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Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

WEBSITE:   American Civil Liberties Union

How Donald Trump’s Election Lies and Other Anti-Voter Policies Will Continue to Impact Our Democracy


BOOK:  The Top 300 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Donald Trump: (even if you are a lifelong Republican)  Amazon Paperback – September 29, 2020

by Greg Geisler (Author)


WEBSITE: Common Cause

Donald Trump Should be Disqualified



Why evangelical Christians should not vote for Trump



POSTED: 7/11/2024
Updated: 7/12/2024

POSTED BY: Score Card

House of Trump, House of Putin by Craig Unger Book Review

House of Trump, House of Putin by Craig Unger Book Review

My life has changed quite a bit from having one knee totally replaced.  My day is full of icing my knee, taking medications, doing leg exercises, meeting with nurses that come to my home almost every day.  I wish to share with you a remarkable part of my life that is totally unexpected that has resulted in this knee replacement.  When I ice my knee every 40 minutes for 20 minutes, I am laying down with the ice application part of the machine attached to my knee.  I decided to use my bluetooth wireless headset and listen to an Audible book.  I had already purchased House of Trump, House of Putin by Craig Unger and decided to listen to that book.  Let me share with you my evaluation.  I really recommend that you listening to the book rather than reading it.  For me, hearing the book places it almost similar to viewing a stage play.  Hearing the book seems to add a deeper dimension, a deeper understanding of the story.  I would never read this book but rather listen to it.  The person reading the book to you, Jason Culp, does such a very good job.  The book’s contents, for me, are utterly shocking.  The book describes the history of Donald Trump and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the Russian Mafia as well as other crime individuals and gangs.  At times the timeline histories are separate but then then meet when the crime characters come together. The list of criminal individuals revealed in the book seems enormous.  What these crime people do is awful and shocking.  In my mind, I keep thinking that most of this is made up because the story line, what these crime bosses do is so unreal.

This book, for me is sort of a hidden history book that explains what is taking place in the sewers of society. 


I have the opinion that there is a level of criminality practiced at such a high political level that the individuals involved seem to have immunity from being held responsible for their crimes.  The word Teflon is sometimes used by other individuals who also share this view.  As a result, I am gaining a view that the United States just might have separate levels of justice for the common person vs the politically connected.  The current United States examples of this possible dual standard are as follows:  

  • The United States Justice Department seemingly reluctant to follow through in prosecuting Donald Trump.
  • The United States Supreme Court being unable to force Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from cases that have ties to Jinni Thomas text messages.

The Russian part of this story portrays vast deep and close to complete social political and legal self serving criminal society that fails to believe and practice any good value system.  It appears to me that the average Russian citizen is utterly complicit with the criminality because they are uncaring, ignorant, integrity deprived.  I get the picture that the common Russian goes about their simple lives with no intent or ability to try to take back Russia from the scum who currently rule their country.

I view this colossal collection of awful criminals as being on a sort of a  continuum a sort of scale of how much scum each person practices .  Putin is the worst of the worst being at the bottom and Donald Trump rides up and down slowly but overall descends closer to hurting society as much as Putin .  Each criminal scum bag has his own methods for being a terrible individual.  A common reason for their behavior is self centered interests, wishes and actions.  I have yet to understand how this type of individual came to being so selfish.

I really recommend this book.  




Posted April 9, 2022

Updated April 12, 2021

Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence

Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence

Opinion Based on Facts.

Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence

The gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world and now from inside the USA,  by US intelligence agencies, may have resulted in a colossal failure that is damaging this country.

These alleged errors may have resulted from always looking outward from the United States for government agencies to investigate.  Not until Donald Trump and actors that seem to surround him, such as Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates has the intelligence situation changes so much, so fast, for the United States.

Trump just may have created a new land bridge between the United States and Russia that the intelligence community are too stupid or timid or are politically influenced to examine.

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials


Robert Mueller’s investigation:

Mueller was instructed to conduct a narrow, fact-based criminal investigation.  The Justice Department directed Mueller to limit his probe to individuals who were reasonably suspected of committing crimes which seemed to shut down any meaningful look into Trump having ties with Russia.  Mueller also failed in these areas:

  • Failed to examine Trump’s past history.
  • Failed to examine Trump’s personal finances.
  • Failed to get hold of and examine Trump’s tax records.
  • Declined to issue a grand-jury subpoena for Trump’s testimony.
  • Excluded from his report, a conclusion that Trump had committed crimes. 

Robert Mueller’s investigation may be seen as a growing perceived failure as the United States is seen splitting apart over lies and truth.

Report: Justice Department Quietly Limited Robert Mueller’s Russia Investigation. 

The Intelligence community should start reading some good books on the subject of Trump’s ties with Russia.  

Here is a list if they are interested:

Peter Strzok, former deputy of the FBI counterintelligence division came out with a book “Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump”.  Strzok argues that Trump is compromised and doing Russia’s bidding.

Journalist Craig Unger, in his book, American Kompromat, sort of outlines when and how Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years.

Less specific books of interest:

RUSSIAN ROULETTE.  The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump

By Michael Isikoff and David Corn

THE ASSAULT ON INTELLIGENCE.  American National Security in an Age of Lies

By Michael V. Hayden


  • Why is it that there are so many concerns by some high level intelligence people that the Russians control Trump? 
  • Why is it that the first impeachment trial of Trump conducted by Mueller was moved away from investigating Trump in more detail?
  • Why is it that now there is a journalist, Craig Unger, in his book, American Kompromat  presents a sort of outlines when and how Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years.

As an alleged result from the apparent intelligence agencies being asleep at the wheel, the United States has slid toward being a backward nation:

1. Out-of-control U.S. fiscal and monetary policies

2. The rise of the police state

3. An inadequate and ineffective health care system

4. A rapidly degrading environment

5. A deteriorating infrastructure.

My point:  If we find, at some point, that Trump was indeed a Russian asset, then it seems there was gross negligence by US intelligence agencies as shown next:  United States Intelligence Community

There should be accountability for individuals and agencies who may have failed the American people.  There should be some drastic action for change in the intelligence agencies such as rectification and possible systemic change that should take place in our intelligence agencies so this alleged screw up does not happen again.

A possible reason that the intelligence agencies may have backed away from revealing a tie between an Republican President and Russia is due to this: The Republican Crime Syndicate Takes Control.




Posted: February 5, 2021
Revised: February 15, 2021

Copy Stores Fail To See An Opportunity.

Copy Stores Fail To See An Opportunity.

On April 18, 2019, a redacted version of the Mueller Report was released to the public. Within hours of the release, downloaded versions were available in .pdf format from a number of sources.  I personally like print.  I like to highlight and make margin notes.  I contacted my local Staples store and found out that each page would cost about 12 cents.  The report has something over 400 pages which comes out to be about $48.  Amazon shows that a book form will be out about April 30th for $9.20.   Any copy store like Staples has a brief window where they could offer to print the book at a really good price. This just might be a clever promotion to get customers into their stores, a loss leader.  Counter to that is that some right wing nuts might find this objectionable.  I tried to use Staples web site to share this view but of course they think they know every subject matter and failed to offer general open communication.

I am now printing out sections of the report using my home printer.

CAUTION:  There are some reports that the Kindle edition is flawed in some way.


Posted April 22, 2019
The United States Is In Decline

The United States Is In Decline

The United States is in a downward trajectory from being an hegemony, sole world power. Currently China may have matched the United States and if not now will soon do so. More important, China will surly surpass the United States in the year 2030. A number of factors have brought this about. To have this explained to you, I recommend three options for you to consider:

  1. Start by listening to this podcast: Alfred McCoy, the author of “Policing America’s Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State”. He joins us to discuss his new book “In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power” and how much Donald Trump’s ignorance and incompetence is accelerating America’s decline and China’s rise, and whether a less powerful, more generous and collaborative America could co-exist in a world without a single hegemon.
  2. Another website, The Intercept, audio is recommended:
  3. Consider buying this book: In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power (Dispatch Books) by Alfred W. McCoy a distinguished historian at the University of Wisconsin.The book is due to come out September 12, 2017.   Wikipedia credentials for Dr. Alfred W. McCoy :


President Trump Is Allegedly Mentally Ill.

President Trump Is Allegedly Mentally Ill.

There is a, soon to be released, book (estimated release date is October 3, 2017) about President Trump’s lack of fitness to be in office.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals Assess a President is a consensus view of two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists that Trump is dangerously mentally ill and that he presents a clear and present danger to the United States.

The book is written by Bandy X. Lee (Author), Robert Jay Lifton (Contributor), Gail Sheehy (Contributor), William J. Doherty (Contributor), Noam Chomsky (Contributor), Judith Lewis Herman M.D. (Contributor), Philip Zimbardo Ph.D. (Contributor), Rosemary Sword (Contributor), Craig Malkin Ph.D. (Contributor), Tony Schwartz (Contributor), Lance Dodes M.D. (Contributor), John D. Gartner Ph.D. (Contributor), Michael J. Tansey Ph.D. (Contributor), David M. Reiss M.D. (Contributor), James A. Herb M.A. Esq. (Contributor), Leonard L. Glass M.D. M.P.H. (Contributor), Henry J. Friedman M.D. (Contributor), James Gilligan M.D. (Contributor), Diane Jhueck L.M.H.C. D.M.H.P. (Contributor), Howard H. Covitz Ph.D. A.B.P.P. (Contributor), Betty P. Teng M.F.A. L.M.S.W. (Contributor), Jennifer Contarino Panning Psy.D. (Contributor), Harper West M.A. L.L.P. (Contributor), Luba Kessler M.D. (Contributor), Steve Wruble M.D. (Contributor), Thomas Singer M.D. (Contributor), Elizabeth Mika M.A. L.C.P.C. (Contributor), Edwin B. Fisher Ph.D. (Contributor), Nanette Gartrell M.D. (Contributor), Dee Mosbacher M.D. Ph.D. (Contributor)

To hear a podcast that promotes both the books and the view that President Trump is allegedly mentally ill, can be found here:

Make sure you carefully listen to the end of this podcast because they bring up some possible, really bad, scenarios:

• A military take over by the generals that Trump has surrounded himself with, to stop Trump from getting to the nuclear codes and start a war.
• Trump might start a war to rally the nation behind him.

The illness, the president allegedly has, is sociopath.  Here are some traits for this affliction (Obtained from

(1) They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything.

(2) They are egotistical to the point of narcissism. They really believe they are set apart from the rest of humanity by some special grace.

(3) They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. Whatever the problem, it is always someone else’s fault.

(4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed.

(5) Genuine religious, moral, or other values play no part in their lives. They have no empathy for others and are capable of violence. Under older psychological terminology, they fall into the category of psychopath or sociopath, but unlike the typical psychopath, their behavior is masked by a superficial social facade.