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ISIS Believes It Is Working For God

ISIS Believes It Is Working For God

One of the main ISIS beliefs is that it thinks it is working for God.  This is so unbelievably wrong for so many reasons.

First:  If there is a god, he or she must be the most profound uncaring narcissist and scum bag if that entity actually wishes to see individuals tortured, enslaved and killed.

Second:  If there is a god he or she must actually be a bad god much like the devil if that god wants to destroy instead of build and create.

Third: How did god make it known that any person was told to kill another?  How did god tell anyone that a while army should war upon another group?  The answer is that some fecal brain cell cleric some where tells his followers that he knows god’s wishes.  In other words, this cleric is a mental depraved person using his religion to gain control over his flock for personal gain.  This rather succinctly explains how ISIS  “leadership” works.  This also partly explains why countries that practice the separation of church and state do not get screwed up as easily.

Forth: In reality there is no actual god.  But there is the need to believe in god.  There are a whole long list of reasons to believe.  One reason is history.  Religion has been passed down so powerfully that we can not come to challenge its teachings.  Most importantly, religion is a pretty darn good comfort mechanism.  It is rather creative and clever for making us feel better when our life does not go so well.  You believe in some super being to explain everything that we can not explain such as how was the universe created?  We just can not believe that we will die and leave this life because it is so wondrous and we are so into it. We just can not conceive of this all ending for us.  So, the concept of heaven was made up.  We can not accept that we will never see our mother and father when they die so we believe that we will see them again in heaven.  On and on it goes, all made up fairy tails.  I will never challenge any individuals religion because it is a comfort to them. The problem typically arises when any individual believes in a god actually existing so fervently that they will then come under some cleric’s control.  No individual should lick the boots of the cleric or follow that person like a lemming.

ISIS Recruitment Poster

ISIS Recruitment Poster

Come join ISIS.
We offer you excitement.
We offer you a depraved purpose in life.

You qualify if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You were told or you think you have a lower than normal (IQ) intelligence.
  • You do not feel welcome in your current society or community.
  • You cannot find a job.
  • You think you do not have the capabilities to survive and flourish in your current environment.
  • Women reject you.
  • Your friends or family reject you.
  • You are bored with TV, radio, books, computers and seeking a normal career path.
  • You want adventure and activities way outside the norm of civilized society.
  • You want to feel important to someone.
  • You feel lonely.

If you join, you will receive:

  • We will give you a weapon and training how to kill another human being.
  • You will receive the immense satisfaction of ending another person’s life.
  • You should attain a sense of satisfaction that you have participated in obliterating records of past societies.
  • You will make a lot of new friends as stupid as you.
  • You will receive the distinction of being called a terrorist.
  • You will learn how to enjoy depravity activities.
  • We ensure male fighters women slaves while you are alive.  Women who volunteer will not be given male slaves.
  • When you die, you will be a martyr to the cause.  If you are a male, you will be given a number of virgin women if there is an after life.

As required by law, we have to share with you the possible side effects:

  • It is almost a sure thing that you will become anonymous, cease to exist and not be important to anyone except the depraved individuals you associate with.
  • You will probably be severely injured.
  • You will live in fear.
  • You will probably die.
  • Your family might never know how you died or where you were buried.
  • If you do survive the conflict, you will never be able to go back home.
  • If you survive, you will never be able to see your friends or family, from the country you came from, ever again.