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Tag: Democracy

Why is the Republican Party going to the far right?

Why is the Republican Party going to the far right?

Why is the Republican Party going to the far right?

It is quite possible that individuals who embrace the current condition of the GOP political party possess some troubling personal personality issues.  Here is a list for you to consider of some factors that a citizen, a politician, fails to properly possess:

  • Some dictators have a good stage presence that attracts followers.  Donald Trump is an example.
  • Low level of compassion for others.  The individual only is concerned with self and not with us.  The individual has a high level of selfishness. 
  • Some individuals have a failure working with other people.  This person thinks their solution for problems is superior because they utterly fail to take the time to consider other peoples’s views, approaches and possibly other peoples better solutions.
      • RESULTS:  This is why some individuals hold lower value for non white people, women, gay, transgender, etc is because looking down on others elevates their own perceived value.  Diminishing others has become their belief system.
  • Some of the above factors puts an individual into a category of citizens who is now attracted to some disturbing groups of people.  This is because extreme social groups might support the flawed individual social beliefs and actions that seem to be mutually favorable such as cult and religion extremism.
  • The political process is a job that requires detecting what needs to be done for all the people to improve their lives.  A politician needs to do a good job analyzing what needs to be done and communicating with constituents the politician’s approach.  This requires that the politician have a conscientious outlook, good communication skills, organization skills and fairly good personal health to be able to put in the time to get the job done correctly.  Being a dictator allows an individual to not perform best for the nation.  A dictator can more easily make decisions that do not require getting anyone else’s permission.  A dictator can take short cuts.  A dictator can make decisions that work for the betterment of his/her rich friends.
  • There is a failure, for some individuals, to understand the distinct differences of a democracy versus a dictatorship that reveal obvious positive results for a whole nation under democratic rule and suppression of benefits under dictatorship for most citizens.
  • Failure to understand how a democracy works for the betterment of all citizens and not the selfish few.  This may help explain why some plutocrats support dictatorship form of government.  They seem to only understand what is best for themselves and/or do not care for what may be best for a whole nation of people.
  • Individuals who rise to the level of vast wealth become members of the plutocracy and can use their vast wealth to pay for self serving political legislation.  These very rich individuals, who have attained vast wealth from very lucrative enterprises, naturally are biased for favoring their industry at the expense of everyone outside their industry.  This typically leads to selfish bias not equality in the political process.  The National Rifle Association is just one example and has resulted in huge number of killings.
  • Every countries population has a moral, ethical and legal responsibility to deliver a business like country that is not a threat to their own citizens or any other country.  Ideally, every country should be honest and good for the betterment of the whole world.  Failure to adhere to this requirement brings shame upon the whole country. 
    Some current examples of this being violated follow:


Why is the Republican Party going to the far right?  That political party seems to have attracted severely flawed politicians and voters who seem to think in terms of self serving interests and not what is best for all.



Posted 4-15-2023

The United States May Be Sliding Into Being A Dictatorship

The United States May Be Sliding Into Being A Dictatorship

The USA is destined to be autocratic according to a number of reputable sources.  Let’s show you a partial list of these predictions:

Warning signs:

How, in the past, have democracies changed into being authoritarian?  Why does this happen?  Let us examine a few past methods used to overthrow a democracy.

Political Radicalization and Social Desperation

Dissatisfied Elites 

Apathetic and Alienated Voters

Methods for creating voter apathy by the United States Republican Party:  

  • 1). Voter suppression.  Currently being done in United States red or heavily Republican states.
  • 2)  Encroachments onto free speech. 


So much of the United States institutions and the voting public have put up with despicable actions from politicians, special interest groups, wealthy donors, mass media outlets, TV hosts, etc.  There has been sort of a collective trend of deplorable actions that has resulted in a gradual shift of general public expected norms away from democratic norms but now a belief that authoritarian  rule might make for a better living environment.  Part of this attraction to authoritarianism is it looks to be way more simple.  Democracy as practiced in the United States can look to be complex and messy and some times ruled by special interests and not for the best interest of the whole public.


Recommended Reading:


Posted June 12, 2022

Manchin And Sinema Possible Intentions

Manchin And Sinema Possible Intentions

There are two current Democrat senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who appear to be trying every avenue to thwart the Biden agenda to vastly improve the planet from climate devastation, improve the crumbling US infrastructure and improve the lives of most citizens.  Why would anyone impede this terrific positive political move forward?  Let me list some possibilities for you to consider: 

#1). Are they working for the plutocracy class to turn the United States into a fascist country by making the Democratic Party look to be a failure?


#2).  Looking at the past actions of Manchin and Sinema, it seems quite clear that both are doing their best to make themselves happy, reward themselves, and not consider  how to do their paid job to better for the whole nation.  It is all about themselves and very little for the people they represent.



“Sinema is clearly still drunk on her own power, and maybe the power of her new best friends in private equity and in Silicon Valley that she now gets to pal around with.”


  • Thumbs down to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
  • Holdout for scrapping the filibuster.
  • Fails to support President Biden’s agenda.

Sinema has received “a big assist from the pharmaceutical and financial industries, whose political action committees and top executives stuffed her coffers in the middle of negotiations on Democrats’ massive infrastructure and social spending bills.” 

Summary:  It is possible that both Manchin and Sinema honest intention is to not work toward moving the United States being a fascist country but it still remains that their possible stupid actions are working toward that end.  In any case, they seem to be working toward their own self interests and not for the whole nation.

Consider What You Can Do:

  • Work toward impeaching both Manchin and Sinema.
  • Do everything to diminish the power of the plutocracy actors and organizations that have supported these two politicians.
  • Consider not doing any business within the geographical area where each senator represents their constituents.   If the voters in Manchin’s and Sinema’s political districts support politicians that work against what is best for the rest of us, then why not stop offering any personal support to people and business within those geographical areas?  Do not stay in hotels and motels in those areas.  Do not buy products that are manufactured or sold in those districts. 
  • If both Manchin and Sinema vote to support President Biden’s Build Back Better plan and it passes Congress then Score Card will remove this post.



Posted October 31, 2021

Political Problems From Child Poverty

Political Problems From Child Poverty

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Child Poverty

It appears that the Republican Party is in the process of rejecting Democracy because the party has failed to gain power through that normal political process.  So now it appears they only seeks to win elections by changing the state primary voting rules to gain power for little purpose other than welding power for their plutocracy backers.  The United States political problems came from vast child poverty.

I plan to try to prove to you that the problem is not just the Republican politicians but also the American public.  I will attempt to prove to you that income inequality leads to poor education for a vast number of our citizens.  Then those under educated citizens might fail to comprehend what is really taking place in the political sphere.

For example, the Republican Party is failing badly for a number of factors:

  • How is it that so many voters fail to recognize that the Republican candidates are now telling lies and still support a failed president?
  • Why do so many Republican politicians support the big lie that Donald Trump was the real winner of the 2020 election?

A possible significant factor is that the public have not received a significant education so they can properly understand the democratic process.  Let’s attempt to present to you some proof of this happening:

The need for civic education in 21st-century schools:

“… limited civic knowledge of the American public, 1 in 4 of whom, according to a 2016 survey led by Annenberg Public Policy Center, are unable to name the three branches of government.”

Let me show you an example of what happens when education really hits rock bottom:

“The greatest defect in the working of democracy lies in the fact that the masses in whom the power is vested are mostly uneducated, in the third world countries. They do not properly compre­hend the political problems of their country and the value of their votes.”

So what exactly causes a lower level of education?

“… every other country that outranks the United States on the PISA test, have in common: lower rates of child poverty.”


These rich countries have high levels of child poverty
Food Insecure

In the chart above, only five countries perform worse than the United States: Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Mexico.

The best and worst performers on child well-being

“Overall, the countries that performed best across the indicators on children’s well-being were the Nordic nations, Germany and Switzerland. At the bottom of the league table were Chile, Bulgaria, Romania, Mexico and the US.”

“… every other country that outranks the United States on the PISA test, have in common: lower rates of child poverty. And poverty is a major factor in how well students perform on the tests.

“October 2020 data analysis by the Center on Poverty & Social Policy (CPSP) at Columbia University monitored monthly poverty estimates, which showed that an additional eight million Americans—including 2.5 million children—have fallen into poverty since May 2020.”

“Socio-economically disadvantaged students across OECD countries are almost three times more likely than advantaged students not to attain the baseline level of proficiency in science,” PISA reported in a 2018 paper.

“A 2013 study by Stanford University researchers found that the U.S. would rank much higher on the PISA test if it weren’t for its higher levels of socioeconomic inequality.”

“It is only possible to understand higher education in the United States in light of the intensified concentration of wealth in the country during the last thirty years. During that time the richest one percent of Americans have come to own more private wealth than the bottom 90 percent; the top ten percent of Americans own 71 percent of all private wealth.”

Summary:  The American public embraced one of the worst presidents in history and many still do follow Donald Trump.  Why?  One possible reason is that a vast number of the American public have been disadvantaged by poverty.  Studies have shown that the United States has one of the highest rates of income inequality.  Individuals and families with low income seem to be getting a poor education as a result.  Studies seem to have proven that students who suffer from having low income do poorly in school.  Doing poor in school then might set the individual up for possibly a less paying job and then: 

“They do not properly compre­hend the political problems of their country and the value of their votes.”

This then results in a lower educated voting population that may  fail to understand the advantages of having a Democracy over having a dictatorship.  There seems to be a current threat that the United States may be shifting away from being a true Democracy.  


Recommended Reading:

Starting Strong 2017.  Key OECD Indicators on Early Childhood Education and Care





Posted:  May 15, 2021
Updated: May 20, 2021


See The Pattern For Turning The U.S.A. From A Democracy To A Plutocracy?

See The Pattern For Turning The U.S.A. From A Democracy To A Plutocracy?

The “Supreme” Court is being stacked with appointments by the oligarch loving Republican Party. “The Republican Party gets much of its money from the extremely rich who stand to benefit from drastic reduction in government regulations and taxes.”

The Federalist Society “has evolved into the de facto gatekeeper for right-of-center lawyers aspiring to government jobs and federal judgeships under Republican presidents.”

The Federalist Society who vetted these right wing “Supreme” Court justices claims to follow the original intent of the U.S. Constitution but the pattern that follows is a disregard for maintaining our former Democracy and sliding it into a plutocracy. This is because the “Supreme” Court now favors business interests over the collective interests of the people.

The Federalist Society has a long list of Supreme Court members and with it expect diminished collective rights:

  • John Glover Roberts Jr.
  • Antonin Gregory Scalia (died)
  • Samuel Anthony Alito Jr.
  • Clarence Thomas
  • Neil Gorsuch

Trumps’ first “Supreme” Court appointment: Neil Gorsuch

Alphonse Maddin was driving a trailer truck in Illinois, January 2009. The outside temperature was 14 degrees below zero. The brakes on his rig failed. He called the company to send out help. He waited in an unheated cab for hours but no help arrived. He unhitched his trailer and drove to safety. The truck company had a rule that any driver who leaves his load unattended gets fired. Mr. Maddin had a choice to make, freeze to death or lose his job. He lost his job as a result of seeking safety. He appealed his firing to the Labor Department. Six judges decided he should not be fired. The only judge who disagreed was Neil Gorsuch.

Trump’s second “Supreme” Court appointment: Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh appears to favor the interests of large corporations over the interests of the common man and women. He appears to not support the definition of democracy, the interests of the whole population over the interests of large corporations.  This fact can be found in his decision against net neutrality where he stated that net neutrality regulations were unlawful and infringes on the Internet service providers.

Notice the pattern from Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh? Both men appear to favor business interests over the common man.

Plutocracy: A plutocracy or plutarchy is a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income.

Democracy:  a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.


Posted September 26, 2018
Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Brett Kavanaugh appears to favor the interests of large corporations over the interests of the common man and women. He appears to not support the definition of democracy, the interests of the whole population over the interests of large corporations.  This fact can be found in his decision against net neutrality where he stated that net neutrality regulations were unlawful and infringes on the Internet service providers.

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers treat all data on the Internet equally, and not discriminate or charge differently.

Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

The United States is not a Democracy. Brett Kavanaugh appointment to the “supreme” court would further the United States move away from the rule of all the people.

Posted: September 26, 2018