I use and she invited me to join her for coffee at a place across the street.  She then called me whenever she went to the post office to pick up her mail and we would go to the same place for coffee.  I found out that she was homeless but was fortunate enough to be taken in at a home for older women.  I found out that she paid about $6 to have a bus take her to the post office.  I then insisted that I pick her up at her house.   Then I discovered that she was facing problems.  She seemed to have some sort of mental problem, possibly dementia.  She had difficulty hearing.  I frequently had to take louder and repeat myself.  I took her to the store where she would get her hearing aid repaired but her hearing aid never seemed to work properly.  The home where she was allowed to stay evidently had requirements that each women attend periodic doctor appointments.  My friend failed to remember her doctor appointments so her shelter house told her that she was about to be kicked out of the house!  She would be homeless.  I could not believe that they would do this to her.  She has family in Texas and they had a house that her father gave to his children.  Two of her siblings lived in that house and now they invited her to join them.  So it was decided that she should travel back to Texas.  I had to buy her train ticket, accessible coach seat, for her which cost $222.30 .  I was told that she had no luggage for the trip to Austin, Texas.  No one at the house, where she was staying, could tell me what size and shape suitcase she needed.  I went to COSTCO and purchased a Delsey suitcase for $188.55.   I chose COSTCO because they have a very good return policy and it was way too dicey that this lady would end up using this suitcase so I wanted some way to get my money back.   I then went to STAPLES and purchased shipping boxes and a tape gun for $21.45.  When I arrived at the house where she was staying, I was told that no men are allowed in.  I had to park in their driveway where I unloaded the shipping boxes and suitcase.  I asked the women who came out to help me that I wanted the suitcase box to be returned to me along with the suitcase, in case it was not used.  I also requested that the STAPLES shipping materials that was not used to also be returned to me.  A few days later, I drove over to the house to take my friend to the train station.   She was not using the suitcase that I had purchased at COSTCO because that people at the house where she stayed could not figure out how to open the TSA locks from reading the instructions included with the suitcase.  So when I arrived to pick her up, she had a very small, close to the ground, wheeled bag.  The women, at the house, also provided one single cardboard box that needed to be mailed back to her new address.   I drove my friend to the train station where we I purchased an Amtrak ticket to Texas for $222.30.  My wife had given me a bag of green grapes for my friend to take with her which turned out to be a fantastic solution for her getting food and liquid for the whole day trip.  She reported back to me that she never left her seat, on the train, for the whole trip.  She did not go to the dining car.  She only had those green grapes.  Family members picked her up at the train station when she arrived in Texas.  I returned to the home where my friend stayed to pick up the COSTCO luggage and the STAPLES items that were not used.  The ladies at this house also failed to provide the box which the COSTCO luggage was package in.  I had total right knee replacement surgery the very next day after sending my friend on the train to Texas so I was unable to attempt to return the COSTCO luggage for about three weeks.  So weeks later, I finally drove to COSTCO to see if they would reimburse me for buying the luggage.  All I had was a receipt. I was missing the box which the luggage came in.  I was missing the paperwork which the luggage provided and described how to use that piece of luggage.  It took two COSTCO employees to figure out the situation for me.  One employee knew that there was a second piece of luggage inside the large one and they had to test that it was still inside.  They used their fingers to poke through a small zipper opening but could not reach that deep inside.  Then they used a long pencil or pen to poke inside the luggage to see if they hit the inside piece of luggage and finally did hit the hidden luggage inside. Then they shook the whole luggage and felt that there was a second piece of luggage inside to confirm their first finding.  I then was given the full refund for returning this luggage!   I was expecting them to refuse this return.  I was a bit shocked at their wonderful attempts to make me happy for shopping at COSTCO.  I am indebted to their pro customer attitude.  I love shopping at COSTCO and have more reason to do so in the future.

Update:  The homeless women’s family sent me a check for $300 which completely covered my expenses.



Posted: May 2, 2022
Update:  May 3, 2022

My Environment Seems A Bit Weird. Example 1

My Environment Seems A Bit Weird. Example 1


At times I feel that I am living in some weird world probably due to the Covid virus, or maybe not.  Following are some examples. 

Example 1:

I have a stock certificate that proves that I own 15 shares of a particular bank stock.  A different company sent me a letter indicating they will hold the certificate for me at no cost to best protect proof that I own that stock.  I called the bank investment information number and talked to a rather terrific man who confirmed that it was best to not keep the certificate in a desk drawer but put it into a fire proof safe or send the certificate to the company that offers to hold it.  But, he warned me that if the sending process was flawed, I could loose the investment.  He also suggested that I contact my brokerage firm to see if I could hand the certificate over to them in person.  I called my broker that day and was put on hold for 45 minutes before I hung up the phone at 5 pm.  On day two I called the brokerage firm again and this time I had to log in using my account login.  But the login failed to accept my password which I believe I entered accurately.  The cell phone web site allowed my to enter which was weird.  After waiting for someone to come on the line to talk, I decided to drive to the firm’s local office.  I arrive within about 15 minutes, all the while monitoring my cell phone.  The local brokerage firm only allows one person in at a time and someone is already inside talking to a large computer screen.  No other humane being is inside the brokerage firm office except one single customer carrying on a conversation with a person seen on the large computer screen.  Weird.  I have to wait outside the office to allow the person already inside to finish his conversation and leave.  I had to wait about 10 minutes.  Once inside I  told the person seen in the computer screen that I was on hold calling his company and no one answered and looking at my watch it just then showed one hour.  I hung up my phone and then explained that I needed some advice as to how to transfer my stock certificate into their system.  The man in the computer’s answer was to give me another phone number to call.  I then get an email that “Your password was blocked on 1/28/2021 at 5:46 p.m. Eastern time. You can reset your password on our website by visiting Customer Service and selecting “I’m having trouble logging in.””  I find this simply incredible if not profoundly incompetent.



Posted January 29, 2021
Updated February 2, 2021



Information Reporting Web Sites Are Not Recommended Unless You Are Really Careful.


Be careful of web sites that give you information for homes and cars.   They may lead to monthly payments.  Pay particular attention to the cost.  I personally do NOT trust the these web sites because I do not remember agreeing to monthly payments.


I noticed that I had a charge that came up every month that I did not expect. It appeared on my credit card statement as follows: ONLINEHOMECHECKSCOM 866-2037898 UT

When you try to get a report on a property you have TWO options.  Make sure you choose wisely. The option that I though I had selected was one report for $1.  I am sure that is what I selected.  That is NOT what took place.

I was charged $18.95 each month.  I must have tried to find the value of a house at some time in the past but by asking for the value of the house I inadvertently subscribed to their monthly service.  I had to call their number 800-704-9751 to talk to a person who stopped this charge.

Corp Details:
J&C Lee Enterprises LLC
200 W Parrish Ln,
Centerville, UT 84014
United States
Contact Us: 1-866-203-7898

  • I had to call and give the person answering the phone the last 4 digits of my credit card.
  • I then had to give my name.
  • I had to give the e-mail address that I used.
  • I then asked to have the service stopped.



I noticed that I had a charge that came up every month that I did not expect. It appeared on my credit card statement as follows: VINRECORDSUSA.COM 8007049751 DE

  • multiple charges
    236 East Delaware Ave
    Suite 208
    United States

I keep getting charged $24.95 every month.

  • I had to call and give the person answering the phone the last 4 digits of my credit card.
  • I then had to give my name.
  • They had some difficulty finding my account.
  • I then asked to have the service stopped.


My credit card statement shows this entry:  CARDATARECORDS.COM 18007207918 NJ

  • Car Data LLC
  • 49 Park Row, Wallington, NJ 07057
  • Customer Support Phone Number: 1 (800) 720-7918. They do not answer the phone.  Must leave a message.
  • Customer Support Email:
  • Web site:

When they answer the phone they identify themselves as US Vehicle Reports which is rather odd because I have already dealt with US Vehicle Reports as seen above.  Why?



Posted: November 7, 2020
Revised July 10, 2022

Failure Of Amazon Prime

Failure Of Amazon Prime

October 27, 2020, I ordered this book:  SHADOW NETWORK: MEDIA, MONEY, AND THE SECRET HUB OF THE RADICAL RIGHT by Anne Nelson, hard back.  I was under the impression that the book would arrive in just a few days.  October 29, I checked my order to find out that it had not shipped but would arrive November 26!  YIKES!  That is almost a whole month to wait for the book.  I quickly went back to peruse the Internet and made sure that my Google browser had “Shopping” selected followed by “Show only,” “Available nearby”.  Barnes and Noble showed up as having limited stock.  I called the store and they did have the book and told me to refer to their Barnes and Noble web site price which was a few dollars less.  I have a Barnes and Noble card which should also give me a discount.  In every case, up to now, Amazon delivers items I purchase within a few days but not this item.  I am paying more but I really want to read this book.

The Alleged Utter Incompetence Of Some Businesses.

The Alleged Utter Incompetence Of Some Businesses.

October 2020

AAA keeps changing our separate billing that my wife and I have for our separate accounts.  For example, I have a personal umbrella insurance, to only cover me, but all of a sudden my wife appears on the billing for this account.  I was sent a rebate check for an account that my wife was paying for.  They keep changing our billing.

The Week Magazine had me log in with one of my e-mail addresses and then gave me an account number.  I tried to renew the publication and used my e-mail address in the first login field and the account number in the second field.  This did not work. I called customer service and they said to add one or two zero’s before my account number and see if that would work.  It did not.  I decided to select the option that I forgot my password.  I had this company send me the procedures to reset.  I followed those procedures.  I was asked to check my e-mail for the account.  Nothing appeared in my e-mail account or my junk folder.
I then went to this web site:   My login did work using my e-mail and account number.  This process took way too long to complete.

COSTCO  sent me, by snail mail, an offer for receiving a $20 shop card if I signed up for a auto renewal for my account.  The offer described going to  They gave me a Membership Number.   I already had a COSTCO login for my account with them.  When I went to that web site address and logged in there was absolutely NO indication,  no offer, to get a FREE $20 Costco Shop Card.   

POPULAR MECHANICS sent me a snail mail bill showing that I owed $12.00 but if I pay now I get a -$3.00 reduction making my new bill $9.00.  Included in the snail mail envelope was a small flyer “PAY INSTANTLY AT  I do not like making out checks and mailing the payments so I went to their web site address.  At that web site they allow me to pay the full amount but not the three dollar savings.    I decided to call them and wade through their rather long automated phone responses to talk to a liver person.  That person was able to give me the discount.  Why is it that the letter they sent me included a web site for payment card which failed to offer the discount?

BEST GUESS:  It is my best guess that these companies utterly fail to shop their own product.  What I mean by this is they do not seem to take the time to try to put themselves into the role of customer and try to log into their test customer account, view their account, buy their product.

ANOHER ISSUE:   It pains me to spend extra time to get anything completed that goes beyond normal expected time to complete any purchase or resolving any problem.  I do not have time for YOUR company problems.


Posted: October 2, 2020
Updated: October 5, 2020

American Stitch Alleged Flawed Product, In My Opinion

American Stitch Alleged Flawed Product, In My Opinion

You hear people sometimes say “buyer beware”. In my mind, it means buyer can get screwed. It happened to me. It all started when I was shopping in a store that offers coats, and clothing that are over stock at apparent discount price. You can some times get great value and find items that are for the wrong season of the year in a store like this. I was looking for a casual long sleeve, pull over, collar shirt. I found two, one from Levi and the other from American Stitch. American means nothing as the shirt was made in China.  When I washed the two shirts together the American Stitch bled into the Levi shirt.


I checked the care label on the American Stitch and it said dry clean only! I was shocked. The shirt was a casual shirt, not formal. Who in their right mind would make and sell a shirt like this? Why was there not a label on the front of the shirt that shows “Dry Clean Only”?

I went to my local dry cleaner store and the shop owner told me he would charge me $6.27 to dry clean the American Stitch shirt! This is incredibly wrong! I will not keep the American Stitch shirt for obvious reasons. I will get rid of the Levi shirt as it is now damaged. I paid a total of $37.69 for both shirts so I lost that money due to American Stitch selling an alleged AWFUL product. The dry cleaning store owner lectured me that a lot of foreign Internet shirts are not color fast fabric.

I sent the company a complaint letter and here is their reply:

I there, please read the care instructions prior to washing garments.

The care label clearly states this garment must be dry cleaned.

If you washed it in the washing machine, that is likely why you have a problem.

Thank you

My reply:

You totally miss the point. I have never had to read the care label on any casual shirt I buy. Your company is outside the norm, in my opinion. What idiotic company creates a casual shirt that requires dry cleaning? A really stupid product.

I should have added, why sell a casual shirt that requires the owner taking the shirt to a dry cleaner and paying over $6 to get it cleaned?

Summary:  I do NOT recommend American Stitch products.

Posted January 12, 2019
Updated January 14, 2019